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First of the Dawn

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  1. You're probably right, now that I think about it XD
  2. I've always though of a mixture between Honor and Odium as something similar to Autonomy, as Honor+Odium would equal "Hatred of Bonds." I feel like you guys are thinking along the lines of "If the Honor part of Honor+Odium was violated..." But that just me taking a blind shot in the dark.
  3. maybe... I've read The Rithmatist, I might try Aether of Night next
  4. Hi! I've been lurking for a while and I finally managed to summon forth the courage to actually introduce myself (I'm antisocial, don't judge)! So far, I've read basically every single published Cosmere book and novella, and am looking forward to the forthcoming release of (hopefully) Stones Unhallowed.
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