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  1. Actually their surprise is what makes me think that they were human or sentient before. For me that surprise is like recognition or remembring what they were like, which they have forgotten. My theory is that when they evolved, they were looking at the universe at such a macro level that they no longer see the buzzing irritation as life. It is like us looking at ants. we see bugs, but if we were to go among them, we might see families, and emotion.
  2. As i read in Oathbringer preface, Parshendi had shardblades before they met King Galivar's expidition. Secondly the shardblades were discarded after the parshendi were labotamised.
  3. Actually your second paragraph is what i am saying, i understand that these are desendents of the original, and we dont know as of yet when a parshendi is born, what form are they born in (Possbily in Book 4). Maybe they automatically attract a spren from one of their parents, and later learn how to change it. if that is the case, then the lost forms would still be passed down to the singers. The listners on the other hand decended from a warrior grooup, and may know of the forms at that time, but being a nomadic group, may have lost the non-important forms out of necessity.
  4. I was just hearing the podcast "History of Roshar Part 1", and i disagreed with one thing said there. They discussed that when parshmen got exposed to the everstorm, they got gifted different form. And then Venli felt dissapointed that these new singer do not understand the forms, that listners were trying very hard to find. I don't think that was the way. I believe that the these singer already had these forms, and the spren in their gemhearts before they were casterated from the cognitive realm by the humans, and when parshment entered the everstorm their connection was re-established and they re-gained their original form. I believe the spren were always there in their gemhearts. What do you thing?
  5. The only thing i don't like is that it is going to take 13-15 years for the final book to come out. (Assuming 2 years per book). Not complaining on Sanderson's Speed. He is the fastest Author i know. Just the scope of the series and Cosmere. In the end i know i will love all the books.
  6. WOR Duel was great. When kaladin jumped into the areana. i was thinking the other side is going to get their arse kicked now. I also wished Elohkar had gone a bit further. but had he said the first ideal, he would have been near un-killable
  7. Tell me of your favourite section/passage in the Stormlight series. The one that you overflowed with emotion, joy, sorrow anything. Mine is when Kaladin meets his parents in Oathbringer and especially when he tells the people of Heartstone about the void bringer. He rose in the air 2 feet and told them he was a radiant. I almost cried with joy when i read that. I can re-read that chapter over and over again.
  8. I don't think the dashes are linked to the amount of time the Heralds broke. I personally don't belive in that theory. I just think there were originally 16 spren of a certain type(maybe associated with Odium's invetigure which he took control of on coming to Roshar), which Odium used to make the Unmade. He combined their investigure. These 16 were changed i.e unmade, and the ones he combined got more sentience.
  9. ohh i have no music or lyrical sense.
  10. I think there were 16 spen originally which were combined to make the Unmade. This matches with number 16 of Adolnasium Ba Ado Mishram 3 Re Shephir 2 Sja Anat 2 Yelig Nar 2 Dai Gonarthis 2 Moelach 1 Nergaoul 1 *Che Moarish 2 Ashertmarn 1 Sum 16 *Chemoarish is the exception, she has no hyphen, but is sentient, I think chemoarish should have hyphen Odium claimed them and combined them to create specific capabilities he needed.
  11. Looking at the full cosmere and the amount of books planned, it is a much better rate than King Killer Chronicles. I am still expecting 1 Book and or Novella per year from BS. They may not all be SA, but thats good enough.
  12. NIce, more please. Lets make a song out of it
  13. It is stated in the book somewhere that Dawnshards destroyed Ashyn, so they predate Heralds, Honor Blades or Knight Radiats. Also Honor stated in a vision that he doesn't have access to them any more. This lets me believe they are not on Roshar. It they are, they are hidden from the view of the shards. Amia could be a good guess. Maybe Hoid is involved.
  14. I think you misunderstood me, I didn't mean they held most of Odium's investiture, but their investiture is mainly made up of Odium's. I think the 16 were unmade into 9 after he got stuck on Roshar, but the original 16 existed before.
  15. I have a new theory which support sentience teory. I think there were 16 spen originally which were combined to make the Unmade. This matches with number 16 of Adolnasium Ba Ado Mishram 3 Re Shephir 2 Sja Anat 2 Yelig Nar 2 Dai Gonarthis 2 Moelach 1 Nergaoul 1 *Che Moarish 2 Ashertmarn 1 Sum 16 *Chemoarish is the exception, she has no hyphen, but is sentient, I think chemoarish should have hyphen. These 16 spren held most of odium's investigure, and when Odium came to Roshar, and claimed them, he combined them to give them more power and sentience.
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