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Kenshu Ani

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  1. In that same chapter, Gibletish, there was another interesting section. When Dalinar was speaking to the ardent that had manipulated the merchant, the ardent said: Ghostblood? Something is definitely up.
  2. I don't see that happening. Kaladin has too many issues with lighteyes that would need to be resolved first.
  3. The problem here is that honorable acts can be different depending on one's cultural influence. Example: In feudal Japan, an act that brings honor to someone that has previously brought shame on to himself is to commit sepaku, suicide. However, suicide for Catholics is considered a mortal sin. One act, two different reactions. If we assume that keeping one's word is the most honorable action for a Shin, then following his master's instructions for assassinating people would be honorable; especially since he does not want to kill.
  4. Well, Dalinar tends to feel guilty over everything. Navani: "Feeling guilty. Dalinar, you are a wonderful, honorable man - but you really are quite prone to self-indulgence." We'll probably just have to wait and see to find out what his boon/curse is.
  5. There are at least 8 ranks of dahn. From the begining of the chapter, "Nearer the Flame" Personally, I think there are 10 ranks of dahn and nahn. It fits well with the 10 Heralds, and could be a symbolic gesture.
  6. Awesome series! The sci-fi version, Phule's Company is great too! Sometimes it is a great idea to step away from the heavy reading for something fast and light. As for the challenge... Its tough, but I think Discworld by Terry Pratchet could give the M.Y.T.H. series a run for its money.
  7. I don't think that was his boon. In the chapter, "Highprince of War" Dalinar refered to his amnesia: With the phrase, "taken from him" I get the impression that his amnesia was the curse.
  8. It was summer of 1990 (maybe '91) and I was living overseas at the time. Since I had a very limited vocabulary in Arabic, I depended on this small bookstore in the US embassy for reading materials. It was on the shelf, I had money, so I bought it along with another book that I can't recall (hey, its been 20 years). Since I was in high school at the time and most of my friends were spending their summer in the states visiting family, I read the book two or three times that summer. I was hooked then. When I found out about Mr. Rigney's illness from the manager at the bookstore I frequented; I resigned myself to not seeing the end of the series completed. Then I found out that Mr. Sanderson was taking over and had been approved by Mr. Rigney, I was willing to give the book a try. When it came out, I read TGS... ... Then I went out and bought Elantris, Warbreaker, and The Mistborn Trilogy.
  9. Hello everyone. I was just re-reading WoK for the third time, when I noticed something that motivated me to look for answers on the net. Then I stumbled my way her. Three hours later, I no longer remember what I was looking for; but I was thoroughly entertained during my stay. I'll be back to lurk, maybe add my own thoughts; but after I get some sleep
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