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Everything posted by Grytorm

  1. I have never been able to find a satisfactory alternative for Odium. The best I have found are Craving and Impulse which don't feel right. Fundamentally I think Odium is tied to the breaking of Connection making it very much the opposite of Honor. This drives the vessel to tear apart these bonds manifest as boundless hatred. The "Passions" are emotions without reason or restraint. This can be seen in the madness which is inspired by Ashertman and Moelech.
  2. What I mean is that other emotions are shown to play a role in the Shard of Odium. When it comes up the fury and hate are aknowledged as the dominant forces of the Shard but there is some other stuff going on. I remember this occurring in three places. The least relevant is Sja Anet's interlude when she observes that, "The mind did not like being questioned, but the power... It liked questions. It liked arguments. It was passion." (RoW pg something). Then there are the observations of Taravangian as he ascends. "Passion. Hatred. Today Taravangian was only passion. Hatred, fear, anger, shame, awe. Bravery. The power loved these things, and it surged around him, enveloping him." (RoW pg something). And, "The power of gods. In his specific case, the power of emotions, passion, and --most deeply-- the power of raw, untamed fury. Of hatred unbound." (RoW pg something) And there was one more bit but I don't remember excactly where but it was along the lines of [something][loved?] all emotions but particularily the ones that happened when people struggled. Just these bits and things like the description of Nergaoul and Ashertman in Oathbringer say to me that while calling the power Odium describes the core idea of the Shard there is some other stuff that isn't captured in that name. The void gnaws, At chains of passion. Hatefully, Passion chains, The gnawing void.
  3. I think RoW provides strong evidence that Odium's intent is a little more complicated than hate and anger all the time. Those are the dominant emotions but Odium has some connection to other emotions. Personally I think that Odium is fundamentally tied into breaking Connections and this manifests as hatred towards all that would restrain the shard. Other "Passionate" emotions are fundamentally emotions loosed from all restraint. Also Taravangian's intelligent days make me think of Moash and his general lack of emotions. Both sides of his capacity can be aligned wiyh Odium.
  4. I think that Odium is limited in his ability to manipulate Adhesion. Like he could almost certainly grant it but it would be somehow limited. Mostly I am thinking that there has to be something to the Fused's rejection of the Surge because Kaladin could still use Adhesion. Also Odium having difficulty with creating bonds makes sense to me because I think the non emotional aspect of the Shards intent is about breaking connections and being unrestricted. This manifests as hatred of restrictions and to a lesser extent uninhibited emotions which Odium refers to as Passion.
  5. I've had a vague idea that 100% of Scadrians have allomantic potential but the mists are set up to take that 100% and choose 16% to snap. 1) Certain conditions put the system in a ready state. 2) People entering the are checked for candidacy. Candidates are probably Skaa who have not been exposed to ready mists. I find it interesting that the condition does not effect nobles. Like they had systems in place to Snap nobles but how does it know not to mark them as candidates? And if Kelsier had not Snapped in the aftermath of Mare's death and he somehow was brought from that moment to now would he have been a candidate for mist sickness? 3) Candidates are somehow grouped into batches by the mists. This could be based on where people are as well as how much attention people are paying to the phenomena. Like if you did experiments around groups being sent into the mist then it might react differently. 4) The mists then Snaps the 16% with the highest potential which is harder on those with weaker potential. Then the everyone not selected is somehow marked so the Mists know to leave those alone.
  6. Helli agagaagagaiagagaagagain ... I am going to leave that. I have gotten 400 pages into Rhyth of War and want to talk about it a little. I've liked the book so far though the first segment wasn't my favorite. Mostly because Kaladin was a little annoying until he found his new direction. In other news a few ideas I have had since Oathbringer seem to be right. Others not so much. My idea that the Ghostbloods were vaguely on the Radiant side fits with Mraize's comments. My thoughts on the purpose of the Everstorm was at least partially wrong. I thought it had two main goals. The evident sewing of chaos and awakening of the Singers was to prepare things for the Fuseds arrival. I think that besides the chaos the Parshmen had to be awakened so that the Fused could enter the world. What I definitely got wrong was I assumed that the Everstorm allowed the releated return of the fused but by now I know that this isn't true. Sja-Anet's interlude supports, at least a little, my idea that the Shard of Odium is at least a little more complicated than pure hatred. Also my theory on Death Rattles is as of yet untested. I think the reason Odium harvests them is to take advantage of their Connection. Their are two possibilities for why he would do this. He could be crowdsourcing prophecy to error check his own predictions. If a lot of people see something he hasn't then he can take a closer look at that possibility. He could also have possibly unmade Moelach as a buffer between himself and Roshar. By holding himself at a distance and borrowing connection from others he avoids having to invest directly to gain foresight. I think I had something else but I can't remember for now.
