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Status Updates posted by Ripheus23

  1. Not necessarily in the event the Ripheus story was publishable even possibly, but "just in case"...


    One aspect of the endgame scenario that miffed me, even though I came up with it, was the image of Ripheus channeling the sum of the Final Power, into Apollyon, in order to cause Apollyon to resurrect Itself from its eternal undeath. Now in poetic space, this fits, since Apollyon is described as looking like a city [with skyscrapers and a skyline thereof] but which "was" alive "in the beginning," but due to Its nature it is undergoing a single act of total self-demolition, slowed down to fit the metric of whatever actual finite or infinite history there turns out to be. [This plays into the finessed doctrine of eschatonic time, to be discussed below.] So, what do you do if you're facing the ultimate Dungeons & Dragons lich-demon/demon-god? You cast "Resurrect" on it, since Life Energy conflicts with Death Energy, so...

    The technical/theoretical explanation was later that the infinite self-negation of Apollyon's cascade of power, in the end, would map-compute to an act of positive [mathematical] reality "in the limit," so Ripheus, by giving all of the Final Power whatsoever, to his adversary, arrives at the surprise solution to the endgame question: metaphysically rendering Apollyon's act of negation to infinity, will map-compute it to the "Resurrection" of the undead city.

    However, this still didn't actually sit well with me, which is weird, because when I figured out why [just this morning], it turned out that it wasn't so much that the description of the event was somehow absurd or deficient, but that I had not taken adequately into account the very fact that for Apollyon, as the Form of Destruction, to transdestroy the Form of Evil by converting it into the Form of Nothingness, thereafter negating the nothingness back into existence, which existence It [the Destroyer] would go on to shatter again, before Resurrecting it unto an immortal massacre... well...

    What it took for me to "get it" (to understand how the supersolution would actually have to work), was realizing that the Form of Evil is the Form of Destruction, in the real world. That is, although in the world of Ripheus, "the Form of Evil" is shorthand for "the Form of the Final Offenses," Apollyon is therefore, in the real world, and otherwise even in the Riphean one, the actual Form of Evil simpliciter, because He is the Form of both the Final Offenses and Destruction in Itself.

    But moreover, even otherwise in the Riphean setting, Apollyon was supposed to, in essence, fuse with the Form of Evil, in the end, by virtue of using the Form's power, in part, to commit the ultimate sin of all transcreation (besides the end of the world forever and ever, that is, I guess...). But so if this were true, then if it makes sense [which it otherwise does] for Apollyon to be able to Resurrect the Form of Evil unto eternity, then it makes sense for Apollyon to be able to Resurrect Itself, in the end, and by this means defeat Itself at the last.


    1. Ripheus23


      [Eschatonic time:

      Suppose you have an infinite sum of possible history. Then suppose there is a counterpart episode, in a counterpart time, that is finite in semantic duration. That is, it is really, in a way, just one event, or incident, or act, or whatever. Now, how can you map the finite spiritual reality to the infinite physical one? The first solution, even the form of all of them as far as I know, is to suppose that time is so uniformly slowed down that it will take forever, as it goes, to get from the beginning of the event to its end. It is a pure Zeno dynamic, one might say.

      But, there are other "mathematical"/"geometrical"(?) solutions possible, I believe, maybe. Like, maybe there are interpolated halves, each of one seeming to "go on forever," the other lasting only a time, such that, over the vast reaches of time, progress is divided over this weird divergence, at least in the sense that, up until the final interval, one might have some sense of "where" one is, in eschatonic time.

      For the supposition would be that there was an eschatological value to the divergence at hand: namely, perhaps some intervals, finite- or infinite-seeming, would concentrate the overall representation of the theme of the individual spiritual event. I.e., some physical events would express a special correspondence to the form of the reason for the entire spiritual continuum. It would be within these events, perhaps, that the conflict with the avatars of the final offenses, and with Apollyon, would be decided in certain terrible or dread-fallen ways...]

