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Everything posted by Ashaman_Wade

  1. I've been thinking a lot about this and I think there is room for both Szeth and Vasher to become more than their pasts together in the story. Both are in service to others because of perceived evil in their past with a sword that can't percieve that evil being a companion to both. Nale showed Szeth a path out of darkness and it led to Dalinar. Now as Szeth overcomes his past he will bring others with him as we have seen the other radiant leaders do. I thought it could be the remaining Sadeas troops that end up being put under him to learn law and order. However, it could just be Vasher that he saves. I mean if Hoid got a spren, why couldn't Vasher?
  2. So I'm rereading OB and I'm coming across Szeth and his whisperers. Then Dalinar is only aware of his once he knows he should, after the memories come back. And the Singers are hearing their rhythms now that they are allowed the connection. How related are these 2? Is it a Rosharan thing? I know the rhythms "permeate" the cosmere and can be heard anywhere by listeners. What about Szeth? If he left roshar would the voices subside, or is his connection to the Spiritual real going to stick regardless of where he is? Are there any other instances where people are gaining this connection without extreme death dealing? If not, is this then of Odium? Or another shard of equal anti-hero ness?
  3. Well, that may continue until you get the female radiants walking around in storming shard plate. Once that happens and Brandom reveals that whole mechanic I feel like there will be another huge change in perception for women in Vorin ideal positions. Just with the female bridge man flying up in shard plate everywhere, jasnah walking about in her glowing plate, and I feel like it's going to be even more apparent that women can be the same tools of war that men can be. Regardless of religious and social norms. They are also fighting in the last desolation and for a lost Alethkar. There is room for the queen to start ordering forced enlistment or at least enforce training for women. I mean, Jasnah will do her own data supported thing and fighting Alethi women may be the easiest. Or at least filling out the support staff with women to free up the maximum amount of fighting men.
  4. I guess, what would the likelyhood be for Jasnah to come in and publish an argument that makes room for any woman to start learning the spear at least. To make war a feminine art as well maybe. Once it starts to fail, Jasnah would turn to the only society that we have seen do it so completely right, the parshendi and Rlain could have that huge opportunity to grow as humans rely on him for guidance.
  5. The widows and women of the Alethi camp are going to end up fight, loving, and standing alongside the bridge crews. I was trying to think of the ramifications of Jasnah being queen would mean for Alethkar and I fell into this thought. One proclamation stating that if any woman wishes to learn how to fight then seek out x. I made x the bridge crews because I feel like as a whole they could be more open and accepting. Imagine all the men learning to read from the woman and the bridge crews becoming this modern army that is the best as fighting, saving, protecting, and fostering hope among the world. Does anybody see an all women spear squad? I also thought about Rlain taking more of a leadership role and teaching the men and women how to fight as war pairs when lines break or as an invading force that gets separated with common soldiers backing them up.
  6. From the conversation with syl, when she said that there were some spren with 4 genders, the parsh/listener/singers ability to bond and morph predated Honor and Cultivation. That's not the only evidence, there was A WoB too.. but I cant find it. It would have been Adonalsium at that point though, preshattering.
  7. I just believe in experiencing everything for the One, not everybody can eat cookies so I must when i can. Also, what is an Ookla, why are there so many and your choice... are you secretly Verin? Everyone on the shard is Verin until proven otherwise to me. How do I put spoilers in? When are spoilers going to be an issue here?
  8. I would also like to add that while Kaladin took great strides to becoming a "light eyes" in Oasthbringer he still seems to only enter into the large meetings as a foil. To show the higher ups how the enemy and low class feel.that and protecting Heralds. Moving on to what could cause him to heal himself.. Maybe he is morphing into a protector of the land position and will be fully healed when he is chosen as the champion of the light and he accepts that he is more than what he sees himself as. Like, he does something huge in saving a large group of people and then he starts gathering a following that takes care of him and his mens needs. A cult? Off topic. I just get lost thinking about what could happen to make kaladin see that he is becoming more than just what he sees in himself. Maybe that involves everyone knowing th at the hero that everyone knows and loves has a slave brand. The continual upheaval of Alethi societal norms, especially now that slave work is everybody work.
