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  1. Not a drawing but tried to replicate the same scene in UE4.
  2. Mayhaps Windrunners including members of Bridge Four and Phendorana?
  3. Yeah something weird is happening here. Brandon is specifically bringing this up.
  4. I'm not sure if the timeline/plot works but it would be interesting if Lift lost her mother in Rathalas. She seems to sympathize with Nale's predicament. If the plot allows for it, I would like Brandon to have at least one of the main characters not sympathize with Dalinar and maybe go as far as choosing to not follow him.
  5. Thanks for posting this. I'm in the same boat. With some people in real life trying to paint history's greatest monsters in a more sympathetic light this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But as others have pointed out, the crux of the issue lies with one's personal belief system including their religious beliefs.
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