  2. So I think that the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Dragon are also the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. That is, they are three kinds of sin, viz. the final offenses. The early Christian theorists did, if faintly here, recognize the existence of this problem...

    1. Ripheus23


      Also, the Leviathan is the Beast from the Sea, the Behemoth from Land, so the battle in Revelation is in eternity itself, not necessarily a specific time in history.

    2. Ripheus23


      I might be able to tie Immanuel Kant's description of three layers of radical evil, to the final offenses. Now technically it would seem as if all three are parts of transcendental delusion itself (known under the heading of axiomatic perversity, which is specifically the corruption of moral evidence [evidence for moral propositions] though it easily follows from general intellectual error, that one would misjudge particular matters of ethical intellection). Moreover, the entanglement theorem is a description for an illusion, more or less: because, again, the final offenses are not an actual "Unholy Trinity" but a profane image of the Divine Trinity.

      So, even supposing romantic injustice and recursive disgrace are interpolated with TD/AP, it would not be immediately necessary to deduce, here, that the corruption of our predispositions to animality and humanity are equivalent to RI and RD. Rather, we might say that axiomatic perversity is the corrupted propensity of personality intellectually, whereas the violation of animality is equivalent to corruption of empirical knowledge and the violation of humanity (rationality, really) is equivalent to corruption of transcendental (theoretical) knowledge, with AP the corruption of practical, not theoretical, reason, thus.

      Nevertheless, if the three layers of radical evil could be assigned counterpartitions with the final offenses, I would indeed suggest that (A) violate* animality = romantic injustice, (B) violate rationality = transcendental delusion, and (C) violate personality = recursive disgrace. This would even fit to Kant's interpretation of violated rationality as the actual entrypoint (so to say) for radical evil, since TD is that which pollutes the maxims of the will (ultimately).

      *[The word is used here as an adjective, as in the contrary "inviolate."]

    3. Ripheus23


      Also, the three temptations in the desert should correspond: the stone-bread problem to transcendental delusion (trusting "empirical" words alone over the a priori Word of God, so to say?), the kingdoms-of-the-world to recursive disgrace (via retributive tyranny), and suicide-attempt-to-prove-God's-love to romantic injustice.

  3. [A tropey-sounding story, haha!]

    Long ago, when the Morning-god, Ramn Surdur, tried to destroy the world, He was bound into the Shadow of Heaven by the power of the Firelights. For thousands of years, in the City Under Heaven alone, these lights burned to uphold the Shadow. But a crisis of war arose that threatened our protection with extinction, whereafter the Firelights ignited themselves anew elsewhere, to strengthen their purpose to the last. So it was that the City Under Heaven lost splendor and influence, until this very day...

    [Deviant element: the doctrine of the antagonist, here, revolves around a quasi-stigmatic image of the Atonement. I.e. there is a supreme evil, the actual nature of, or precursor to, the Morning-god, but this was not originally some primordial malice as such, but instead the theory was that the Atonement wrought by the ancient Savior required the Savior to suffer the bridge-analogies of the final offenses themselves, to wit rapetorture, and murder, at the hands of at least one individual person. So, the deviant element is that to save the world by suffering in its place, the ancient Savior had to be tortured and murdered, but also raped, and the one who raped the Savior was transformed by this action into Ramn Surdur or its predecessor/source/lord... How to integrate the Christian theme here with the prologion-theme of the Shadow-binding, IDK yet. I don't even have any actual characters haha!]

    1. Ripheus23


      [Why/how are the bridge-analogies keyed to the final offenses? If my theory is right, like so:

      Rape-murder :: romantic injustice

      Torture-murder: recursive disgrace

      Rape-torture: transcendental delusion

      Therefore the most evil mystical action-types correspond to the most evil physical ones, in pairs. This is not necessary to prove that rape, torture, and murder are wrong; but it might be needed to prove that these are wrong in a way that theft is not, for instance (much capitalist propaganda regarding the merits of 'property' notwithstanding).]

