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Ripheus23 last won the day on November 21 2018

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About Ripheus23

  • Birthday 07/15/1986

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    Wherever I ought to be
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  1. The Battle of el Samir

    1. Ripheus23


      AKA the Battle of al Semir. The last battle of the First Ecomachy. Three magic equines (the metroarchic equine, the ecoarchic ur-unicorn, and one of the auroch unicorns), three Munsell color sphinxes, three Noumenal Artificers, and three Metroarchs gathered together with two students from the Artifex University, to seal the seraph hydra in the Form of Evil.

      Three Battles of the Land, the. When the deminomic collision took place at the onset of the First Ecomachy, the resultant burst of demonic energy coursed into the ecometric circuit of the multiverse, being named the Shadow of Evil. Gravitational draws from the economies would bend the Shadow into economic physical space on three occasions, and so three times a battle was fought "on the land" against the Form of Evil. During each battle, a different set of hordes of monsters was posed against the locals, resulting in scores of thousands of deaths in total.

      The Battle of the Zeldethyr. Ruin of a large city during the First Ecomachy. Resulted from an independent collaboration with the Form of Evil (a group of mortals turned to sin and their works served the Form, indirectly).

      • Total casualty report, including smaller battles/atrocities: ~400,000 (arguably very small for a multiverse-scale war with the Form of Evil itself, except that though there were thousands and thousands of battles and other incidents spread across the multiverse in this case, in many cases only a few people died because the Form of Evil or its associates did not use a large amount of power (indeed the Form itself was primarily focused on the flow of the ecometric circuit-light in which it was caught)).

      ... Illithyrium, the. A mutilated---transformed---color sphinx, a victim of the animal experiments perpetrated by the Form of Evil.* The head of an oyster-fox affixed to the body of a Munsell color sphinx. [Meant as not-too-oblique nod to the illithid monster type from D&D).]

      *The Form of Evil was not the first being to forge chimerae in wickedness. Indeed, the Form learned instead from one of the ancient Fallen Artificers, who was himself the first to perform cruel experiments on magical animals in the design of a now-vanished class of monster.

      Monsters. Posits of a subset of game theory known as monster theory (sometimes also minotaur theory, due to the prevalence of the minotaur trope in the descriptions of a wide range of entities).

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