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Everything posted by Mailnaise

  1. Also wouldn't that make Honor and Cultivation corrupted by Odium? It would have to go both ways...or rather three ways.
  2. I mean even with the WoB there are some holes and room for speculations. That's what this is for, no? lol Anyways I like the theory, and it's along the lines of what I've been thinking. Hoid is really good at being where he needs to be and who knows, maybe he knew being at the shattering or whatever would give him immortality. Here's my thought; maybe the healing came from something else entirely? We know that the immortality is connected to the weapon used for the shattering, but no confirmation about the healing.
  3. Mailnaise


    I'll do that soon!
  4. Honestly with Brandon, I'd be ready for anything. However, I agree with the other posts here. Although it may be something even more general. Maybe a literal rock or something to do with a rock may be important. Honestly who knows. But nice thought.
  5. I forgot where I heard it or read it but some other sharder point out a whole bunch of time people and objects did things to rhythms. It's a lot. And I think it's pretty safe to say that most of them, and especially ones with spren such as Syl, have something to do with THE rhythms.
  6. I chose plate because I'm so clumsy I'd be scared for myself and others if I held a six foot blade that can instantly deaden my limbs or myself without armor...
  7. Mailnaise


    From the album: My non-sharder friend's art

    My wonderful best friend who has not read any Sanderson books (but plans too) made me this beautiful picture of Shallan! I know it's not my art, but it is beautiful and I wanted to share.
  8. A small consolation~ the Stormlight 4 and 5 Outlining Progress bar is up to 80%!!! Just a little closer folks.
  9. The second one is really good, I think it looks great.
  10. If I remember right, and who knows, maybe I'm pulling this from nowhere, but... It is my understanding that she traveled there with Vasher, who went there so he could use stormlight as substitute investiture to keep living without worrying about the number of breaths he has. I have no idea how they split up, how long they've been apart, or how they lost Nightblood, but that's where I'm at.
  11. Uh same! No actually I was reading a COMPLETELY unrelated book, and there was a character named Tien and I actually like teared up and had to stop for a sec. It's not okay. Although I suppose if our theory of him being Odium is true...maybe not so much? Well innocent until proven guilty, am I right?
  12. Well I don't think it was all that random, because the Skybreakers were targeting him, right? So it definitely could have been a random soldier that did the job, but a skybreaker was there somewhere. (The Ghostbloods knew about it all, so we found that out in one of their letters to Shallan for those who don't remember.) Also 100% agree with this statement lol
  13. Like the rankings under our names? As you get upvotes you go up in ranks. The names are just titles and things from all of Brandon's books. ex. I have about 170, I'm an Oldblood.
  14. I was just wondering the same thing. It is my understanding that a version of most magic systems we know now were present pre-shattering, but all were at least a little different, ex. Yolish Lightweaving vs. Lightweaving. The shattering obviously altered whatever had existed before.
  15. How convenient...I bet there are cello jokes if you looked for them
  16. First of all, hello, @withoid, and welcome officially! Second, it is pretty amazing how far the Sanderfandom extends!! I love it
  17. Correction, it means you aren't allowed, okay? What about cello jokes, @Kelsier'sGodComplex, huh? I play in better tune than you do... (jkjk)
  18. *gasp of disbelief* How have we missed this for so long!?
  19. Sorry to inform you, it will be awhile~ Jasnah's Book 10 in the current plan
  20. I agree with you on both of these points. I think it would be a great character arc for Rlain if he became a Bondsmith. I think Dalinar's "unite them" includes the Singers, (not the Fused, the singers), so having a Singer bondsmith would be very beneficial, and I like how there's a bit of symmetry of it. That's also why I don't want Navani to become a Bondsmith. Uniting can't just come from one party. I firmly believe she will become a KR, but I really don't think she'll go down the Bondsmith route.
  21. So about two days ago, I finished my OB reread. Oh, how I love that book. But to the theory... In Part 5, one of the "viewpoints" is the Knights Radiant as a whole. In the actual chapters the perspective changes every couple paragraphs pretty much, but anytime there is a chapter with a picture of the KR symbol at the beginning, it includes all of our known Knights, as well as... Navani and Yanagawn of Azir. My theory is that these two people will be become Knight Radiants, possibly in the near future. (I'm a little iffy on Yanagawn, because the passage was kinda showcasing Lift, but anyways...). In the other chapters, if there are any other viewpoints besides the KRs and these two, there is a different symbol in the beginning of the chapter. Maybe I missed one that would ruin the pattern, but I feel pretty confident. So, do you think Brandon was trying to hint that these two, especially Navani would become Radiant? Corrections welcome.
  22. The ancestry one is pretty solid. While reading your post it was the first thing to come to my mind. I'm gonna think about this more though. I like your idea.
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