      [Why, though: rape is clearly unjust in relation to romantic affairs; and Apollyon makes use of rape to fuel the process of universal desolation in murder, so... But recursive disgrace, as the superficial concept of Hell/eternal damnation, rests more on torture as such than rape at all [we don't think that Apollyon, or God the Father, molests those in Hell, do we?], and transcendental delusion, as requiring the dissolution of the mind, is reflected in the living trauma of rape/torture survival.]

    2. Ripheus23


      OK, new formula:

      The divine nature exists in at least two forms in this reality, relative to the concept of creation simpliciter versus creation as destruction-of-destruction. The Morning-god is the creator as the second, and the bridge-analogies of the final offenses are destruction-like forms (inclusive of pure murder as such).

      It's possible there might be a third divine form, creation-of-destruction/destruction-of-creation (reducible to each other via moral logic), but IDK what its name/title would be (the Day-god, maybe, haha!). And this might be the being who assaulted the ancient savior (who I no longer have as raped: rather, that might be the problem, that the Shadow of the Morning-god's seal is keyed only to two of the bridge-analogies, which allows the Day-god to issue forth more of its dark work in the time of the story).

  4. "... outwitting the wicked,

    One sin of theirs

    And one grace of mine

    At a time..."

    1. Ripheus23


      [Although, the fixation on sin, even for the sake of fighting it, was questionable!]

  5. You must remember that the final offenses are not united as the Trinity is. Their "unity" in the entanglement theorem is enough of an illusion to tempt us to the profane belief, here. However, it is true that due to their entanglement, romantic injustice and recursive disgrace can be intercomputed: the four forms of amendment "go with" the square of metafinity, so that for the problem

    • Find the appropriate degree of punishment for the sin of romantic injustice.

    ... the solution goes for: [absolute finite: A; relative finite: B; relative infinite: C; absolute infinite: D] so that the priority of redemption over retribution gives us A = punishment, B/C = forgiveness/apologies, and D = redemption (atonement, salvation even). But if even the worst punishable sin (note: recursive disgrace is proto-talionic at least, but it does not seem as if transcendental delusion is the kind of thing that can be externally "avenged") merits absolute finite retribution at most, does it follow not that no sin ought to be punished so gravely as is required in the system of damnation?

    [Of course, to tempt the victims [subjects] of this injustice, with the motive of vengeance, seemingly justified, is of the will of transcendental evil, here. For the rage of those violated in the first place is translated into the power of damnation itself, is it not?]

  6. Hmm...

    • []()[]()()()()[][]()()[][][][][][][][][][]()[][][]()()()()[]...
    • [][]()()[][][]()()()[][]()[][]()[][]()()()[]()()()[][]()[]()...
    • &c. ...

    Don't these potentially map to nonrepeating decimals, except represented in the equivalent of binary? That also suggests a gloss on binary, I suspect: instead of 0/1::true/false, we have 0/1::possible/actual. I think that's probably even more fitting since false does not = 0, but -1 (I know in propositional space by itself, the absence of truth+ is equivalent to the presence of truth-, and true/false is a propositional opposition, but...).

    At any rate, this would imply that the cardinality of the set of sigma-actuations is equivalent (as such) to the cardinality of the continuum. Allowing that every sigma-actuation represents a possible world, this would imply the abstract existence of at least aleph-C worlds. [This would be a far more massive multiverse than the string-theoretic one by itself, then... Not sure about Everett's or Tegmark's, though. Tegmark's seems to contain universes whose component cardinalities (if that description makes sense!) are whichever aleph-X there could be, in which event these self-transfinite universes would have to contain infinite stacks of systems of multiverses or what, individually. So who knows!] Now I'm in the camp that believes aleph-C = aleph-1, and so that 2 to the power of aleph-0 = aleph-1. [I think those beliefs go together...] So I don't have to suppose that the cardinality of the known universe's mathematical equations (the level of infinity from which the numbers for the equations are drawn) is greater than aleph-1, at least not as such. Indeed, it appears that irrational numbers occur in physics equations so it would appear that the universe is thus condensed at least from the ether of the continuum, so to speak. [Btw, this means both (A) finite/mortal/w/e beings can grasp infinity but also that (B) this turns out to be a potential let-down as there are still infinite numbers of infinities that we can't (yet/easily) grasp, and so on.]