  7. I was more just wondering on what they did with the Inquisitor spikes and the details of how Kelsier was attached. Did Spook find a way to stab a ghost or something?
  8. Yeah lots of possibilities of what the body could have originated as. My theory is that he started as a Mistwraith in a surprisingly ethical use of Hemalurgy. The real tricky question is where did the spike come from/how was it made?
  9. Hello. I've had this idea for a while but Trell being Autonomy has always felt slightly boring. They fit but for pinning the blame on them is too simple for wild internet speculation. So I was wondering if other shards could replicate the setting up independent splinters trick. Which could lead the story in a different direction. My crazy theory is that Trell is a contingency established by one of the dead Shards to try and survive in some form and perhaps even rebuild. Specifically the two shards that seem likely to me are Dominion and Ambition. Dominion because his shard was connected to connecting to places. And Ambition because (she?) so far has not done much other than die and (her?) Intent definitely fits into the scary sounding pile but near the top with Dominion. Autonomy if we just had the intent would be near the top of the friendly sounding pile. Top means less confident on location.
  10. My theory on why Moeloch is collecting death rattles is an attempt by Odium to sweep for any blidnspots in his foresight. For important matters he has Moeloch collect death rattles then he checks them for any common points of difference from his own predictions. If something stands out as not matching up over numerous deathrattles then it is more likely to be an important possibility he missed. Also deathspren are probably involved. I just noticed it in a recent reading but they are black shapes with red eyes who appear to the dying.
  11. Grytorm

    Atium Alloys

    Maybe Electrum + Atium could be a cross between Gold and Electrums normal events. So it would provide a glimpse of your own future but instead of revealing the next few seconds like Electrum it would supply a larger idea of who you could become.
  12. A few thoughts Ive had. First on the Ghostbloods goals. Or maybe allegiances. I think they are vaguely on the side of the Knights Radiant in that at the end of the day they probably don't want Odium getting out. But it isnt high on the peiorities list after such important considerations such as profit, survival, and messing around with blowguns. Second on their relationship to Jasnah. I figure that now she is both a Knight Radiant and a queen that the contract on her life has been suspended. Now they haven't forgotten but it would probably be too risky for both their orginization and their schemes to risk killing her now. However when it is in their advantage to weaken the Radiants then it would be efficient to settle an unanswered grudge. Third. I think that the nature of Cryptics and why they like lies is complicated. Specifically I think that they are embodiements of the mathematical concepts which describe reality. Describe is the important word in that sentence. They are an abstraction one step removed from truth. That is why they are atracted by lies. Because lying is also a form of description but it does not correspond to something real. Lying instead imposes itself on reality.
  13. He might have grabbed Taln's honorblade. Undoubtedly someone else has already suggested this but I just thought of it after rereading Words of Radiance. He was in snatching distance wjen the man returned.
  14. My thought was more about Amaran deciding that darkeyes lacked the will to even grab an opportunity to improve their positions. That's why I think he asked Kaladin why he refused them. Because someone just giving away shards wasn't something he could reallu understand.
  15. Amaram. I know that might be weird, but when I first read Words of Radiance I thought he was going to get a bit of a larger role in the next book because of Shallan's discovery of his notes written in modified glyphs. And because he was the only living Son's of Honor we knew about. I did enjoy his eventual death though. And I have always had this idea that Amaram might not have stolen the shards if Kaladin had taken them. And more from his point of view would have probably dissuaded me of the idea.
