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Lord of the Dark Lands

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Everything posted by Lord of the Dark Lands

  1. I could just read for the rest of my life. I'd die of old age (having read an ungodly amount of books) before the Steelrunner/Pewterarm gets to me. I'll take the second wish: For every extra hour you get per day, you must pay however much you make per hour at your job. I wish I knew exactly when and how I die.
  2. Granted, the name becomes immediately apparent to you, you think you can solve all life's problems with this knowledge. You go to write this down, but then you get a really important phone call or something, and you forget what you were supposed to be doing. I wish I could pause time whilst reading books.
  3. Granted, you are eternally a weird, miserable eight-year old that will get bullied by stupid, #$%&$ing Dan from 3rd year forever. I wish Brandon Sanderson was my best friend.
  4. Granted your torterra thinks you are an enemy pokemon and it kills you I wish for a trillion Dollars
  5. Granted, but you develop a severe allergy to eggs. ANY KIND OF EGG
  6. Granted but it is in a 10000$ book as a limited edition available for one hour I wish I knew everything
  7. For some reason, when I first read about Urithiru in WoR, I immediately thought chrysler building, crossed with temple of tikal sawed in half: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysler_Building; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikal
  8. Granted, but you develop a sever allergy against dogs. I wish I owned every book ever written.
  9. Granted, your home is turned into a lifeless, desert wasteland, and also, you can never see snow again in your life, even if you go to northern Greenland in January. I wish I had a working spaceship, that I knew how to fly
  10. King of anywhere it is dark. Hence, King_of_the_Dark_Lands. (Remember that when you turn your lights off tonight).

  11. Granted, but they are so small they are practically useless. I wish to be at one with the stick (https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/7275-church-of-the-stick/).
  12. So is this kind of like the Borg collective in Star trek? If so: I am LoSTICKtus of Stick, resistance is Sticktile. You have been aSTICKillated into the Stick. I have successfully united my two greatest fandoms.
  13. Granted, but next Monday is the very last day off you have in your life. I wish for the ability to live in the world of any book i read.
  14. I honestly did not realise this. I finished Oathbringer right around the time I last saw this. In fact, I would argue that the Stormlight Archive is similar to any Peter Pan story, am not entirely sure who Wendy might be though. Even someone as obvious as Syl/Tinkerbell flew right over my head (no pun intended). I believe that is a wonderful theory, however I think many similarities can be drawn from many other sources that Brandon would have had access to as a kid, as mentioned before, perhaps he was not thinking of this consciously, but if he were a fan of this movie, it may have gotten written into the story subconsciously.
  15. Lift: FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!! (like loads of it). Wyndle: A stronger replacement so that he doesn't have to carry around a super-fat Lift. Dalinar: a time machine so that he can go back and NOT burn down Rathalas. Axies: An ancient, huge book, entitled: Fantastic Beasts Spren and Where to Find them Lopen: A really big palace, with super cool Voidbringer killer machines and the king of Herdaz's daughter as his wife.
  16. He doesn't like Rayse, so he tries to help the main characters take him down. Maybe that little comment about watching Roshar burn if he has to is just to let Dalinar know that he has his own goals and motives and that he does not wish to be pushed around and told what to do by him.
  17. Deathspren would be a really strong Vodka, it is in-colour and if you drank too much, you probably wouldn't live too long. Shamespren could be tiny pieces of red cabbage, maybe Creationspren would be little gold versions of your favourite foods, in my case: Apple pies or slices of pizza
  18. Unrealistic scenarios: Everyone is redeemed and lives happily ever after and odium is gone. OR Everyone unites under one banner, kills odium, and figure out how to make rockets to go to Ashyn and Damnation (cool, right). Realistic scenario: Old characters (Dalinar, Taravangian, maybe Jasnah) and Evil characters (Odium, Taravangian) Die. Moash is redeemed and everyone else lives kinda happily ever after until a new baddie comes along to make the back 5 interesting.
  19. I was bored with all the other fantasy books I was reading, i googled a list of fantasy books, WOK was the first one that came up, i ordered it, and was hooked the moment i finished Szeth's prologue. I then proceeded to read (almost) every other Brandon Sanderson book available.
  20. I really like the spren around Greatshells, especially since they are so useful in Shadesmar, I also like the Idea of Deathspren, I wonder what they look like in Shadesmar
  21. Don't forget, lireally ALL the times he wrote the word Honor, It's spelled with a U!!
  22. Granted, but you now don't do any homework or revising and you spend all your time hanging out with friends, playing videogames and reading Brandon Sanderson books, so you fail all your exams. I wish I could teleport to any part of the world at will.
  23. Thanks so much for your help, answered all my questions perfectly.
  24. I wander if Radiant shardplate, when summonned, comes already attached and ready to go, or if it just appears in a pile next to you and you just have to put it on. Also do Radiants har screaming when they put on deadspren shardplate, and also, it's a bit hard on the spren who has to be both sword AND armour at the same time, or do you have to bond another spren to get armour, although i imagine that that would be quite annoying. Would love to hear your answers.
  25. After reading Oathbringer, I kind of consider Shallan and Veil to be truly different characters, not sure about Radiant yet, I think of her as a more confident, smarter and older version of Shallan.
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