  7. It occurred to me that:

    • If corruption is the negation of good predicates, and not the addition of evil predicates, then even corruption can be "reduced to" a destruction-like process, in which case Apollyon alone can represent the Form of Evil, it seems. Maybe.
    • Also, in assertoric propositional logic, {X is ~true} = ~{X is true}. That is, contradictory negation collapses into contrary negation, and vice versa, so to say. This does not happen in term/predicate logic, to my knowledge. Anyway, there is a different application of the axiom of opposition, therefore, when it comes to honesty and mendacity, namely, an act can be the physical opposite of a true assertion (e.g. assassinating a whistleblower) or the logicwise-opposite, as in a lie. So the Form of Evil, in lying, is not reductively identical to physical opposition as such (maybe this contradicts(!) the Apollyon-as-the-FOE idea!).
    • But also anyway, then, the morality of lying vs. truth-telling can be mapped onto the priority of the concepts of right and evil. I.e. since truth is more strongly correlated with right, and since the true and the right are conceptually prior to the false and the evil, action expressive of the truth carries with it a prima facie or as they sometimes say pro tanto justification.
  8. Jesus I didn't even think when I was doing it but I totally made a joke how-to video "How to Atone for the Vietnam War" on Memorial Day haha :P

  9. ... This was a clever argument, arguably(!) one of the most clever the demons ever came up with. On a knife's edge did they balance the possible damnation of entire worlds...

    It was said, then, that right was what was done according to nature, and that wrong was to do what was unnatural. But in this event right and wrong would not be pure opposites, besides which all wrong would exist inside of all possible right, here, which amounts to the apotheosis of desolation, one might dread... However, the more important point down the line was to deviate from the axiom of opposition. The entire process was, so to say, half a red herring: the primary external victims would suffer greatly as a result, but not because hurting them was in and of itself more interesting to the demons than was hurting anyone else. It just so happened that these ones suffered from a special weakness which, if the demons exploited it, allowed them to open some of the doors to the apocalypse.

    So anyway, because what these people do does not cancel out something already-existent action or state of good and right as such, but is merely different from such an external state, it is not contrary to goodness and so is neutral if nothing else. Because this must be so, the control narrative has to be constructed by which to deviate these people from the truth nevertheless.

    You start out from a statistical weakness, the question of romantic luck, for them. You see, you have to think that there's much less chance for them to find one person to have a special love for, that is the greatest of all they can feel, here, i.e. it is statistically harder, just so, for them to achieve their romantic ideals. You prey on this [if you are a demon, as it were], because you know this is their weakness: they don't participate in the competitive scheme that you do, they look at other guys and think not so much, "How can I win one over on him?" but, just so to admit this, "I wonder if there's any way I could hook up with him?" Or whatever, haha.

    Anyway, this is their first weakness, here...

    ... [...] ...

    ... So the demons set it up where these people would be tempted to forbidden sadness on one hand, or promiscuous dissolution, elsewise. Convinced, thence, that romantic ideality is a moral illusion, an impossible gambit, an unacceptable promise, a gilden ticket to the heart of damnation even: you must convince these people that they are guilty, in every necessary way, in order for them to accept being sacrificed to the Destroyer's altar at last.

  10. I noticed that the logic of my argument about action vs. inaction, in ethics/responsibility theory, seemed to lead into an argument about moral dilemmas, too, and now I think I can explain just how these issues fit together. The connecting concept has to do with the semantic satisfaction conditions for imperative sentences/prescriptions. Negative imperatives have negative compliance conditions, compliance being the status an imperative has for semantic satisfaction in the way that assertions/declarative sentences have truth as their satisfaction status.

