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Everything posted by Natans

  1. Just adding fuel in the discussion =) M: Secret History spoiler =)
  2. Ruin and Preservation created Scandrial, Hoid was a bit of Preservation power in him, (the Lerasium bead). So technically he was a part of the god that created the planet and own the place Nay, Hoid are the cognitive shadow of Adonalsium everything is of him =) He had me there too, why he own's Scandrial ?
  3. Yes but his inability to hurt people are something that runs deep, that a simple "I"m a good person so I will refrain hurt others". Hoid, is literally unable to hurt (at least in the physical world ) someone. I remember some word of Brandon where he stated that Hoid, even with all his power, aren't very good fighter because he couldn't attack or some such. Until now I put this was a quirk, but after he little showdown with Kelsier this begun to look super suspect to me. Someone had the trouble to make hoid unable to hurt others, why?. This sounds like some precaution or punishment imposed to avoid him make the hell what he wanted. So all his apparent benevolence could be him, like, let's say Ruin, poising himself to achieve his objectives, but without this limit he would be a good person ? Or we would kill hurt e kick pups to make his goals happen ?
  4. I'm in that the Sovereign are Kelsier train. How he did't we don't know, but by what I remember of Cosmere cure power theory, when someone cures himself (in the most extremes case at least) he are, in true, returning his body to a previous "cognition state" or the be more precise he return his body to the "cognitive image that he had of himself" or some such. This is very peculiar because it can create a situation where one person is able to cure a serious wound but not a little one if that little wound are part of the image that he had of himself. Ex: Kaladin, until now, wasn't able to cure his forehead scar. And Lopen, that in my eyes have a very strong image of himself was a being a complete and functional was able to cure a lost arm in his childhood. AUTO IMAGE are everything here. The scar in the Sovereign arms are, to me, a indicative that Kelsier when hijacked the physical realm did't using a similar method, and the auto image of his arms being scared carried over to new "new body". I suspect that they used hermalurgy in a dead body to connect Kelsier cognitive self with this body, and when this body received Kelsier cognitive and spiritual webs, the body "turned" in the image that Kelsier had of himself minus the spikes he used to bind everything together. Kind a forgery, the new body react to make sense of the new cognitive aspect. Well this is my opinion at least=)
  5. Harmoniun maybe? If so being the ruin preservation alloy could explain the apparent instability, also it worked like Roshar gemheart storing investidure right ?
  6. Ok, So Hoid give a major beat down in Kelsier, and felt good with himself (kicking a defeated foe in the ground for good measure included), and this was grim in my book! .... so the number one cosmere Joker have some spunk in him. The little bit about him being incapable of hurt someone got me thinking, Why someone would go to such lengths to impair this peculiar capacity in Hoid? Plus about, almost anyone cosmere aware like him very much? Hoid could really be some kind of antagonist ?
  7. So could Mraize be Kelsier ?? in his new body ? Unlikely, but both have extensive scars and some similar atitude? Thoughts?!?
  8. And what about the Q&A? Somebody go the audio ? =) He didn't said to put this online to, did he ?
  9. I'm in the "leading ship". Come on, Sanderson said that Kaladin had a gift to make squires (abnormal number that I translate in 1000 squires army ex-bridgeman), so some time he will have to put aside his "I'm not cut for leading thing" and go all the way to "if I don't do it nobody will", Kaladin and his squires are the best defensive force against the Desolation that we have so far, he must face this and accept his place as a "general/leader" of the Radiants. His little trip do Alenthekar will serve him to consolidate in as a leading figure, because he must go from hearthstone to the capital guiding who knows how many people =)
  10. Ok what about Weaponry ? The Two magic systems that have more "technological" fell are the metalic arts and fabrial science so how they could be weaponized to be used in a future war. Gravity spren already confirmed as a thing, so a probably weapon could be "Mass Acceleration Rifle" Gravity spren powered. Just put ammunition, (or soulcast the thing in loco =0 ) and voilá long range weapon =) For spaceship they could use a warp/slip drive, To travel by shadesmare =) So many possibilities =)
  11. Odium right NOW are the big bad, going crazy killing other shards for the Lulz are the most "villainous" thing going on in the Cosmere, (that we know). So until someone come and kick Hoid dog just because he can Odium as the title of Cosmere biggie party crasher =) For know at least =)
  12. Dying is bad but Brandon could do worse than kill his characters like George did the red wedding where someone got a very "cruel head job". That was harsh, the death was ok but what they did after was too much =0 Let say Odium could not only kill Kal and cia but shred their souls in pieces like Hoid said, denying them any respite in the afterlife, or other treatment, after all he is cosmere big bad =)
  13. Exactly the same size!! Given the fact that Tor's maximum book size was topped by Brandon in WOR =) They could new prints. I Almost calling to they to say "Hey guys guess what we gonna need a new print, hope that you doesn't mind " =)
  14. I don't believe in the lack of stomlight theory simply because if the palace are constructed in the plateau of the oathgate, considering that Alenthi nobility use stormlight as lamps, or to ornate body, and such frivolous display of wealthy, and that most likely Alenthekar Treasury are there stormlight wouldn't be a issue =) =)
