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  1. "Gold and red". Does this match anyone's house colors from Warbreaker or WoK? I don't think Elantris mentioned house colors, but its been a while. I'm leaning toward Trelagism and Trellism being two different religions, or at least the latter being a new denomination of the original, perhaps influenced by newer information or another Shard. I wonder if the book that Ironeyes delivers for Wax is in relation to Mr Suit's promise to deliver "proper information" over time. If so, that would connect Ironeyes, Trell, and Miles' prophecy together. It's stretching, but Trelagism involved a god of the night and his one eyed brother, that could be perverted into Kel and Marsh at the end of HoA with his one spike missing. Though obviously someone saw fit to gift Marsh (if he is indeed Ironeyes) with a replacement spike. Given this could be his original fetched after the final battle in HoA. Also, the reappearance of the starts after over 1000 years, followed by the information in the Words of Founding, could have easily produced a new respect for the religion, even if it gets perverted. Could also be that the unnamed southern people from HoA have made their way to the Elendel area and brought their knowledge and beliefs with them.
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