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Carla Bridge Four

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  1. Hello! Does anybody know if the drawings of the Heralds on top of the chapters in SLA sometimes represent Hoid? When the character on the drawing is wearing somekind of a mask? Or else, which Herald is it? I have a friend reading OB and he keeps repeating he's Hoid, but I think it's an Herald... Thanks in anyone replies
  2. A bit off topic, but I'm interested in reading Dalinar's thoughts on his brother implication with the Sons of Honor. For him, Gavilar was like a god, it's gonna be sad
  3. I think the problem is we're all thinking about Radiants "like in the old days". I get why people don't want Adolin becoming a Radiant: it would "ruin" his "normal guy" arc. But if we take Venli and Renarin, we see they're not like the old Radiants. We're watching new things being born and evolving in different ways. I seriously want Adolin to bring Maya back. And what if she is the one saying the Oaths? They will have a Nahel bond, but in a completly different way. And I love the idea of Shallan helping him with this quest. It may help her not only being closer and more truly herself around him, but focused and slighltly less insane
  4. I love Adolin for some reasons already stated here: his respect and care for his father and brother, his bromance with Kaladin, his genuine heart. And, even if some think him a bad written character, I feel him real and inspiring. He enriches the options: some are Jasnah's fans, others, Shallans so, there's room for our charming prince.
  5. I still think he will be something different. Not a "Radiant", and not a "non Radiant". He is kind, but he is a soldier. He loves his sword, he loves his guards, he loves his storming wardrobe! But we fail to see that we won't have the same 10 orders-order we had before. This is a new era for Radiants, the examples are off course Venli and Renarin. So, Adolin will have something with Maya. A new kind of bond? A differnt sort of Nahel bond? A non-power Radiant? The only one who knows is Brandon. I also think Adolin must be special if he somehow attracts the heat of passionate arguments. It can be his relationship with Shallan, or his no-bond with Maya, his flatness or deepness. He takes out the most fierce deffenders and attackers. That speaks well of his character, isn't it?
  6. I do not think there will be something mirroring the Oathpact. Things are different now: a Radiant bonded to a corrupted spren, a singer/listener being a Radiant. I expect a very different outcome. And I don't think Adolin will die. But maybe, that's an expression of hope. I do fear for Kaladin, though
  7. I'm more for the theory of Downshards being secretly captive in Aimia, and being the ultimate weapon able to destroy worlds. Hiper dangerous. Probably useful to splinter Odium, but risking to destroy Roshar itself.
  8. I like to think that there are other survivors, and that Rlain will eventualy find them. Hope is the last thing you lose, right?
  9. I loved the chair scene @TheGoddessBeyond and I adore Navani "bringing order to chaos". But I agree completly with your last statement. On time, we finally accept what Brandon gives and not what we imagined. Sidenote, I loved OB, but I can understand people feeling underwhelmed.
  10. Sell, Dalinar will help all the shards to eventually become Unity.
  11. Buy, it's gonna be awesome! Kaladin will world-hope at least once, meet Raoden and learn how to stop brooding all the time!
  12. Anyway, I think I'll be keeping Oathbringer next to my desk for at least 2 years hahaha for the "casual" re-read
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