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Everything posted by Quazzi

  1. My apologies. I edited it and it should be spoiler free.
  2. I am leaning toward his crush being Rlain. Just a theory with no real proof but I’m shipping them
  3. Right and he also said he had failed which makes me believe he did break. Taln could possibly not remember with his condition so maybe he just assumed he broke since he is back on Roshar but from the WOK epilogue it would indicate Taln did break.
  4. I’m currently a little over 500 pages in and loving it. Much faster pace then the actual WOK and different enough it doesn’t feel like WOK at all really.
  5. Nice!! I love hearing people’s reactions after a first read so I will definitely watch after I get off work.
  6. While I have no proof I always wondered if the Ghostbloods were the ones who actually sent Helaran and that it wasn’t the Skybreakers who sent him after Amaram. It seems much more like something they would do and also Amaram suspect’s Thaidakar. Maybe Helaran was both a Skybreaker initiate and a member of the Ghostbloods. We do hear Mraize tell Shallan her being a radiant doesn’t mean she can’t join them.
  7. I found this interesting too but nothing to indicate a third shard. Maybe because Ruin and Preservation created the planet together is why feruchemy exist being a even mix. That’s my head cannon
  8. Gavilar was playing his own game and his membership with the Sons of Honor was a means to a end. Amaram is until WOR completely unaware of the heralds presence on Roshar but from the ROW prologue reading it seems Gavilar is well aware of who Nale and most likely Kalak is. So either Amaram was out of the loop or Gavilar wasn’t too loyal to the SOH. I think the visions he received from the Stormfather made him start asking questions and that is how he found the SOH.
  9. @FrustrationActually I might have been mistaken about it being Ulim. The listener Klade claimed he was lead to Szeth by a voice who speaks to the rhythms so it could have been Ulim but no confirmation.
  10. I think it is important that Ulim a spren of Odium lead the listeners to Szeth which I take to mean Odium wanted Gavilar eliminated even though Gavilar is trying to bring back the listeners gods which is what Odium wants. So whatever Gavilar’s gameplan was I have to think it would have been bad for Odium otherwise why set up his death?
  11. True and that mixed with her respect and admiration for him that we saw in AWOK I’m very interested to see how she reacts. Also we know she is aware their must be a traitor in the coalition so Taravangian will need to step very carefully moving forward.
  12. Whew can’t wait to see how Jasnah takes the news.
  13. I’m more curious how he is going to explain the murder rooms. Szeth saw these at the end of TWOK and I would expect Dalinar to question Szeth throughly about Taravangian. Can’t wait to see the fallout and what happens
  14. Yes, I was thinking along the same lines. Much like the Stormfather tells Dalinar he doesn’t see everything while riding the storm.
  15. Awesome hadn’t seen that one. Thanks for letting me know.
  16. Are Kaladin’s depressive episodes he experiences connected to or caused by the influence of one of the Unmade?
  17. Agreed. With a Radiants’ plate and blade being so invested a Mistborn would have trouble with push and pulls plus as we know a shardblade is basically a one hit kill. Do we have any wob’s on if plate would have any protection from emotional Allomancy? That could possibly be a way a Mistborn might be able to get the upper hand on a Radiant.
  18. Was Nohadon a Bondsmith bonded to the Stormfather?
  19. Pretty sure Harmony tells Wax to lay off giving Marasi a hard time that he, Wax, isn’t the only person doing his work.
  20. This might have been my favorite foreshadowing in Stormlight . A great example is when Renarin is telling Kaladin how weird horses are and how they don’t fit on Roshar in I believe Wor maybe ob. Brandon basically giving you exactly what you need to realize wait humans don’t really fit with other Rosharan life either. Great job of hiding something in plain sight with what seems like a throwaway conversation between characters
  21. Yea, another good one. I don’t think I have ever read another author who used chapter titles foreshadowing the way Brandon does.
  22. I still can’t get over twok chapter 2 title: Honor is Dead.
  23. Honestly been a while since I read bands so I don’t remember everything he told the southerners. I know he didn’t lie about everything as I think Allik mentioned to wax and company that their sovereign was their people’s God before becoming his people’s God which is true. Guess I was just making the point Kelsier is definitely arrogant enough to use his own body even if did get a body by spiking a miswraith and had the option to use another. You could be right though and he is trying to hide his identity. Hopefully some of this will get answered in Lost Metals but could have to wait to Era 3 to find out what Kelsier’s motivation is.
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