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Salmon Meerkat

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  1. alright. thank you. uuuuhhhhh cham is aeo, but they are gonna be saffron iguana to me whenever i do this, uuuhhhh *proceeds to forget everything* nevermind.
  2. Did my guest book! also, are we allowed to share id speculation while we wait?
  3. no idea. also, why kanga in this case? im agreeing with you here. Penguin is the next best.
  4. Vanilla? I swear ive said this before. I have no brain power and didnt take my adhd meds, now im painfully hungry.
  5. nope. i have no idea. truly. a reputation for honesty is what im looking for right now. vanilla.
  6. voting penguin. i had been unable to get on EoD so im not gonna screw this up this time. idk, just a gut feeling, might be me hungry though.
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