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  1. I imagine that a heater and an air conditioner to both be replaced with a mechanical Brassmind.
  2. I wouldn’t call that a confirmation, it was extremely vague. I based this on the fact that Feruchemy is a mix of Preservation and Ruin, if you were to alloy Lerasium and Atium you won’t become a Hemalurgist, anyone can do Hemalurgy if they know how.
  3. One of the theories surrounding Lerasium, that when it’s alloyed with another God Metal, they created a new Metallic Art. A mix of Preservation and another Shard, similar to Feruchemy. How do you believe these new Metallic Arts would function? Not what individual powers they grant, but how they use the metals. Preservation/Endowment: The user can Invest a metal with a power, which power depends on the type of metal they Invested. They then gift this metal to another individual for them to use, since the Invested person cannot use the metal themselves once Invested, because the Identity inside the metal locks them out. However if the user is also a Feruchemist, they can blank their Identity while Investing a metal they can then use the power within. If they practice the other Metallic Arts, they can Invest the metal with abilities from those Arts( Mental Speed, Steelpushing).
  4. We remember the scene where Vin swallowed Sazed’s Metalmind and nothing happened. Because the Identity in the Metalmind didn’t match Vin’s. But what if Sazed had access to aluminum and blanked his Identity while Filling the Metalmind? We know that only people with the relevant Feruchemical ability can extract the power from an Unkeyed Metalmind(Ex. Wayne using an Unkeyed Goldmind). But could a Mistborn, or any Allomancer with the matching metal, gain something from it?
  5. Adolin summoned his Shardblade in 7 heartbeats because he formed a closer bond with her and learned her name.
  6. Brandon said that Seekers can only sense kinetic Investiture, but what about spren? Being creatures of pure Investiture, would it be easier to sense them than inactive Investiture in a human?
  7. If you’re already a Thug sure, but this is for people who don’t have access to pewter.
  8. Elend: I’m a Mistborn. Straff: Hi Mistborn, I’m dad. How are spren children made? By spren donors.
  9. It doesn’t have to be, this is Scadrial not Roshar. Shardblades are a non-issue for now.
  10. My point still stands. We use Ettmetal to power the Shardplate.
  11. The cube doesn’t, you need someone to power it but it emits the power on its own. You can create a suit using the same material as the cube and it should work. We can use the medallions to hold power and the suits to use them. Allegedly. We still don’t know a lot about this type of technology, hopefully we can get answers from the next book.
  12. Using F-Iron and A-Pewter medallions instead of gemstones, could it be possible to create a Scadrial equivalent to shardplate? With the limited knowledge we have about Allomantic technology, the medallions and the cube, it seems theoretically possible.
  13. Mistborn was the first series I’ve read, so Vin will always occupy a special place in my heart. As an atheist, Jasnah Kholin is most definitely a favorite of mine, she’s just so awesome. I hope she gets more POV chapters.
  14. Hello, I'm Adolfo José and I just finished reading all of the current Cosmere books with having just finished Oathbringer today, an hour before my birthday. I'm really looking forward to being here.
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