  16. Greek gods were a bit more than mortal in a few stories from what cool youtube videos have told me. As for the religions that have shown up, I think the religions present in Warbreaker seem to be close to accurate. Whether or not Endowment cares about the worship of herself or the Returned isn't clear. But she takes an interest of some sort expressed through the returned. And religion as it shows up in Elantris also seems divinely inspired after a fashion. Shu Dereth isn't really the one and only true religion. But it reflects a worldview passed down indirectly from Dominion through the Skaze.
  17. I think the Heralds usually returned semi-willingly to Braize as part of the Oathpact. Truthfully I think a boring but likely explanation for a lot of things we don't quite know about would be that in the earlier Desolations Honor was still alive and Odium was playing it safe. Things like the Everstorm and Vyre's Knife might have opened Odium up to retaliation. Either because they left him exposed or because a living Honor could declare those tactics to be cheating and thus allowing him to also screw around with the rules.
  18. Yeah I only started thinking about Stormlight Archive again recently and hadn't reread Oathbringer. And yeah it makes sense if she can't be healed one way she can't be healed another. As for the Order I don't really know. My backwards moving logic for being a Bondsmith is actually because of the traveling and meeting new peoples thing that also make her a good match for the Willshapers. Partially I like the idea of someone having a different take on the Bondsmiths, reaching out to bring people together instead of Dalinar who focuses on his role in Alethkar and on the nations he is most familiar with. And such a different interpretation seems important because the Stormfather, the Nightwatcher and the Sibling are all different. Also she seems a good fit for the third Bondsmith oath in some ways.
  19. Yeah I see. I wasn't paying close enough attention when looking at the different metals. And I hadn't read enough about Realmantic Theory. So would Aluminum Feruchemy and its ability to interact with Identity do anything with Gold Allomancy then?
  20. Hello again. I read some speculation about a background figure in Words of Radiance being an Allomancer and that got me thinking about Duraluminum Feruchemy. I know connection can be used to speak other languages or seem familiar to other people or something. And eventually my brain remembered Gold Allomancy. If I am not mistaken Gold Allomancy works off of Connection in some way to generate the images. So what would someone who in the moment was divested of Connection experience?
  21. Maybe the crossing point is when the subjects spirit web is sufficiently mangled that removing all the spikes would be fatal even if their were no complications from the injuries.
  22. So I'e been moving backward on the forums reading things that seemed interested in and two things related to Rysn stood out. One was someone liking the idea of her taking a larger role (which would be cool) but being uncomfortable with her regaining the ability to walk. And the other was someone speculating on her becoming a Bondsmith by binding the Nightwatcher. My idea is that at some point things start to become desperate and people could really use another Bondsmith but the Nightwatcher and the Sibling will not get involved. And then Rysn goes to the Nightwatcher and makes a wish. "I wish to fight beside those people who I didnt interact with before this book and bring them together in defiance of Odium. Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination." And the Nightwatcher grants her boon and becomes bound to her. But the cost would be that stormlight would not repair the damage done to her body by the fall. She would have to live with it. She probably could use Stormlight to gain some mobility. But she would still be something something not certain how to correctly make a point which would be respectful to people with disabilities. Also one idea is that Stormlight would let her walk again but this capacity would always fade when the storm quited.
  23. I was not trying to suggest permanent change. I was siggesting that if a Shard was askew from its core Intent and a replacement is also off center but in a different way then it could seem like a Shard had changed further than cam be expected. Also I know about the basic idea of the vessel (just remembered the word) being changed by the intent. I had thought that vessels could hold onto their interpretation long term. Its just that Ati tried to do the impossible by being against the intent.
  24. Had another thought not really about the Impulse thing but more about Intents in general. The Intent of each Shard is mostly set by its inherent nature, however the Holder still has some infuence on excactly how it manifests. Ive always interpreted each Shards Intent as a line and the Hoders influence drawing it away from its natural resting point. But anway, my thought was this: how do we know that the shards as we know them are true to that center line? If a Holder pushed a Shard in a certain direction was replaced by someone who pushed in the opposite direction we could see a more dramatic change than it might be expected. I consider this fairly hypothetical when we look at the Shards who have been onscreen. Ati pushed very hard against Ruin and was brished aside by the Intent. But it still seems a possibility.
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