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Channelknight Fadran

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    Is this why I'm so depressed? Why the scud should I bother working away at something like a novel if literally everybody I know cannot show at least an ounce of appreciation for it??? My 'friend' just said yesterday that if it's a book it's bad, and my brother just decided after reading, like, three chapters of Way of Kings that it was 'too long' and 'boring.'

    XZVCMcsaadsknldfslaknmdvsbkjlskjlcx vkjl;sadkml;cxvlknmdsaf !!!!!!!!!

    Guys I don't think I'm okay. Like, for the love of Eru Iluvitar I need help.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Condensation


      Fadran, if you can just wait until like August 7 or something like that, you'll have someone to play it with.

      Also, people don't appreciate books. That's their choice. It just gives us a secret club that they don't want to join since they don't know how freaking awesome it is.

    3. Tesh


      Mmmm I can relate to all of this.

      And I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to reading much of The Iconar Collective yet. I... really need to do that. I'm just horrible at reading things people send me... and that's my own dang fault.

      And about The Way of Kings... I just don't know. I read it in sixth grade and all but instantly fell in love. If you ever want to discuss the brilliance of any Cosmere book, I'd be more than happy to oblige. And I am trying to get more people to read this stuff, but it just isn't working very well. 

      And even just a general unapreciation for books... I will say that it's incredibly rude to dismiss things like that so casually. Not for the reader's sake, but for the authors. It's basically just saying that this thing they poured themselves into is meaningless. Books aren't for everyone. However, I do believe that there is a book for everyone. But whether or not a person is willing to look is up to them. 

      *all the hugs*

      I can especially relate to the book thing... When I'm going through the height of a special interest, I try to get everyone into the thing I'm into, and it really hurts when no one else cares about this thing that, in the moment, makes up everything I care about.

      *even more hugs*

    4. Flaming Coinshot

      Flaming Coinshot

      I have forced encouraged my brother to start reading some Sanderson, but he's not as much of a nerd as me. On the other hand, none of my friends are either so I unfortunately know how you feel. 

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