    So, it is false that we are responsible only for wrong things that we allow to happen. If we were responsible for those, we would also be responsible for all the good things we allow to happen, because if we were not equally responsible as such, then negative culpability would be more important than positive attribution, which would entail the concept of wrong/evil (moral opposition) being more important than the concept of right/good. But evil is not more important than good, hence... Also, though, it is false that we are responsible for the good we allow. This is because positive imperatives have position actions for compliance conditions, whereas prohibitive imperatives have inaction for a compliance condition in general. The asymmetry, here, disallows(!) the equivalence.

    Now, in the case of a moral dilemma, if one of these were inescapable/unsolvable, it would follow that no matter what you did (thereof), you'd do something wrong. But since you are not imagined to be capable of doing nothing whatsoever in such a case (which is questionable, after all), there is no general compliance condition available for the imperatives that are ranging over you in a conflicted manner. That is, for a moral dilemma to irrevocably go through, it would be necessary for prohibitions to have positive actions for compliance conditions. It is true that indirectly, by inference from a set of imperatives some of which are positive and others negative, one can relate a negative imperative substantially to a positive action, but not as its internal semantic satisfaction. Accordingly, within the zone of a solid dilemma, one would have to have negative imperatives with positive compliance conditions, which cannot be true.

    The train of thought that transcendental delusion rides, travels from a mistake about the oppositional priority of good over evil (in that the concept of evil depends on the concept of good to have distinct meaning, as the opposite of what is good (it just is any such opposition; there is no self-defining essence of darkness besides this)), to a distorted perspective on doing-vs.-allowing-harm, to the ethical cataclysm of indefeasible dilemmas. From there, of course, it goes to retribution-vs.-retribution and chugs along back to the galaxy of the final offenses...

    1. Ripheus23


      Re: compliance conditions, the idea is that if you "have" to do something in the dilemmatic context, then you can't be inactive, which means you can't meet the compliance conditions for negative imperatives at all. And the absence of possible inactions, under the circumstances, corresponds to how each prohibition is disjoined over the other one.

      Now, there's also an important difference that arises, here, due to the difference between akrasia (AKA "akrasie") which is knowing wrong and doing it, and acedia (AKA "accidie"), which is knowing right and not doing it (although not doing the opposite, perhaps, either). Transcendental delusion needs us to focus on the second concept, when it comes to the absolute-proof theorem, since the APT is the "ultimate weapon" against TD, wherefore TD seeks to subvert the weapon "from the inside." [But, the principle of free will says only the APT-solution to akrasia is specifically possible, here; acedia cannot be negated by the APT but purely by manifest will.]

  11. The idea of antimatter being on the "other side" of the Big Bang, going the "opposite" direction in time, is not mine, I mean my reason for supposing that might have happened was mine (to the extent that I vaguely recalled the thing about antimatter going backward in time being the same as matter moving forward, somehow), but some other physicist (a real one!) came up with the notion already. I found that out from a YouTube video today.

    Anyway, if this is all some (admittedly very weird) attempt to solve Hilbert's sixth problem, one thing I had not achieved as of yet was a "deduction" of the intrinsically probabilistic nature of the quantum manifold. I had hand-waved the problem in my head by squaring the probability waves with the requirement that space be perfectly occupied, and it was for this reason I characterized the so-called Higgs/fractal filling of space, below the Planck threshold (sort of), in my theory, as a "quantum fractal threshold." However, I can't say that I am sure there's an inherently probabilistic geometry in my system, not clearly anyway.


    There IS an easy deduction from deontic logic---sort of---basically, if free will requires a nondeterministic reality in some way, then the fundamental manifold of the quantum world will be nondeterministic, which in this case translates to probabilistic. Unfortunately, the only deeper application of this notion I have, is difficult for me to process: the "trick" is to think, "For the mathematical pattern of the universe to correspond to a 'fair gem' requires a metrodynamic form of 'fairness,' which can be analogically computed via the concept of the Platonic dice." Now, it is not just any of the dice that we get to roll, though. Only those computed already by the transequent order of the kairogenetic axioplex, are given. So, we have the 4-sided and 8-sided dice, in 3-space; we have the 5-sided, 16-sided, and 600-sided dice, in 4-space [this is mostly because of tetrahelical correspondence, which is fitting, after all, as tetrahelical motion is "ideal" rolling motion for simplectic structures as such]; we have no 5-dimensional dice at all, as far as I know (though we do get a set of "marbles," haha!---the universe as a game of dice and marbles together...). So, the encoding of the Platonic dice, through the sequence of genesis, amounts to the imposition of a probabilistic structure on the rolling of the dice, and so in turn the changes in their corresponding particle sets.

