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Seon Are

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Everything posted by Seon Are

  1. By the time I got to the end of The Wheel of Time, I was reading them about a book a day. Eye of the World sat in my backpack for about two months as I periodically opened it up and read it. It's still a good book, but it can definitely be slow, especially if you aren't yet invested in the series.
  2. To be fair, Skaa and Nobles were designed to have different physical attributes, making them in a way both social classes and races.
  3. Brandon has said in the past that there is a slightly altered version of the laws of thermodynamics that pertains to investiture. There should be some wobs on it somewhere.
  4. As Shallan tells Pattern, there is a mark and it isn't just for d but for any letter. And since the entire reason we call him Nohadon is that it is symmetrical in women's script I doubt that it is glyphs. Edit: Also the lines after the letters are in the 4th and 5th letters in all 5 sets of letters. In other words that is in 2/5ths of the letters in women's script.
  5. In Words of Radiance, we find out that for proper nouns like Nohadon that are meant to be symmetrical, the name is spelled symmetrical and then a didactic mark is added to show that the letter is pronounced like and h. For instance, Nohadon would be spelled Nod`adon. I haven't found anywhere on the Coppermind page for women's script or on the major explanation of women's script on the shard that mentions this, and I was wondering if we have any examples of what this looks like.
  6. I forgot to mention this, DONT TAKE ANYTHING ANYONE OFFERS YOU!
  7. Welcome to the Shard! I too have tried unsuccessfully to get my friends to read Brandon, but just last night I finally got a friend to be excited to read Mistborn. What order of Night Radiant do you think you align with? (Their powers or Philosophy)
  8. You're assuming that Spensa is completely sane.
  9. Even so, you would expect that to only be a factor after a certain amount of time. For instance, if Kaladin flew off and everyone knew he was coming back and wasn't going that far, why would the power of squires drop off at all? It would only drop off if Kaladin left for a long period of time and Sigzil would be unable to put precise measurements on how far Kaladin could go.
  10. I actually can't remember, did we see Vivenna learn that Vasher killed his wife? That seems like something that could drive them apart.
  11. @Awaken Returner (Minor) Oathbringer Spoilers
  12. But Sigzil's tests gave extremely accurate and consistent amounts as to how far Kaladin could go before they started to lose power. Not only that but for your theory to work it would make more sense if it was more based on time. I don't tend to only think of someone as being away from me when they reach a certain distance.
  13. In general, don't trust anything anyone offers to you.
  14. Brandon has also said in the past that if he is forced to cut a book from the cosmere he will cut Nightblood.
  15. I agree that this is definitely a good art style. I did a quick google search for this Fritz Casas. It looks like he mostly does black and white art of superheroes. Some of it might be official I'm not sure. Oddly, not long into scrolling through google images, I found two pieces of the same character that would be considered by most people as NSFW. It wasn't super explicit or anything, but it's odd how quickly that comes up when searching him. Edit: I did a bit more digging and found out he did the art for a comic called Lords of Mars which this character is from. Some of the cover art was censored on the website for it, and another depicted the character with a "bra" that covered exactly the nipples and nothing else. I want to be clear that I still think that based on the art style on the cover he will do a good job, but I just thought I would bring this up.
  16. I got soother. It's odd though, the description correctly says it sooths emotions, but the discriptions are about making people enthusiastic or making them feel fear, which sounds like that should be for rioter, but whatever.
  17. Umm, actually Kaladin learns to ride a horse. In the city of Yedaw Lift meets a Saih Aimian who kills two of the Skydancers.
  18. Ookla the boombox I think you need to give a new comment.
  19. So in my English class, we just finished reading Othello, and a comment made by another student gave me an interesting idea. We were talking about Emilia's death, were she says We were talking about how not only do characters often give little speeches as they die, they also often end with something akin to "I die". I had recently looked at a post analysing the chapter one epigraph of The Way of Kings, and so I immediately thought of it. After doing some searching, I found two other death rattles that end in similar ways. After searching for more last words of Shakespeare characters I found these. It's not perfect obviously, but I find it interesting that a device Shakespeare used for convenience is now an actual plot point in Stormlight Archive.
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