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  1. First thought that popped in my head was: Killing of Wit But I hope that's not correct unless it's a compilation of stories by everyone who hates him of how they would kill him
  2. Totally agree that Hoid is a Dawnshard! I was wondering where the other three are and thought, well who else was arround when Big A was shattered and thought of Frost. If you look through the Letter you find: Could the immortality of Frost be from a Dawnshard as well? Is Rysn being remade into an immortal as well? So many questions!
  3. I enjoyed hearing all the different points of view, some I agreed with, some I didn't. I always found Wayne's point of views as interesting. Kind of from the view point of how he doesn't really go looking for trouble, it finds him and he just makes the best if the circumstance. But I did find the trip to say goodbye to Ranette was a little long in the tooth. Now that you guys covered beefs, are we going to get a 'bests' podcast on your favorite moments from the Cosmere?
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