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About Daracha

  • Birthday 02/19/1997

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  1. Mistborn: Vin: Slytherin, for sure! Kelsier: also Slytherin Elend: I would say Ravenclaw, but in the 3rd book he is definitely acting more like a Gryffindor and his strong values kind of fall in Huffelpuff territory Breeze: Slytherin, I never realized how many Slytherins there were in this book franchise Ham: Getting Huffelpuff vibes of him, but Gryffindor fits too Sazed: Ravenclaw, but I get why people also say Huffelpuff Spook: I guess Gryffindor, but not really sure with him Mistborn Era 2: Wax: Gryffindor Wayne: Weird Slytherin/Hufflepuff mix Marasi: Ravenclaw Steris: I think Slytherin (she is really resourceful and clever, also quite ambitious and determined) Marsh: Ravenclaw I guess, not sure with him Elantris: Raodan: He could be almost anything, but I guess I would pick Ravenclaw for him! Hrathen: definitely Slytherin, no doubt Sarene: another Slytherin (funny I always sure with the Slytherins) Galladon: I'd say Huffelpuff, he isn't bold enough to be a Gryffindor and not as eager for knowledge as Ravenclaws, but he is definitely loyal and hard working Way of Kings (just read part 1): Kaladin: Gryffindor Shallan: I guess Slytherin does kind of fit even thoug she is smart, she isn't smart enough for me to be a Ravenclaw Dalinar: Gryffindor, but he is evolving into a Hufflepuff Adolin: Another Gryffindor Renarin: Ravenclaw Jasnah: A Ravenclaw at its finest Sadeas: Slytherin Elhokar: I dont see him anywhere, he surely as hell isn't Gryffindor or Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff... not sure if he is clever enough to be Slytherin, I think not... Rock: seems like a Hufflepuff to me Szeth: Weird choice probably, but Hufflepuff. He could be Ravenclaw, but I don't know enough yet to judge him properly I have yet to read Warbreaker, so I will be back in a few month probably to edit that in, now I am thoroughly busy with the Way Of Kings series since I only just read Part 1, so i still have 4 books to go and Oathbreaker isn't broken into two books so that will take long enough. I should also study instead of reading these amazing books, but Brandon Sanderson books just can't wait!! I also read the Reckoners series but since it isn't Cosmere related I won't sort them into houses
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