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Everything posted by wiritospren

  1. But they wouldnt be actual lifeless, there is no organic matter to "revive", so they would just be awakened statues
  2. It must have connection with endowment, and endowment surely have a connection with at least a part of the land.
  3. I think the reason it didnt explode with just the knife was, the difference in density and state. Like, how everything in our world has a frecuency that if matched it makes it vibrate (like when bridges fall and cristals breaks) so the anti-voidlight by vibrating in the anti-odium tone for voidlight, can just destroy odium investiture made voidlight, but its investiture in solid form can vibrate in a different tone, like odium tone for metal
  4. The book tell us vorinism in a time used the tones of odium, honor, and cultivation as the base of their music. So music nerds out there, which intervals do you think they have between them? Would they end up with a similar scale as us?
  5. The dagger used by the fused made to steal investiture is made of raysum( which I suposse is the odium metal) so wath would its allomantic and ferruchimic abilities be? And its ability to steal investiture is clearly hemalurgy(that's why it needs to touch the soul) but then is the question, how and where they made so that it can actually work? And if we use it in someone with breaths, can we use these daggers to steal them? Can we use like a really big one and use it to steal a shard's godhood? If we use it on an alomant, would we steal the power from their metals? Or would we steal their allomancy? If we use it on a reborn of nalthis, would we be able to emprision them on the dagger?
  6. Okay, so what actually are the tones of shards? We know that the book treat it like an actual note, but then in other parts it feels more like the intent to make the tone that matters, but then also no. Thaylen artifabrians were using the tone of honor, even though they didnt know it is the tone of honor, so they couldnt have intent right? But then when navanni made the anti-odium tone, she was using a note close to the tone of odium, but not the same, and it worked fine, so it was the intent that matter? And when navanni and rabonial made the tone of war, they where shifting the tones of odium and honor till they armonize, but what does shifting, and armonizing means in this context? Can you move up and up a note and while you still have the intent of being the tone of honor it is still the tone if honor? Another thing is, can you move up a tone an octave above an still make the same tone? (if you double the frecuence the original freceunce is still there) And what about the anti-tones? In real World, the note that cancels another is the same note played a little bit latter(depending on the frecuency of the note) and so it sounds the same(this is in the book) and so, the intent makes the tone sound a little bit latter so it cancels? And if it is so, why does it sounds diferent? Is it just that people akin to one of the gods, just feel it antinatural even though it sounds the same?
  7. So I was away from the forums a long time, now Im back and see a lot of post about this aether, what is it? How do I read it?
  8. Dayne Saw what Tena was doing and decided this was his chance, he rapidly took his earings and swallod them, and when the Blade was pushed he burned the earings getting lots of velocity and used it to run to Araha, he get low and with a knive he stabbed the chaos sorcerer on his arm that was grabbing the sword and with that done he grabbed Araha and took her out of the circle of soldiers just in time as his velocity had burned all up"you okay?"he said as he leaved Araha on the ground and turned back to see the chaos soldiers.
  9. Dayne standed there considering the situation, there were too many, they could not fight all of them,less with Araha in the middle,but if they could release her"waste their time,I have a plan, but I need some time to recharge" he said to Damaya in a low voice so only her could hear him, and with that said he started to save all his velocity on his mental minds, and he stopped moving @Sorana
  10. "hey, are you okay?" Dayne quickly get off the floor and got close to Araha when she fell to the wall"were you hurt?" In that moment he reallized she was crying, so he kneel beside here, and give her a hug"it's okay, let it flow" he remembered when he felt like that, some thing ago, when he first escaped dead, and he first killed.
  11. "we did..."just in that moment the stormlight stoped working and dayne fell to the floor"woah!!!" And with that dayne hit the floor with all his body
  12. "well, lets do this!"said dayne with enthusiasm and put himself in position
  13. Claus arrived with ambrosía to the oval world"What does this have of special?"
  14. "sounds like a good plan, here" dayne gives Araha 2 of his daggers"and I can give you more help with those daggers, if you make me Weight more, and in the end change mi direction upside down, rather than just weightless(asuming there's a roof) and then..."he looked at Damaya with a smile on his face"we might need a bait"
  15. "okay here we go" dayne took out his knives and started walking next to Araha while still burning his steel"I'm not sure if he knows where we are, do you know what he can do?"
  16. "said and done" dayne started to burn steel and and looked for the man, when he saw some lines that were moving just as..."I think he's fighting with someone or something" @Cyanic @Sorana
  17. Dayne stoped to think for a second remembering what has happened, there was any blue line? Yes,there were. So he turned to Araha"yes, it's spikes were Made of metal, and his sword" he then checked his steel, he didnt have too much left so he took another vial of it before turning to damaya"don't worry I steal... I took some of it from the training grounds, also I got some of this" he took out of his pocket 2 infused spheres he had retrieved from the floor"you will be needing it more than I do"
  18. Dayne was waiting for something ti happen, he hated just being able to wait, but he knew there was nothing he could do. He closed his eyes and heared the battle outside, but instead he heared Damaya talking and stand up inmediatly and got close to her" are you okay?" He said with preocupation on his voice
  19. "sure thing" said dayne after that he put on his belt the knives and sat in front of the door, he started to save velocity, he has used some to get here and he was almost empty.
  20. "so any ideas were we can find this... Safe place?" Said dayne to araha will running beside here" all this place is destroyed" he took a look at Damaya" and she seems to need help... Soon, really soon" @Cyanic
  21. "we have two options, we can either continue running here with no guide or... Pass all those soilders into the perpendicularity, we can do it all from above so they won't notice us"
  22. When dayne Saw the man with the armor he froze, he had been in mortal danger before, but he has always been free to escape" no, no, not here" suddenly he was falling to the wall and broke free,"wow didnt know I could do that" just then is that he saw Araha falling to him"hey, thanks for that" he throw a coin to the wall and used it to stop his fall and catched Araha with Damaya"Is she okay?"
  23. "oh storms..." Dayne said before falling back blown by the explosión, he hit the fwith his back on a wall and fell to the floor" ugh..." He tried to stand up but fell a huge pain on it's leg" what the.." he stoped when he saw a big piece of wood crossing side to side of it." Great, now i'm stucked here..., HELP!"
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