    More specifically, though, it seems as though maybe knotical-graphical correspondence can do the "trick."


    Basically (I'm not saying this is in the above .pdf, I'm saying this is how I'm applying the stuff in general), if you can compute braids and knots simultaneously, you can get braids from knots if given the latter. Now, my theory does seem to give us the latter: when the 5-dimensional crystalscape collapses, it (more or less literally) compresses its mass-energy "downwards" into the other crystalscapes of the lower dimensions, causing all the strict lines of the gemstone architecture to resonate, i.e. spheration adverts to them as their curvature, and due to the axioplex (as a metrodynamic graph-theoretic function), we have the firmament upon which to build the quantum starscape (so to speak) as the axioplex has a relation of special equivalence with a knot-theoretic geometry, which is infused into the axioplex itself (apparently?). That is, the knots that emerge from spheration allow us to compute the braids required for braid statistics, i.e. the superlanguage of plektons.

    Now, this might very well falsify my idea [actually, my idea also involves "predicting" that gravity waves can induce deja vu, which if already known to be false, well... or, setting that aside, the deeper parts of the idea involve the "prediction" that certain specific aleph-numbers will be involved in the full equation that states the axiom of physics]. At least, it seems to mean that my idea requires the universe, during the Big Bang, to have been plektonic. So somehow, we'd have to show you could decompose a bosonic-fermionic universe, out of a plektonic one...

    1. Ripheus23


      One more thing for the moment:

      I have been using the word geodesic wrongly. It doesn't refer to straight line-paths, but is an extension of the concept explicitly to curved space. At least, that's what my sources tell me.

  12. Now, my theory goes off "space is never totally empty anywhere," but is this true of time? I was thinking it might be, but in the more exotic sense that there is never a period of time that is always empty. So, if an infinite linear tetrahelix is flowing horizontally while spinning, it will implicitly trace an infinite set of overlapping spheres (out perfectly from the linear horizon). So if all "space" was compacted in a possible cylinder at the edges of the tetrahelix, the flow of time could "fill up" all time over all intervals combined while leaving some regions temporarily(!) empty, timewise, so to say.

    But, the other idea I had was that the three logic functions that give rise to sigma-actuation, could be mapped to the front of the tetrahedron on the edge of a helix (even if there was an infinite helix, it might have an edge, as a ray, so to say), so that as it spun and moved horizontally, it would by this means compute the transequent order of modality, i.e. the +/- infinite sums, and the possibility/actually infinite sums (two for which direction is "read from"). And the quantity of sigma-actuation at each point would map to the angle of each of the infinite tetrahedra, so it would never repeat exactly, unless the entire system were folded into the fourth dimension of space and somehow transformed into a tetraplex or something (600-cell, otherwise to say!).

    [Note: using [] as possible and () as actual, and going from

    • () goes to []()
    • [] goes to ()[]
    • () goes to ()()
    • [] goes to [][]

    we could start with pure possibility, and get an infinite string of actuality bounded by pure possibility:

    1. []
    2. [][]
    3. []()[]
    4. []()()[]
    5. []()()()[]
    6. []()()()()[]
    7. []()() ... ()()[]

    So if we summed up this entire manifold, we could extract an infinite "amount" of ()-ity from []-ity, thus circumventing part of the problem of how there is something instead of nothing, so to say...

