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Quartz Zebra

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  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hurray! Scorp can retire happily! Thanks for running this, GMs! And again, congrats to the elim team on a game well played! And I guess to the village for getting there despite ourselves!
  2. You're telling me we got through an ENTIRE game and NO ONE won an Oops Award? What an excellent consolation prize!! There's still time. Anyway, under the circumstances, this was incredible elim play! Because of the tables? Because of all the pretty tables!
  3. *crocs gun* THE TIME TO DIE IS NOW! PEW PEW PEW! Or how about no! Y'all are just going to have to flip one of them anyway! Croc clearly didn't cause the phantom vote removal! Swan says they tried to Riot, so we flip them! If they're honest, Meerkat did mess with them via Smoking and we flip Meerkat next! It's a clear dichotomy we need to test eventually, so why not start now! *uncrocs gun* *shootout in the OK Coral Swan intensifies*
  4. vote disappeared! wasn't Lion! So wait um actually it... was Swan! This is confusing. Kill them all.
  5. *facepalm* Y'all are lucky the game is ending soon, that shouldn't have taken this long. SE is an endurance sport!
  6. I want to go on record liking the Alb votes D3 from Penguin, Kangaroo, and Scorpion! In the event of v!Swan, I agree that you hit Meerkat next! Where there's smokers, there's a fire. I guess we never had an EOD close enough for the elims to want to vote manip it! I'm a little confused why Swan did a vote manip D1 if they're committed to sandbagging the power! Last ditch effort to be confusing maybe! Lowkey pretty clever!
  7. I wasn't (mist)born yesterday! Or so you think. Are you implying you could have told me who is Spiked and how this entire time? Yes, but you never asked. It's a shame. I had such high hopes for the apocalypse. Did you know that Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when they want to make a choice and not second guess it! Similarly, I've put a kill in on Swan and will not be revisiting that decision!
  8. I apologize! The margins between people in the suspect pool are thin enough that I'm basically done thinking about who to exe today, so I'm looking ahead to the next step! If Alb flips village, this conversation will pay dividends by making you look more villagey! But don't let me stop you from making a case for who you prefer to exe! Did you know that Salmon aren't naturally pink? They develop that coloring by swimming in the same water as Flamingos.
  9. It's more that if you remove the solid trusts and try to make a coherent team with the remaining players, the obvious follow up to e!Alb is the person trying to save them! Tell them that this round will be their Swan song. This round will be your Swan song! True, sometimes you RP!
  10. Oh nice, someone volunteered to be pencilled in as the evil teammate! Feels a little anti climactic. Would anyone object to my shooting Swan tonight!
  11. People elims voted for tend to be read as village after their flip, so you might as well kill them! (Ignore the fact I shot Iguana, because I was profiling them as someone who would set up a convoluted super distancing scheme D1 when they had nothing better to do!) I agree that they froze at the end, which is a bad look! They weren't really paying to solve, they were probably playing to avoid a bad outcome for them! But since they were under pressure, it's possible they were just working to avoid their own death, then when that wagon dissolved, they didn't have enough time to solve! Under those circumstances, I'd bus Vulture hard, but we already flipped Ostrich so I guess the elim team wasn't doing that! You're really hunting for the most complicated situations, huh. If they answer is the elims lost a good chunk of their membership and are just lying low because of the overwhelming situation, I'll be disappointed! But at this point I'm resigned to checking those situations before we go back to the crazy theories! Does Mistborn!Dragonfly use their vote manip on a random person D1! My gut says no, given the circumstances, but that could be me trying to conjure a e!Mistborn into existence to fit my distro assumptions! Assuming an evil Mistborn or Lion, I think the other member is a vanilla, so I'm focused on flipping the vanilla claimants for the next exe and CS!
  12. Riddle me this! There's twenty minutes left in D3 and Albatross is in a four way tie with Vulture, Heron, and Cham! It's an easy self pres situation! But weirdly, they talk about why they aren't a fan of the Heron wagon, which limits their options for voting later! They don't mention Vulture at all, which could be telling, but idk why you don't leave yourself the option of voting for Heron here! Kanga's D3 EOD reads as villagey for questioning the Heron train! You're over thinking. We have time to exe Alb, CS Croc, NK Zebra, exe Swan, NK Beagle, exe Penguin, NK Scorpion = Lion, Cham, Kangaroo, Meerkat for a loss to e!Lion and friend. Or V!Lion gets it right, NK Lion, and V!Cham has a coinflip chance of victory. If any elims were hit before then, leaving say e!Lion alone, you mix Meerkat, NK Kangaroo, then Lion wins. But if you mix Lion, you NK Kangaroo, v!Cham has a coinflip chance. Do I think there's at least one elim among Alb, Croc, Swan, and Penguin! Yes! So I'm honestly not too worried yet! Updated Flamingo theory is they were shot because Vulture voted for them!
  13. My suspect list was Lion, Kangaroo, Scorp! I was vocally against hitting Croc or Penguin! It's possible that they saw through my declaration that keeping me alive is the best path to victory! It's the fastest route, but the trade off is that less of the kills are elim controlled! I was expecting a Chameleon shot, but it could be they've decided to never kill them! It avoids wasting kills, but you have to count on fooling them at the end! Anyway, I'll add to the Albatross voting based on Scorp's analysis of Ostrich's gambit! I think I'm committed to a POE of Alb, Croc, Kangaroo, Meerkat, Swan! In that order! I'm V!reading Swan's response, but it's worth double checking their newness with an ISO at some point! No e!Scorpion paranoia? Still wondering why the Flamingo shot happened! Still thinking about the fact all the D1 Penguin voters were NKed! But those are low priority! Albatross.
  14. Would you mind posting those colored VCs again, Lion! That would be irresponsible. I sense you grow tired of my shenanigans! This is fair! :P. I shot Iguana! I feel like the elims would have changed targets if they were on at EOD!
  15. I am genuinely sorry about that, Iguana! I got in my head that you were an e!Mistborn who randed Lurcher! I still think there's a Msitborn around here somewhere, so I'm all for flipping the vanilla claimants! Point and shoot time! Oh and village points to Lion and Cham for their reaction to the EOD declaration from me, but Scorp, why was your reaction to FUD the outcome!
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