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  1. sin165


    Thanks, guys! Sadly I don't know animation. Or much modeling. This one was just simple enough for me.
  2. I'm playing Sims 4. My sim Kaladin has been abducted and impregnated by aliens. He has an alien baby now. She's blue. I called her Sylphrena. I'm so sorry.
  3. Um... I'm actually on the other side of the globe but for the shipping purposes I'm in the US. Can I participate?
  4. sin165

    M-Bot's voice

    Thank you! I couldn't remember who M-bot reminded me of. How could I forget Ordis! It hasn't been that long since I got banned from WF
  5. sin165


    The cytonic drive needs someone with cytonic abilities. And there aren't that many humans with cytonic abilities. So I'm pretty sure it was Doomslug's job. We don't really know what Krell (or rather the Varvax, since Krell is basically an organization that runs the "prison" and not a species) look like inside their armor. So theoretically Doomslug could be a Varvax. If she (not sure it's a she but whatever) is a watcher why did she stay near the ship and away from humans? And would that even be a good thing? Does humanity really want to join their "Elysium"?
  6. The fighters weren't designed by Defiants, right? So maybe for whoever designed them, the acclivity rings weren't so valuable. Installing the ejection system for the acclivity rings would require major modifications that are probably beyond Defiant engineers skill.
  7. "I didn't meant to do this" Chapter 9, page 70 (I think) on Kindle. Pretty sure that's not an error. I mean it's a bit weird but so is Spensa : )
  8. I'm sure Vyre vs. Kaladin will happen. I doubt that Kaladin will kill him though. I think the 5th ideal might be something like "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves even if it means killing someone I care about" and probably Kal won't be able to swear it. If Odium can predict that he'll choose Moash regardless of his strength.
  9. Obvious or no, I still think it'll be Moash. And Kaladin (who will be Honor's champion) will fu... er, I mean... um, storm up? That is he won't be able to hurt Moash.
  10. sin165


    Spensa doesn't believe that her father was a coward. Do you think she may be right? Did he really flee or did something else happen? Crazy(?) theory: Assuming Skyward is in the same universe as Defending Elysium, could Chaser have been mind swapped? (Like Denise in DE)
  11. Doesn't it seem to you that the yellow thingy can move way too fast for a slug? (Cyto?) P.S. This is what happens when you want to read the whole book but you can only read 3 chapters. I am so very sorry about this. Please don't hurt me.
  12. Hoid: Ezra Miller Sazed: Doug Jones
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