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The Cartographer

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Profile Information

  • Member Title
    A Map, A Murder, and A Mystery
  • Gender
  • Location
    Iowa, USA
  • Interests
    Reading, Volleyball, Maps, Writing, Character Creation, Maps, Politics, Government, have I said Maps???

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  1. Oradon lay still on the bed of a healer. His leg wound was serious, but he would live. With a serious bandage and a wooden crutch, he was soon up and hobbling around. He left for his apartment on the other side of town, intent on finding out everything he could about the Sliver and her companion. He would follow them until his mission was complete. The added cost for his wound by an unknown Kandra would only let him demand more money from this anonymous employer. He grinned as he stepped through the threshold. This would be a challenge.
  2. Oradon managed to make it to the nearest place of healing and finally fell unconscious as he collapsed into the building.
  3. Oradon flares his Pewter again and manages to crawl around the street corner and disappears, leaving behind a trail of dark scarlet blood, slowly seeping through the area.
  4. Oradon attempts to dodge the plasma, but for once his Steel just isn't fast enough. The shots clip his right leg, splitting open his skin and charring up to his shin. He flares Pewter but still falls to his knees, crying out in pain.
  5. Oradon closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger.
  6. "As if I would tell you. Confidentiality of the buyer? Ring a bell? Besides, for enough money, I'll do whatever anyone wants. In this case, it's to shoot the former Shard of Thought, here. And I won't let any of you stop me." Oradon takes careful aim directly into Thought's eyesocket and tightens his finger on the trigger.
  7. Oradon shifted his gun between the Kandra and his target. Shifting back to the Kandra, he said, "How about this. I shoot her, you don't shoot me, and I get to walk away with my conscience relatively clear?"
  8. Oradon stared, slack-jawed, for a moment before drawing Speed and ducking out of the way of the laser. He noticed the open, broken window and leaped out it as well, flaring his Pewter to land on the ground without hurting himself. "Go ahead, do my job for me." He remarked to the individual (Male, Female, Something, he couldn't tell).
  9. Oradon didn't have time to dodge the net and not slam into the wall, so he chose to simply slide under the net and land on his back at the far side of the room. Quickly springing up again, he spun around and fired a spray of non-lethal rounds at AJ. His contract was only the woman, and he didn't want to cause an unnecessary death.
  10. Oradon noticed the portal and growled in anger. How dare someone beat him to the prize! He rushed the Epic, flaring Pewter and tapping Speed, charging as fast as he could go.
  11. Oradon watched as the woman crashes into the inn. Cursing, he leaped through the door and followed her up the stairs, barreling into the room after she did, burning pewter and ready to draw upon his metalminds at any time. His pistol quickly found it's way into his hand.
  12. A figure melted from the shadows across the street, turning keen eyes toward the humble inn. Oradon had received a large sum and a short note from an anonymous employer. 8 simple words. "Destroy the vessel of the Shard of Thought."
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