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  1. Hey guys, so I just finished Skyward a few days ago, and I had a really interesting idea/theory on what is going on here. Right before the Lifebuster explodes, M-Bot is running through his systems, trying to figure out a way to escape so they don't die in the blast. When he reaches the Cytonic hyperdrive however, something interesting happens, a line I think most readers may have overlooked. It reads something like: "Biological component activated" and then they jump about 100,000 Kilometers away I think. So here's my theory, I think M-Bot is an advanced scout ship, and it was used by the humans to scout out planets before they attacked the aliens in the war. I think that perhaps Cytonic humans weren't considered as freaks back then, and they were highly valued as scouts because they could jump places quickly and easily with specially designed ships. Now, M-Bot said he had been deactivated for something like 127 years, right? And the humans have been on the planet for 80 years I think. So I think it's possible that M-Bot and his pilot were scouts, and maybe they jumped to close to the automated defenses and got shot down. What do you guys think of my theory and the future of M-Bot?
  2. The Aztlanian (Rithmatist 2). That's the next book title.
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