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  1. Mine were close, my other one was Truthwatcher, with Skybreaker as 4 percents varied from yours though. I tied the top with Windrunner and Truthwatcher
  2. I’m not sure what to ‘vote’ for, as I tied at 69% with Truthwatcher and Windrunner
  3. I tied: Truthwatcher and Windrunner both at 69% Edgedancer at 65% Skybreaker at 62% I love how we now have more ideas on the other orders
  4. I don’t think it worked quite like that. I’ll base my argument that Nale took a long time to accept the Skybreakers at all. They were a fully functioning order before he came around to them.
  5. I love this map, and the way you’ve marked it up. I have wondered about the second spren. The description in Oathbringer made it seem very similar to the Inkspren. Almost like a white version of it. “One mother-of-pearl, the other black with a variegated oily shimmer.” Your guess is as good as mine. What jumped out at me is that Urithiru doesn’t fall exactly at the convergence. Either the map isn’t 100% accurate, or that’s an interesting occurrence
  6. I love this map, and the way you’ve marked it up. I have wondered about the second spren. The description in Oathbringer made it seem very similar to the Inkspren. Almost like a white version of it. “One mother-of-pearl, the other black with a variegated oily shimmer.” Your guess is as good as mine. What jumped out at me is that Urithiru doesn’t fall exactly at the convergence. Either the map isn’t 100% accurate, or that’s an interesting occurrence
  7. Brutally honest answer: No idea. You could be right, I suspect partially right. The giant question mark is at the heart of your theory, “How does Voidbinding work?”. We really don’t know yet, in fact have only really gotten to see Voidbinding on a superficial layer. Until we see under the hood, as we have with Surgebinding (yes, there’s more to learn), we can’t be certain of any of it. For example, what is the source of Voidlight? I can’t find where you cover this, and I don’t think you do. Sure maybe BAM can supply Voidlight to squires a la the way Surgebinders can, but where does BAM get Voidlight? The ‘Voidstorm’ is new. Yes, that’s not it’s name, but it illustrates the point. The Everstorm can not have been the source for the Desolations. My initial response to all this is that it’s going to be a long nine months of waiting for Rhythm. We need more information, and if Oathbringer is any kind of indication, we are in for a doozy of a book. Can’t hardly wait.
  8. I agree entirely. Two things in particular that people don’t seem to keep track of. 1) They are the most numerous, and martial, Order (except for the Stonewards on the martial side, I think) and constitute a major part of the ‘Army’ of the Knights. 2) They would be leading armies of non-Knights, much like Kal does in Kholinar
  9. I really like your description of this, thanks for putting it together
  10. I agree. When we very first heard about the three storylines, Aimia was briefly thrown around as an idea (including by myself) but also quickly discarded. Not that this proves that Aimia will be a focus of Rhythm, but shows that it’s more important than we realized Another potential implication of this decision, I think, is that Rock could very well be a Bondsmith. I had him pegged more on the Stoneward side, but his story being saved for the spot that was a Bondsmith book makes me think that’s likely For what it’s worth, I think that there will be some serious Bondsmithing in Book 5, just like we got a major look under the hood of the Skybreakers in Oathbringer
  11. He made a comment in the replies about Rock’s story: ”It would still need to be written. There wasn't room for it in book four, and it wouldn't really fit thematically anyway. If I don't manage to do it as a novella between four and five, I think I can make it fit in five thematically, so we'll put it there” Edit: I really wanted Rock’s story in the Horneater peaks. I respect his decision, but I’ll miss it
  12. If you’re on mobile it’s hard to find. Otherwise it shows right up. You can always look on Reddit in r/stormlightarchive They keep track as well
  13. I agree with you quite a bit. I think we can point to the text of Oathbringer, though, where Dalinar is in Thaylen and ‘heals’ the temple He has a time limit, before the stones begin to view themselves as separate, as opposed to part of the whole Similarly, some people begin to accept certain wounds as parts of themselves. Kaladin and his brands, for instance If Rysn still hasn’t accepted her inability to walk as part of herself, it seems like she could be healed I am rather partial to her becoming a Willshaper. She seems perfect for it to me
  14. He may do this, but I am a little partial to a different theory (this one isn’t nice for Kaladin) where Lirin doesn’t make it out of Hearthstone Basically, Kaladin takes the 4th, and saves the Mink and his mother and little brother, but the one he isn’t able to save is Lirin We’ll see, I could be wrong. But, I’m guessing him taking the 4th ideal is going to be a traumatic experience however it happens
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