  9. Ok, I will. Thanks. However, at far as new friendships we might see, I'd like gawx to get more growth. Plus, the evening radiant hangouts are getting larger and may turn into some form of the nobilities parties. All the power and prestige with all the peoples worship. Who wouldn't want to attend these gallahs of might and self journeying.
  10. As long as everyone else is doing it, I'm all in coach. However, my favorite book is Oathbringer because I love the journey. Still love adolin. Where is an appropriate thread to ship gawx and adolin as a teacher of commanding the courts and adolin just being a bro while training with Lift. Just the dynamic and likelihood. It would be funny. Especially if its established off screen and we kind of come in and Gawx is seriously taking pointers from adolin and shallow with Lift coming in with a bad one. Sometimes kaladin would be a part of it. Lift just bringing Gawx out to radiant meetings. Adolin training fighting an edge dancer savant fused. I don't think him becoming edge dancer could happen offscreen if it ever happens. Could it? Anyways, the Gawx and adolin ship, where would that go?
  11. *ate the cookie 4 replies ago. Where is it supposed to hurt? My ring finger toe on the left part of my soul hurts when it rains; or is it just more forebodeing added on to my already natural state of foreboding?
  12. Kaladin and Renarin are my favorite characters. Kaladin is just the best, with his achy breaky heart and a supporting crew that could take over the world.. Renarin is the most intriguing. I'm a diet, sorry but I must not, upon advice.
  13. Hello, I'm a long time consumer of theories and content on this 17th shard. I got started with WoT and Theoryland but was a high school senior when RJ passed and never felt like I had enough to offer the internet. I'm starting to just jump in on a lot of storm light topics. Then while waiting for a memory of light I read mistborn, elantris, war breaker and way of kings. I am all caught up on cosmere works with SA being my favorite, because of how he has nailed my personal battles with Mental illness. It was like a piece of me had been awakened and I have been forcing these books into as many people as possible since then. Where do I ask for dragon steel, aether, and all other unreleased material? Where can I learn the subtleness of the scadrial magic system? I have read all 6.5 mistborn books and cant talk about it as fluently as I have seen some. Thank you all, I genuinely love this online community and just want to be a part of it.
  14. Oh, nice! I guess I didn't search thoroughly. I was looking for religions and I got a lot of Dark One to sort through. I still get nervous posting here. But for me to put together a clean theory that could be accepted (in general, not just about this) what does that need to look like. We know Roshar predated the shattering and I want to theorize that outside of a parshendi/listener/singer religion then The One is the oldest religion on Roshar. The biggest piece of evidence would be two pieces of text, Evi explaining how to petition the one for change by using the Old Magic, but not through the Cultivation spren Nightwatcher. A He, which is likened to Adonalsium. Then the text about Old Magic not fitting the other magic systems on Roshar that is used for Renarin. Why its important? What is going to happen to Vorinism in a year, when book 4 takes place? The countries that follow this "pagan" religion are almost all following Odium, while all the vorin kingdoms are banded together fighting Odium. Will Odium strengthen their resolve and belief in their church to make them a much stronger/ passionate army? Will the Vorin church keep trying to hold on to their old ways after Dalinars Oathbringer comes out as the condemnation on Vorinism that it truly is. That there is no morality, no meat, and no meaning to the religion. What happens if Radiants pop up in the Ardentia? What if there is a small revolution and the information Jasnah and the radiants need about the Recreance comes out of the Vorin church, who destroyed it in the first place? Will the Heralds usher the end of the church or will they try to fix it. I just feel like we keep treating religion the way the books tell us to treat religion instead of the larger player that it really is/could be.
  15. I don't even know of a better name than following The One. But we know that Ash says refers to Adonalsium when she passes out at the end of OB. The way she talks while pregnant with Adolin made me feel certain that her pagan religion was referring to Adonalsium and Dalinar had his answer about god kind of right there in his flashbacks. I mean we are given such hard Vorin viewpoints and we know it's fake but still view the pagans as weird and crazy because our viewpoint does. At least I do. With the desolations it could be the oldest lasting religion alongside the passions.
  16. I was thinking about Kaladin not being able to heal himself with investiture because of the way he views himself. Then Azure/Zahel using Investiture to change their appearance at will. Then the listeners ability to bond a spren and transform their body and even their mind. I guess my question is - where and how do Listeners/Singers transform compared to what is established in the cosmere?
