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About Hempknight

  • Birthday 12/24/1987

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  • Member Title
    Humble stick
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  1. Nothing but trials rising for weeks now the absolute epitome of just one more go gaming. Bit off topic here and don't know if Brandon is into gaming but any Zelda fans on here wonder if Brandon got the idea for the name kholin from links awakening being set on koholint island?
  2. Loved it and it looks absolutely amazing. Also tried out carnival row but was quiet disappointed. Is anyone looking forward to tonight's episode of peaky blinders?
  3. Odium's wicked weather, Roshar divided, unite Radiants, unite divided Roshar, weather wicked Odium. 

    Dalinar's ketek to arms. 

  4. I have a couple I'm not sure have been asked. 1. With eons being geographically linked to sel and Brandon saying that it's the molecular structure of the metal you burn in allomancy that opens the lock to the investiture. Are metals basically universal eons were the shape of the molecular structure for each metal is constant throughout the cosmere? 2. Does lift turning food into investiture have anything to do with her viewing the world threw child's eyes? E.g I need more awesomeness we're would it come from? Well it must be food that's were I get my other energy from. 3. Are all the unmade still on Roshar thank you.
  5. Haha owwww that's a good question for my shoulder angel i would want Beard and Lopen as a double act they would be hilarious together and as the devil I would choose Dilaf as his intense hatred and passion also amuses me plus for me he had a proper evil voice with lots of hissing sounds haha.
  6. True but I would like to see vin spar him just to see how she would fare against the Herrold of war especially with her being able to play with his already unstable emotions. Also on the other hand if vin had Atium taln wouldn't stand a chance
  7. Hya I know this question wasn't for me but it's a good question so thought i would stick my nose in haha. There's so many good matchups but I wouldn't mind seeing Vin vs Taln in a sparring match or maybe Dilaf vs Adolin (with plate but normal sword) in a duel to the death would be an interesting match up.
  8. Yo gancho! Welcome to the shard. Not been here long myself but If u feel yourself getting fuzzy or overwhelmed go hide in the church of the stick for a while. It's safe there
  9. Hahaha I thought the exact same thing. Also your review is spot on mate. But I did quiet enjoy the that's what Bilbo Baggins hates part. It was a part of the book I always remembered for some reason and loved it on screen.
  10. Finished the Broken Empire trilogy by Mark Lawrence not too long ago and absolutly loved it. So started The prince of fools book one of his second trilogy and loved that so much I finished it in 5 days and I usually take about 3 week to get threw a book I can't wait to get the other two. I highly recommend them to anyone into the grimdark genre.
  11. Ummm yeah I see what you mean. Could it be grouped with light then maybe? As one of the more combat effective sides of the light group? And it is also perceived as well with light as it is any of the other groups.
  12. Yeah that makes sense. Can you maybe have sub magics that are even more powerful that require certain systems to work in harmony? Like the air, fire and ice elementalists working together to create the lightning maybe?
  13. I think that warm air pushes the frozen particles upward were they bang together causing a charge. So if warm air pushes the ice up really it's included heat, air and Ice so it's all 3 really haha. A bit more head scratching for you there bud. Also with your air and fire elements not being linked how does that work with fire not being able to burn without oxygen and oxygen essentially being air?
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