  15. In sum - To be able to act as a teleport the Oathgate must be some kind of fabrial. - Modern Fabrials are spren powered - We know that at least another tow object that have similar characteristics: 1 - Change form and be shardblade resistant. Tthe Shardplates. 2 - A metal object without trapped spren that have surge characteristics. The Soulcaster - Navani allude dream is build up modern shardplates. Speculation: Brandon wouldn't highlight this if her dream her impossible - We know it's possible lock some spren by measuring them in a "Quantum Fabrial Science" stable form. So to me, both shardplate,oathgate and soulcasters are advanced fabrials created by "Quantum Fabrial Science". How come? Lets take for example the plates. What happen when them broke? They fix themselves to a defined previous state correct ? If so, this is to me evidence that they are locked in a predefined state and the act of fix themselves by feeding stormlight are just this fabrial achieving a quantum state of equilibrium pre-defined. And more If is possible to turn(fix in a quantum state) some kind of spren so that them take a physical form, mimicking what the upper spren do when they turn in a blade, we could have the solution from this problem. Basically the oathgate, the shardplate and the soulcasters are both similar things. Spren turned material e gived some kind of characteristic by locking them in pre-set state by quantum fabrial science. Evidence of this in the soulcaster is that unlike all the other modern fabrials where the desired affect are given by a gem trapped spren, there is no spren trapped in the soulcaster, what make it work are the "metal setting/casing" (or by my theory the spren turned metal by quantum locking). =)
  16. I always thinked that the WOp about squires in book 1 are related to the various fast healing wounds that bridge 4 man sustained. in the top of my mind I can think in the shoulder injure that Teft got and that "should" impair his fight ability but didn't, Skar "almost but not quite arrow in the knee" that healed very fast and without side affect, and dabid and hobber injuries in the begin of book. Side note why this could be relevant? Well fast healing are evidence that almost preclude stormlight use, see Kal himlself and latter Dalinar in WOR that when fighting Szeth did't was bothered by his previous wound =)
  17. Rosharian Empire against Scradian Fedaration will happen =) Roshar Have three planets in they system two inhabited so space travel have a significant allure there. Also they have the better magic system currently know to provide means of travel between worlds. Create a gemheart ftl driver fabrial and voilá scifi setting. Serious Fabrial science will develop rivers, in the past they had the oathgate, they very well could create they version of oath"stargate", the spacesuit (shardplates) and lightsabers (shardplates) are already done. Create a gravitational spren rifle to squire-infantry (soulcaster provide ammunition and gravity spren propulsion) and everything fit together. And the motivation for both planets? Bu of course, discovery the origin of life (Yolen and Adonalsium) =)
  18. Fan: Can you tell me anything about Kaladin’s maternal grandparents? BWS: Let’s just say that his mother (you’re asking a very astute question) gave up more than most people gave up in that city to go be what she became. She’s definitely fallen in social standing since her childhood. She took a hit. Very Interesting indeed =)
  19. Shardblades cut the soul, don't they ? So they attack the spiritual aspect of the being if I recall precisely =)
  20. He was injured, demotivated, in the middle of the weeping, and even so knocked two guards. And after this he remarked that he indeed could fight without Syl. Well if we are giving credit to the fact that he couldn't bring himself to properly do his training/kata, let give some credit to the fact that himself judged that he could fight without Syl. Or like was said, A mad man is whose discredit the evidences that are presented just because them don't fit in the result that hi is looking for =) Kal can fight. And he can fight better with syl given him help. Like Teft stormlight don't give someone skill stormlight just highlight the skill that one already have =)
  21. One word Tanavastium!!! The physical aspect of a god highly invested stuff gived some function. We know that the shardblades are spren cognitive bodies turned physical, and that the spren mimicked the power that Tanavast gived to the mans. We know that the "gods" also have physical manifestation in the world, Atium, Lerasium, Harmonium(recently aluded), the shard pools. So the dawnshards could be Tanavastium, A.K.A. Tanavast physical aspect bleed in the world. Honorblades, and the danwshards are Tanavast analog of Shardblades and Fabrials =) Evidence? Almost none. But hey give that make sense =)
  22. Lift, Jasnah,Taln, another herald, and, %#$* (someone that I always forget) are the main focus characters in the second 5 books, so aside them I don't believe that many characters will be alive. Desolation are supposed to be harsh things(90% of on population at time), and them are just minor desolation without everstorms, 4500 thousands years time gap, no herald to help and no radiant order ready. Brandon made so much foreshadowing of the apocalypse that I'm waiting for very bad things =) hey but this is me =)
  23. War is upon Roshar, and 1000 potential squires against a sea of blood and ashes aren't a big deal, really, we didn't even see the main force of Odium, midnight essence, thunderclasters, all the parshendi forms, and even the voidbringers arts, aren't in play Dalinar and cia have it easy in the first two books. Let's deal folks third book gonna be a grisly one, until now the main characters are dealing only with 50.000 or so enemies and took ONE ENTIRE nation to just to box this many enemies in a trap at great cost, millions of voidbringers are be hell of more hard to deal. Humanity in Roshar are the underdogs now. Every and all help that they got will be precious needed, so Kaladin given them this little boost will mean very little in the big picture. =) And remember that we will have a timeskip, 15 or so years, if take this many time to deal with the desolation, I'm not very confident that the first 5 books will end well for the main characters, so the argument or they this is a book everything will be alright don't sit well with me. I foresee that the almost everyone in the main cast will be dead by the end of the first five books, squires and all included =) All in all the next book have the plot setting to be one of the best one, and I bet that a certain ex-one arm bridge man and his 999 followers will be part of this plot for awesome reason of course =)
  24. Recent word of Brandon that serve as evidence to my little theory =) Q: I said since Shallan has a unique ability of Memory from her blended surges, is fighting what Kaladin has? A: No. His unique ability is "Strength of Squires". 1000 Squire army will happen I can feel LOL =)
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