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Channelknight Fadran

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  1. Ugh... thirty-four notifs? I'm not going through all those. I'll just click the important ones.

    (I.E: "Mystic Syn commented on Sketches on the Bus, Because Syn Gets Bored Easily.")

    ((I can navigate to the RP subform plenty well by myself, thank you very much))

    But anyways, I'm back! Hi! Just returned from the bestestestestestest days EVER. I guess I have to tell you guys allllllll about them:


    Day One:

    I went to school as usual last Friday, 'cept there was one minor difference: my mom picked me up after rather than having me take the bus.

    We drove to the airport. I was, like, an hour early. That much wasn't super fun.

    Got on the plane. Bear in mind that I hadn't flown in almost ten years at this point, so it was pretty much a novel experience for me. I've got a nasty fear of heights... but it was lotsa fun anyways! I was grinning like a fool at all the turbulence.

    [Cue Fadran staring out the window for an hour and a half]

    I touch down in Salt Lake City. Use the restroom, take a swig... the usual. (SLC airport is BIG. I had to walk, like, fifty miles just to get to the baggage area).

    Guess who's there?



    We go to her house.

    That's right, y'all: I stayed with DramaQueen for a few days.

    And it was AMAZING.

    Kay, but... gotta back up a bit. She's gonna show me to the room I'm staying in (one of her brother's. She has a bunch who're all outta the house by now). It's downstairs in the basement. I'm poppin' down the steps, when suddenly--



    @Vapor @Condensation @AonEne @Hen


    Yeah, for some reason Hentient was there. Just... randomly. Not that I'm complaining.

    (She's tall. And scary. And tall).


    First surprise birthday party WITH SHARDER FRENS!!!! We had pizza and cake and ice cream and I got SO many presents (enough that my suitcase weighed at least fifty times more on the way back). There were hugs and laughs and weird pictures.

    We went and hung out outside, vibin' in the grass and stealing my hats and such. I climbed a tree with Queen.


    I didn't even break my leg, if ya know what I mean.

    After everyone left, Queen and I just cuddled on a hammock for what might've been eternity. It was a little chilly, so we just held each other and looked up at the stars and grinned a lot. 'Twas amazing :wub:

    Day Two:

    Saturday was State Solo and Ensemble (basically just a really fancy "all us singers gotta sing" event). I got to hear lots of folks play the vocal cord--including my lovely Queen (who has the voice of not one but two angels, btw). I met some of her friends, and became pretty chummy with a number of them before we went to leave for the daydate.

    Oh, did I mention that I'd flown out to go to prom with her?

    Yeah, that was the whole idea.

    Day date: Laser tag! As establishments go, it was pretty crummy... but y'know? I shot Queen a few times. So it was worth. And after that we teamed up a bit to shoot someone else! So it was double worth!

    Then we went back home and got dressed. It took me about ten minutes 'cause I was going slow (and for some reason, while I'm perfectly capable of tying a bowtie, it turns out that it's physically impossible for me to use a clip-on??? It's like my piano curse all over again!)... and it took Queen about five years.

    Then she strode downstairs, and...


    So, y'know that old expression, "my jaw hit the floor"? Yeah, that's... that's insufficient. The floor isn't good enough.

    Y'know that other old expression, "one teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh for billion tons"? That means that the surfaces of a neutron star are dense enough to have literally anything float on top: even though they're made of scudding plasma. And that's just the surface: I haven't even mentioned the core.

    All this to say, of course, that my jaw could've sliced through a dozen of those suckers without so much as a scratch.

    Gods, I wish I could show every singe picture I have of her... she was SO GORGEOUS. She had this lovely Disney-like dress and glittery makeup and a tiara and... guys, she looked like a queen.

    My Queen.

    Should I skip the prom itself? Like, what happened there? (It was mostly just a lot of PDA).

    But... so y'all know how I have some nasty anxiety sometimes? Usually dances and such are really triggering because they're so loud and flashy and there's so many people and also nobody likes me so I'm always lonely :(

    Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut for this dance, I had my Queen. I was all worried that I'd freak out and hate all of it and it'd be a horrible time... but with my Queen in my arms, it was just... well, wonderful.

    Amazing :wub:

    Afterparty was at someone's super-rich grandma's house. We all vibed in the hot tub ('cept for some crazy people who decided to yeet themselves into the pool... at midnight. Queen was one of these people... I was not. I do not wish to die).

    Maybe I should mention that I'd forgotten to bring swim trunks, so I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt in the hot tub.

    [Go read the last line of "Percy Jackson: The Battle of the Labrynth."]

    Day Three:

    Alas, all good things must come to a close. After going to church with Queen's family and hanging out for a few more hours after that, I had to finally pack up and leave. Her dad was driving, so we cuddled in the back seat for the last minutes we had together. Then I got up to leave and we hugged one last time and...

    Guys, it was wonderful.

    It was just wonderful.

    I cried at the airport terminal. I miss her so much.

    Thanks, all, for giving me this wonderful community... and thanks, all, for giving me the chance to meet the most wonderful lass the entire world could ever offer. 


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Frustration


      That's awesome you two!

      Where are you guys organising these things and how do I get invited? Everyone keeps having these get togethers, I need to find one I can go to.

      Also I have no idea what you guys are talking about Salt Lake City Airport is tiny, I run 10 times that distance for fun.

      Also Fadran I've been thinking about this for a while, but with your anxiety attacks have you tried using weighted blankets? I got one a while ago and I love it, really calms you down, it's amazing.

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      I do have a weighted blanket! An absolute chad, it is.

      And you're goin' to college soon, yeah? Any clue where?

    4. Hen



      apparently I'm tall. And scary. 5 year old me would be proud. 

      I'm glad I could meet you AND everyone else who was there it was pretty much the coolest thing ever, HAPPY (very extremally late) BIRTHDAY FADRAN!!! 

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