  17. I can easily see this happening except we know so little of the Sibling. Then there is the fact that throughout the history of Roshar the Listeners were still there in between desolations. They messed up when BAM allowed them to have the false desolation after Aheretiam and this changed the conflict. Maybe the radians captured all the thinking unmade, broke the fighting ability of the Listeners by breaking their minds Connection, and once they fulfilled the broken promise of Aheretiam then they broke the establishment that followed the Heralds so closely. Amerams fall may be more indicative to the fall of the radiants than the finding of the original voidbringers. Finding out that the Heralds had lied. So they fixed it. who (dying honor, cultivation, the Aimiens, heralds, unmade) or what was instrumental in pushing the recreance and fulfilling the heralds broken promise of an end to fighting voidbringers. As far as the severed connection of Connection and Identity of the Parshman goes. The only kind of power similarity I thought of was when preservation used the last of his power in the mists to snap people. Was their snapping similar? Could Honors dying power be combined with the capture and then severance of BAM as a suucidal power shot. A gift for humanity.
  18. I don't think that the sibling was BAM. But I would accept that severing the singers connection was something that required the forced death of spren, hence the recreance. Maybe the death of Honor, the new Nahel bonds with Singers, and the false desolation at its climax. Right? So the bondsmith does something to stop the Singers from bonding at all and it cost 9 orders of radians to match the 9 unmade and forms of powers or whatever. I just don't see anybody with the relationship that kal and syl has, or shall and pattern, killing that bond without it being a direct requirement. Regardless of what act they were a part of.. some would leave and some spren would have survived.
  19. Moash has been given enough story elements to at least be present and supporting Odiums champion forces. I really enjoyed his fall and hated seeing him turn down responsibility over and over again. Because of that one fact I don't see him taking up any mantles. Can he have squires with the honorblade?
  20. I'd like to add a few things to the timeline to see if you guys could figure out who played what roles and when with what we know more of. 4. Oathpact formed... 5. Spren of Honor and Cultivation mimicked Honorblades and the Nahel Bond is introduced 6. Urithiru, silver kingdoms, Way of Kings, with long cycles between desolations and the orders of KR established. 7. Aheretiam. This takes place when humanity is almost wiped out from successive desolations, over shorter gaps in time, and 9 Heralds do not return to complete the Oathpact as they had all the tines before. They just found a loophole so the Oathoact is completely intact since one herald went back and then after breaking the voidbringers came back as they have before. 8. False desolation/Recreance. After listening to Dalinars vision of Feverstone Keep, I had this thought. Maybe the capture of Ba-Ado-Mishram alone wasn't enough to deprive the voidbringers of voidlight, that one action doesnt really sync up with the extreme loss of connection and identity caused throughout the Listener population. I feel like the willful giving up of KR Nahel Bonds allowed the Bondsmith to do something MORE and that was what took away their forms of power and Voidlight. It's just too much coincidence in the story that both of those things happened and weren't connected. More so than just their conscious caused them to disband and forsake all oaths. 9. Honors death. The Stormfather said that he was raving and in his death throes when the KR found out about the original Voidbringers so he finally died sometime after due to... I have no idea. Odium killed him but Idk of any WoB or text that even hinted at how that may have played out. 10. Final Desolation. We are in the end game now. Overall, I like what is being put down and just wanted to see if this added any value to your theory. I like complete timelines.
  21. I wrote something down when listening to the Nohadon dream with Dalinar but I'm not sure how accurate this is - Nohadon is a cognitive shadow, still alive. Nohadon is the sibling. As far as Nohadon being a CS, what would happen if a man walked Roshar in a way that mirrors Honors human life if he had chosen to create one? Would Honor put enough investiture in that human to make him an Avatar and let him walk the earth still? An honest... more honest.? Sort of Survivor. Being the sibling, just meant a human that could connect through the strata that truly cared for every human life on Roshar. He was part of structuring the Silver kingdoms and wrote the book that set up the foundation of the knights radiant. Someone who was heavily of both Honor and Cultivation because the WoK brought great change throughout Roshar. Now that that is off my chest. Nohadon was a Bondsmith there are too many parallels with dalinar for me to not believe it. Then looking forward, this is the first time we have a bonded bondsmith with no checks on their power with Honor dead and this could have happened to Nohadon since the Nahel bond was beginning in Nohadons time. So they both have a task of uniting the world, uniting and founding the knights radiant, and they both try to live a way that exudes honor and cultivates honor in those around them. Then there is the light Dalinar sees/feels from hearing the WoK read and his source of inspiration that he drew to write OB. Couldn't find any new WoB to substantiate anything, but book 5 will have Bondsmith powers out in full so I'm really hoping the parallels between the two shows us a huge use of Honors power and gives us a view of how the first surgebinders used the powers without being bound by Ishar and Honor restricting their power.
