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Mage of Lirigon

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About Mage of Lirigon

  • Birthday 05/26/1990

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    Sage of the Sacred Sky
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  1. I can't even imagine, Shallan was doing so well (relatively) and now she's gonna crack again. I can imagine Chana will not be kind.
  2. Yeah, you can see even see Gavilar ruminate on how he moved away from trusting people (even if they were snakes like Ialai and Sadeas) to manipulating every soul about him, yet it never occurred to him that his success was due to people helping him, not the other way around. It's infuriating since Gavilar is such a scumbag, but also sad too, in a way. Gavilar had so many people who were willing to think the absolute best of him and he pissed it all away. I really feel sorry for the people who invested so much emotionally in this black hole of a man.
  3. I kind of took that as part of her having changed since becoming a full pilot. Most of the time we see her use fancy words is when she's talking about Disputer stuff. She didn't really feel the the need to talk like that now for obvious reasons.
  4. Dalinar has been a threat in that view for a while now, since around the time he was excommunicated, and he's only been going further what with his learning to read and write. It doesn't seem to have caused him much trouble thus far, probably because the inclusion of Radiancy into modern Roshar has shored up his position, since he is the de facto leader of the Radiants. Judging from what we saw this chapter, at least some as Jasnah's reforms seem aimed at improving the lot of the common man, not just the slaves. If she can do that, they'll follow her. The rich and powerful in Alethkar are weaker than they've ever been due to the war. The center of Alethkar is now effectively Urithiru, and pretty much all remaining Alethi power is concentrated there. That's not to say they can't cause trouble depending on the situation, but I doubt it would be critical enough to really shake Jasnah's rule, especially since their main rivals like Sadeas and so forth are gone.
  5. I think the chances of a revolution are rather slim, since most of the military power in Alethkar is focused in Dalinar's hand and her reforms are probably going to go over well with the majority of citizens.
  6. A very lovely chapter. It was nice seeing Kaladin with his family (Syl has settled in well) and Kaladin's change in attitude, especially around Lirin was a good change of pace. I'm not so sure about Kaladin deciding to become a surgeon again, since it kind of feels like it was more because he felt he had no other choice, rather than something he really wanted to do. I suppose figuring that out is part of his arc going forward. I continue to love Navani's scientific discoveries. Can't wait to see them pay off one day.
  7. This was easily my favourite part. I really loved how Jasnah did not let Dalinar and Navani's reticence slow her down. She was perfectly right when she said history has a way of catching up with people, which is why they need to move forward.
  8. I wonder if they're actually on Odium's side? They could have been for a while. It might also explain what happened to Szeth.
  9. I love, love, love all this Cosmere reveal stuff we're getting now. Logicspren acting kind of like logic gates is a big deal, it could catapult them very far very soon depending on how they use. Humans getting closer to the Rhythms is another huge deal. I'm strongly suspecting that this will have something to do with the Sibling. And Zahel. His picture is probably next to the word 'curmudgeon' is the dictionary. Glad to see he's sharing some of that ancient wisdom, unlike another fossil some could name...
  10. Not having a physical body is a huge impairment. Their Investiture belongs to them, not anyone else. Stormlight being Connected to the Stormfather is probably the issue.
  11. Amazon is the name of a forest, river or mythological warriors. Ghostbloods is a gang name.
  12. Recall Ruin. Imagine what some other Shards in situations like that might do with a steady supply of unconnected investiture...
  13. Renarin wants to be a standard Alethi very much, in terms of wanting to follow in Dalinar and Adolin's footsteps as warriors. Sebarial doesn't fit in, and he owns that and makes no bones about it. I wouldn't be surprised if it happens, I just don't want it to, not least because it would be really predictable. The lone merchant in the culture of warriors being a traitor...
  14. Nalthians are naturally Invested, so that may make some difference. Same thing could go for the Elantrians based on the nature of the Shaod. I don't want Sebarial to be a Ghostblood, since he's the most prominent example of a non-standard Alethi male we see in the books.
  15. I wouldn't for a second think this is all there is to it. I believe this was already confirmed.
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