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Ripheus23 last won the day on November 21 2018

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About Ripheus23

  • Birthday 07/15/1986

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    Wherever I ought to be
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  1. Well, at any rate, my model now appears, to me, to involve a phenomenon I will call "Venn-Wheeler condensate" specifically (not Kleinert-Wheeler condensate). The idea is that the universe can transcompute the manifold of tessellation from spheration. But now the 4- and 5-dimensional kissing-number tessellations are not the simplectic ones. The spheration wave has "nowhere to go" in actuated 5-space, so the collapsing 5-dimensional crystal transverts its energy into the 4-dimensional space. This gravitationally condenses into a tessellation, that of the 16-cell, that does not fit onto the already-given tessellation of 4-space. So the 4-dimensional realm is wildly distorted. However, when the wave transverts upon the 3-dimensional realm, it harmonically enfolds the already-given tetrahedral-octahedral manifold, i.e. this manifold is now the Wheeler condensate production of the quarks, leptons, antiquarks, antileptons, gluons, vectrons, and vectrinos as such.

    The gluonic crystal, moreover, can be produced at this stage as a Venn condensate (this being a more specific variation on the geon-theme picked up from Wheeler, here). That is, a Venn 3-circle space is transcomputed (via stereographic retrojection) into the gluonic octahedron; the Venn 3-circle is assumed from spheration per se (as a form of the effect in general). So the gluons have a lot of "reality" to them, at this stage of the axioplex [axiomatic metroplex], and it seems, so far, that all the pieces of the axioplexity thence assembled, add up the degrees of their intrinsic virtual or actual reality, and give, more or less, the particles that have been discovered, if not yet an explanation of how they now interact (I need to learn A LOT more about QED and QCD to figure THIS out!).

    1. Ripheus23


      *assumed from spheration per se and from triangulation per se, I think I should specify.


      There is a difference between (Simplicity + Tessellation) and (Simplicity + Enclosure + Tessellation). The former gives a triangle in 2-space but a cube in 3-space, whereas the latter gives a 2-space triangle and a 3-space tetrahedra-octahedron. This is because as a pure factor, simplicity would qualify tessellation such that the minimal tessellation involving one kind of shape is invoked. But enclosure qualifies simplicity insofar as the tetrahedron (for example) is simpler enclosure-wise compared to the cube.

    2. Ripheus23


      Also it appears I stumbled upon background-independence as a condition of my system, i.e. I do not seem to presuppose that space has a specific form but deduce space's form from other principles. I wonder if that means I'm at all on the right track :P I don't want to end up with something like the CTMU that sounds fancy but is too difficult or empty to reliably apply (although I do want to emphasize that Langan's theory tipped me off to the notion of Venn condensate in particular, so to speak)...

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