  22. I was just thinking about Queen Jasnah carrying out rescue operations through Alethkar to pull as many humans to the shattered plains or a powered Urithiru. Then I thought of Rlain and his Listeners group. How Jasnah could use the parshendi to assist in carrying out the rescues and finding new Listeners to fight against the Fused. With truths uncovered from the Listener songs Jasnah could help the Listeners fully understand their shared history. Keeping the children and non combatants/spies safe while finding a place in their society. However, idk where Radiant Venli fits in this but I do feel like Rlain is moving towards a squireship with Renrin and not Kaladin. Having a Warform Parshendi healing people and being so close to the Kholins could do a lot towards forcing a new place for Listeners in this global alliance. Then I started thinking of how to fight the Fused and it came to me. The gem hearts from parshmen can hold a Cognitive Shadow. Can't they be used the way that Dalinar did for the Unmade, drawing the Fused in to take over bodies and trapping them in dead Listener gem hearts to keep imprisoned. I'm thinking of the parshendi wearing the gem hearts the way they had the gems braided in their hair and beards. Just taking the CS of fused after they die and go back into the Cognitive Realm, or warding away the Fused from attempting takeovers during battles near an Everstorm. A true struggle where the Everstorm is starting to be negated leading up to the 5th book and the big break in the series. Where humans have a grasp on the struggle but then everything flips or a stay of the desolation is found. This was my thought process and I just wanted to ask you guys if any of this sounds plausible. 1. The Listeners hate the idea of touching their dead, but could they get over that if Jasnah pushes properly. They get to have a real weapon and chance to stop their Old Gods from taking over countless misled Listeners... 2. The Listeners gem hearts, could they be weaponized to stop recently dead Fused from getting back to the Everstorm and then reborn, or trap them entirely as they find hoasts in an Everstorm? 3. What implications would there be if Rlain becomes Renarins squire, and does become a bastion of healing for the humans? With and without finding his lost people. 4. Jasnah wouldn't marry Rlain would she? A pure marriage to be used to sway more newly awakened Listeners to the side opposing Odium.. would she? Could it work? 5. Jasnah using transportation surge to start reclaiming her people and just pulling out of Alethi lands. Is this more or less likely? A desolation just began and what is the most important for her? 6. Will Jasnah try to carve out a stronghold in the Cognitige Realm utilizing the walking door that is Dalinar Ascended? 7. Bridge 4 dynamics throughout this? Honorably finding ways to protect all life while coming to terms with humanities history and getting used by a masterful Jasnah. They could even start guarding Urithiru in Cognitive realm or legit forcing fused out of CR to build better relationships with the higher spren.
  23. As far as the radiant powers shown Shallan can manipulate sound waves. Maybe she could summon Pattern to intercept span reed signals. Recognising patterns of specific reeds he has seen. As a spy master with this ability Jasnah could start bridging all the secret societies.
  24. My new thought on this is that Ishar has requested the Harolds to bring him the shardblades. Maybe he was pulling them out of circulation and instead of protecting humanity and the dead spren as he initially wanted to he fell more mad and built up his God king status. Maybe he had Nale use nightblood to fully send the spren beyond. Maybe he was working on bringing them back through connection. Maybe a mad hoarder who is using dawnshards to give himself trapped radiant spren as power for super surgebinder. Just stray thoughts with no proof other than the way all the heralds have regarded Ishar so far and the path of nightblood.
  25. That would be.. bands of mourning type "hack" that would make him OP until Odium responds. Okay so I'm brand new here but there is a woB that says interchanging investiture in the magic systems is possible just extremely difficult. When asked if 1 breathe a week could be replaced with stormlight.
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