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  1. I think it is also worthwhile to take note of dalinars unprecedented abilities that he displays at the end of OB. Things are working differently then when honor was alive. Under these circumstances things that may not have been possible under the original system may now become possible within the new system. Especially with the help of dalinar i think that adolin will revive Maya and become a radiant.
  2. Oops my mistake what I was trying to show was that aons and glyph are the same idea, a set combination of lines that form a lager image. like mandarin elantris also was damaged so the destruction of one doesn't mean anything plus there are multiple other dawn city's Also while glyphs on roshar as a language change over time,the glyphs created by honor and/ or cultivation would be the"true form" or whatever and that would be the glyph that kaladin creates Well that's my whole idea that it's a "in case of doomsday backup". IF odium shatters honor or cultivation and stuffs them in the cognitive realm like he did to dominion and devotion the people or parshmen/ singers/ listeners would then be able to access their investiture the same way the elantrians do
  3. Just a thought I felt I needed to voice so it would stop bouncing around my head and driving me nuts: Elantris spoiler ahead: What if, when honor and cultivation found out how odium shattered dominion and devotion and the side effects of this on the magic system and people decided to create the dawn city's which are all symmetrical rock "glyphs" or "symbols" to act the same way as elantris in case odium tried and succeeded to shatter either of them in the same way
  4. I FINALLY FOUND IT! I have been looking for this thread for almost as long as I knew of 17th shard and I was not let down you guys have written some seriously awesome keteks here are a couple I wrote around when oathbringer came out I hope you all enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed yours Love forever grow beyond never limit never beyond growth forever love ascend to below bringing light shine light bring below to ascend journey through realm beyond dedication achieves destination achieve dedication beyond realms through journey ( i was thinking about elsecallers and shadesmar) ( they don't have many of these on roshar but whatever) reaching onward twisting roots buried deep tree deep buried roots twisting onward reaching flowing past forever gone unseen hand times hand unseen gone forever past flows surging scream twisted rush forward crushing storm crushing forward rush twisted scream surging ( highstorm duh) Light on high striding forward true pure truth forward striding high on light ( wind runners although they are more honor than truth it's poetic) and one for me, wise heavens glow blue rise great nomon great rise blue glow heavens wisdom
  5. i doubt that adolin will become the champion especially as he is set to become a massive celebrity in the spren world if (when) he revives his blade. the number of spren willing to bond or simply ally to dalinar is tremendous and will totally be a game changer. i think moash will be the next "void-herald" (imagine if kaladin had to actually fight him...) but not the champion after all it is a bit obvious and not the counter-dalinar like he is to kaladin
  6. firstly I'm definitely a #teampassion member but a bit of a heretic to mainstream team values [disclaimer before the rant: I use shard names for convenience but totally agree that single word name or any word at all can encapsulate a divine attribute ] I think that the shard is the shard of passion. and passion is all emotions. not just "negative" emotions like lust and the joy of triumph. however since the vessel is a hate-filled person he perceives all emotions thru a lens of hate and this is just magnified to an exponential degree by the shard. when the shard was originally picked up by rayse it was a "neutral" mix of emotion. but when rayse's personality and perception of reality started to merge with the shard he started to perceive more and more the emotion hatred as the foundation to all other emotion. that in effect changed how the shard manifested itself leading in to a never ending cycle of hate until he was no longer passion but rather odium. becoming selfish and cruel turning love into lust joy in sharing into joy in triumph and so on. rayse consciously or not chose to change from passion into odium . but the shard itself is essentially passion. all passions. we see in other cases that the vessels mind and personality change, causing them to be incapable or unwilling to commit certain actions by slowly getting "stuck in a rut" to the very end where their entirely unable to do things contrary to the intent of the shard. unlike the beginning where we see honor was able to break that oath/agreement and live with cultivation. so if mother Teresa had picked up passion i think it would have become the shard of love. also the stormfather is heavily biased and who can say (other than brandon) how much he really knows? after all he is a "new" sentience. another idea of mine is that odiums hate is possibly the leftover emotion from Adonalsiums final moments also if it is the shard of odium-hate then is there a counter-shard love? and if so is there a diametric shard of logic and its counter of madness? p.s the joy of victory-the thrill?
  7. perhaps both conversions (light\dense and dense\light) take the same amount of stormlight and the excess energy of the the denser materiel transforms back into stormlight to either help fuel the change or goes back into the gem? or not at all b\c e=mc2 isn't stormlight=mc2
  8. this is such an awesome piece and it really just gets you thinking like, is hoid trying to restore his dead beloved (perhaps the vessle of adonalisym ) back to life? or a family member or father figure\mentor? and when he says the rules have changed is that in regards to the beyond and how death works and other fundamental laws of the universe (such as investiture and what is now magically possible ) or just the "politics" like what adonalisym would let fly and what oaths (if any )hoid was bound to with adonalyism and such? and how old is this vendetta they all seemed to know each other on a personal level pre-shattering so who knows what they could have done to each other to reach the position of power there in now and how much of it continued to push events now?
  9. Some more food for thought: roshars gravity is 0.7 of earths
  10. I definitely see wax as a windrunner rather than a skybreaker but I wonder if Wayne would be a lightweaver
  11. all that math is a bit beyond me but i am curious to know if the rock to smoke soulcasting that happened in oathbringer (not really a spoiler but to play it safe...) was mathematically accurate so if someone were to go ahead and calculate that it would be appreciated : )
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