    But, at any rate, since the []/() alternations would be mapped to the different orientations of the tetrahelix, we can imagine an infinite succession of these alternations that is "not a rational fraction of the circle" traced by the spirals, as such, or whatever, so rather than following some preformed repeating sequence (just as in the synthesis of (7) above?), we would add in either []'s or ()'s, at whichever interval (from whichever intervals are available at each subsequent stage) was relevant(!).]

    NOW, though, I also had a weird and/or storyish idea, namely, let's say the Planck incident actually represents a "damaged" stage of reality, and the expansion of space is a recrystallization of a life-like manifold, i.e. what if the greater universe is "healing" and this is causing the continued, and accelerated, expansion of space? Granted, this depends on a complex para-metaphorical interpretation of the terms, to even be remotely possible: if the Planck incident resulted from a collision of particles in a pure time-verse, which left an objective vacuum in a (3-dimensional) time-space, and so the "essence of reality" (so to speak?) rushed in to fill the vacuum, like a liquid, and the strands of the liquid were these little "realitarian"(!) tetrahelix sigma-actuators...

    This would have to be relevant to one character in one story I came up with re: these quasi-physics lectures, to be sure...

    1. Ripheus23


      Anyway, let's have the tetrahedron at the edge of the tetrahelix ray, propelling itself through the time manifold by increasing the size of the tetrahelix (let's say, the edge-hedron undergoes Sierpinski action and the resultant net is strung out behind the pilot tetrahedron?). I.e. the pilot-hedron is displacing itself forward in time. Now, two time-waves collide. I have assumed that the "time-verse" contains particles of some sort, "kairons," and that in the time-verse, the statistics pertaining to the distribution of quantum numbers are randomized over the entire realm, so let's say every kairon has a speed, a direction, and a mass. So, when the waves collide, they convert their mass into spatial mass somehow, that is they have some index corresponding to what their mass yield is after collision. Now kairons aren't bound by general relativity so there could be ones traveling faster than 300,000 kilometers per second and equal in weight to 10-to-the-power-of-1500 solar masses, so we can assume the mass-energy-mass conversion of a collision incident involving kairons could encode enough spatially redistributed information to cover the 10^80-something protons we have, supposedly, for instance.

      Anyway, as per the rest of the theory so far, symmetry gives us equal matter and antimatter but the antileptons are deduced from a Planck-Kleinert structure with less actuation to its name than the common leptons (and vectrons, for that matter). So, all the quarks and antiquarks cancel out and eject their energy not just outward in space but in time itself. Most of the primordial antileptons are folded around the time-origin, raying "backwards" in time relative to the baryonic universe, because the past in this context is "less real" than the present (and the vectrinos/antileptons are "less real" overall, here, too), and is causally inaccessible versus the future (since the past is rendered necessary, in context, whereas the future is just what is to still be caused!). So, after an initial cancel-out, there is another rebound of the super-early universe that accomplishes relative baryogenesis by pushing the cancellative weight of the symmetry into an inaccessible state.

    2. Ripheus23


      How many particle correspondences do I have...

      Tetrahedra/simplexes: vectrons/leptons/vectrinos/antileptons

      Octahedra/rectified pentachoron/rectified hexateron: gluons/quarks/antiquarks

      Spheration: gravitons

      But there are also ways to virtually get:

      • Cube/tesseract/etc. particle sets (simple monadic tessellations)
      • Birectified hexatera: part of the vectron-gluon-X sequence (meaning: these = X in the sequence) in 5-dimensional satisfactory tessellation.
      • 4D- and 5D-particle sets corresponding to the kissing-number tessellations in 4D- and 5D-space.

      And probably some others, I think. So, we could make up a story where the total number of universes was read off the complete sets of particle crystals as such...

