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About SaphicColours

  • Birthday 10/15/1992

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  • Member Title
    Saphic Synesthete
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Cooking for my wife
    Tabletop RPG's

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  1. I mean, I intended that as a joke, but that does seem possible. He did, allegedly, rule for a hundred years. What's another few centuries?
  2. That does make sense. But, just to be divisive (and mostly joking) it's going to turn out to be Spook who somehow became immortal.
  3. Yep. I'm all up to date. Except with white sands.
  4. I thought so too. When I first heard about a mistborn serial killer that's how I took it: that the serial killers victims were mistborn. The other option "the serial killer IS a mistborn" makes things dramatically different, and interesting, albeit in a completely different way.
  5. As in "the serial killer is a mistborn" or "this guy serially kills mistborns"?
  6. I was a bit sad to hear about Mistborns and Full Feruchemists being a thing of the past, and even the mistborns that were made after being at a significant power drop. I was hoping to see another mistborn or full feruchemist. But I'm also extremely interested in seeing what resonances twinborns end up making, and seeing the effects of compounding.
  7. Favorite magic system is a tough one. Awakening, Metalurgy, Feruchemy, and surgebinding are all amazing to me. I'm probably as interested in the concept/practice of twinborn as much as I am surgebinding, with awakening falling behind those. At least from those that I really know so far.
  8. Are there any other quizzes out there? For stormlight and for the other worlds. I'd love to see what kind of metalurgist or feruchemist I would be.
  9. As it turns out, my guess was pretty spot on. Odd. I got Stoneward and Willshaper in equal amounts (36), and Edgedancer (31) only a little after that. Skybreaker (28) and Lightweaver (21) after that, followed by Truthwatcher and bondsmith (Between 10 and 15) Elsecaller, Windrunner, and Dustbringer were my lowest (being 5 at most, zero on 2 of them)
  10. Yes I did! I read through the exchange before posting. It made me laugh so I thought I'd keep that proverbial ball rolling a bit. That's a tough one, as I'm really unsure. Is there a test I can take? Without such, I would guess Edgedancer, Stoneward, or Willshaper. I know that sounds a bit contradictory but it happens. I could probably tell you which I think I wouldn't be... Elsecaller, Dustbringer/Releaser (if Malata is to be archetypical of their personality), and Truthwatcher. I wouldn't mind being a Windrunner, Skybreaker, bondsmith, or lightweaver. But I'm not sure if or how much I fit with those.
  11. As far as a fight between Jasnah and Kaladin go, I would place my bets on Jasnah. I believe Jasnah is more strongwilled than Kaladin, and she is significantly smarter. Kaladin would have an advantage of creativity and flat martial prowess, but magically Jasnah is far superior. At their current levels, anyway. Later in the series if Kaladin and Jasnah are both full radiants (swearing all their ideals) that MIGHT change, but even so. Just look at the final battle in Oathbringer. I'm not even sure how she does what she is doing, although I had theories. I think she could definitely wear Kaladin down. That's not to say, though, that I like Kaladin less. If he were able to outwit her, and get in close then he stands a real chance. But with distance between them, I very much doubt that he would prevail. I'm pretty sure Jasnah could either teleport herself or Kaladin if she needed to get away from him.
  12. Yeah sure, I'll check it out right after this. Let's see... I've read/listened to the audio books for Mistborn Era 1 & 2, Elantris, Warbreaker, Arcanum Unbound, and the Stormlight books released so far. I've read White Sands 1, but not vol 2 yet. I picked up my first book, Mistborn, when I had my first brain surgery at 17 (about 9 years ago), but didn't invest (pun intended) a lot of time or love until I read Way of Kings. This was because of the headaches I dealt with after my brain surgery that made reading difficult. Thankfully, I've healed since then so they aren't as frequent and rarely so bad. Oddly enough, I've struggled a lot with the Mistborn series in general because I'm unsure how I to feel about it. Lots of conflicting feelings there, most of the bad being completely unfair and undeserved. Of course I do! I wouldn't be a very good lesbian if I didnt have a beanie at all times regardless of the weather or climate.
  13. Salutations, I suppose. I'm not really sure what to say here other than welcome to my AMA? Is it too soon for one? Perhaps, but I'm rather unimportant, so have some fun. Bonus points for fun questions. Negative points for baked good, metaphysical or otherwise.
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