  13. Quote

    Research using virtual reality finds that humans, in spite of living in a three-dimensional world, can, without special practice, make spatial judgments about line segments, embedded in four-dimensional space, based on their length (one dimensional) and the angle (two dimensional) between them.[12] The researchers noted that "the participants in our study had minimal practice in these tasks, and it remains an open question whether it is possible to obtain more sustainable, definitive, and richer 4D representations with increased perceptual experience in 4D virtual environments".[12] In another study,[13] the ability of humans to orient themselves in 2D, 3D and 4D mazes has been tested. Each maze consisted of four path segments of random length and connected with orthogonal random bends, but without branches or loops (i.e. actually labyrinths). The graphical interface was based on John McIntosh's free 4D Maze game.[14] The participating persons had to navigate through the path and finally estimate the linear direction back to the starting point. The researchers found that some of the participants were able to mentally integrate their path after some practice in 4D (the lower-dimensional cases were for comparison and for the participants to learn the method).

    That's from the Wikipedia article about four-dimensional spaces in general. It makes me wonder if my notion of a sort of "purpose" in the universe, consisting in the transformation of our physical perception into a geometrically (not---quite---mystically) higher-dimensional form, is possible, at least in the sense that concrete understanding of 4D-space would help with deontic logic, say.

    Now, actually, I haven't mentioned it fully yet, but there's a cognitive argument for a 5-dimensional limit on our physics theories, sort of. Namely, we can use dimensional analogies to "intuitively" compute 4-dimensional structures, e.g. as by saying that the net of the tesseract is a layout of cubes just as the net of the cube is a layout of squares. We also have faithful rotational analogies (the gem-like imagery on Wikipedia, for example), stereographic projections, etc. We have some of these for 5D-space, but they are intuitively weaker, depending more on abstract than tangible geometrical analogies. So, 5D-space is the "cognitive limit" of analogical intuition, so (on Kant's scheme, say), it is the limit of what we can acquire empirical evidence of (for the time being!).

  14. "One might wonder: it is all well and good that we can turn a triangle into a fractal that is also a net, which net can be folded into the tetrahedral foundation-stone for a tessellation involving another structure as well, and that these can fold and unfold into other geodesics and spherical and helical forms, and so on and on: but what does this have to do with anything, ultimately? Would it not be possible to graph the concepts in question using other structures? It has to be the special requirements of the system that render the 'algebra' at issue, tractable, i.e. since the transconstruction of the axioplex and its 'halo' shapes follows a set parametric, the problem posed has a determinate and, hopefully, unique answer: and that answer is the objective physical universe."

  15. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-combining/ This points, albeit mostly just in my own mind, to the transconstruction of deontic logic from erotetic, assertoric, and imperative logic (with modal logic interwoven somehow).

  16. Hypersphere_coord.PNG

    These are relevant to the hosohedra I was considering as part of my "theory," although I haven't quite wrapped my head around them haha!

  17. An image I made from other images :P

    calabi-yau torus.jpg

    1. Ripheus23


      Not sure the musical notes are needed...


  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpiński_triangle Hmm, this indicates that the Sierpinski action can condense into/out of any other "parallel" shape (i.e. any isodimensional shape).

  19. Image result for trianglegoes to [net]

    This net of the tetrahedron is also the initial graph of the Sierpinski action of the unit triangle:

    Image result for sierpinski triangle

    So, dimensionalization+ proceeds across the net-vector (as Planck time passes, the nets produced by the Higgs-Sierpinski action are folded together into the unit of the next-dimensional manifold). Retrodimensionalization (of the spheration wave) compresses/rebounds all the energy, "downward," stereographically, maybe, i.e. maybe the octahedron at the 3-dimensional stage is stereographed into 2-space as the 3-Venn diagram?

    1. Ripheus23


      *goes to net Image result for net of a tetrahedron

    2. Ripheus23


      *e.g. maybe the octahedron

  20. I think I have come up with the silliest neologism in my theory to date: "the quatrumvoidal redemptrix-axioplex." Actually, it appears in the foolish sentence, "The quatrumvoidal redemptrix-axioplex is the 3(?)-kairoplex."

    1. Ripheus23


      In defense of my theory, though, it appears that if Causal Dynamical Triangulation is a legitimate framework for approaching quantum fields, then my theory could be adapted to known quantum physics mathematics more precisely.

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