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Lord Mistborn Bondbreaker

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Posts posted by Lord Mistborn Bondbreaker

  1. On 1/28/2018 at 11:34 AM, digitalbusker said:


    Spren: Starpren

    Surges: Transportation/Adhesion

    Attributes: Curious and selfless

    Farscouts use their powers to explore realms beyond Roshar, exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilizations.

    2nd: I will not interfere in the natural development of less advanced cultures.

    3rd: I will value life even if it is incomprehensible to me.

    4th: I will investigate strange phenomena even if it's super dangerous and there's no obvious upside.

    5th: I will boldly go where no one has gone before.

    So basically, your order is Starfleet.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Calderis said:

    I have a slightly different opinion. 

    Feruchemy only allows you to store traits you already have. We have a natural ability to understand probable outcomes of our actions. We gage probability constantly, though it's not often conscious. 

    I think a Chromium Ferring would store the ability to gauge the probable outcomes of situations, and become much much better at reading probability. So it would still result in a form of future sight, but it is not "I see visions of the future." 

    I disagree. In my opinion a feruchemist stores access to the spiritual realm, allowing him to see 


    Renarin like visions

    Or Something like atium shadows.

  3. Spoilers for Stormlight book three: OATHBRINGER.


    Ok, so as of Oathbringer we now know that fortune is not simply luck, but that the use of Fortune allows the user to peer into the Spirtual Realm to see the future.

    With this in mind a Feruchemist suddenly lurches into a position of power beyond that of even a Mistborn.

    I mean, just think: storing the ability to glimpse the future. 

    That is pure AWESOME.


  4. Shardplate can’t work like that, because Shardplate can’t be lashed. 

    Copermind: Shardplate protects the user from Surgebinding. It is not possible to use any lashings against someone armored in Shardplate. It is also not possible for a wielder of an Honorblade to Surgebind while wearing plate, due to interference from the gemstones.[1]


    Fear the Lawbringers for they have no patience when it comes to wrongdoing.  

    Modeled after the Skybreakers of old, this Order of Radiants strives to forge Law and Order out of a land of chaos.

    The Lawbringers are gifted with great mobility for with them lies the surges of Gravitation and Transportation. These bastions of Light, Order and Justice strive to bring Order to the Cosmere, no matter the cost.

    Attributes: WISDOM AND JUSTICE 

    Surges: Gravitation and Transportation.

    Oaths: Life Before Death, Strength Before Death, Journey Before Destination.

    I Will Live my life by Justice, and uphold it always.

    I shall seek Wisdom always.

    I shall bring Order to all, no matter the cost.


  6. 1 hour ago, Alderant said:

    Hey all! It's been a while. I see that the board has blossomed in my absence.

    I had these plans that I would read Oathbringer, I would get on the forums and post my thoughts and be extremely active like I was before. It was going to be great. Unfortunately, life--and the book itself--caused some problems for me that forced me into absentia for a while.

    Now, many of you know that I'm was a Shalladin shipper. That has nothing to do with my reaction to Oathbringer, and why I went on hiatus, but I'll address my reaction to it later.


    Oathbringer was an emotionally devastating and hard to read book for me. It's a wonderful book and the story is fantastic. We got a lot of cosmere information drops in the book, which I was really excited about. I'm not saying that the book was bad by any means. However, considering Brandon's rather slow approach to character development in other books, I really thought he'd go some different directions in Oathbringer. He didn't, and that's fine. But I can't help but have a sour reaction when I think of Oathbringer, and I'll explain why.

    The Pros:

    As I said, Oathbringer was a wonderful book. Particularly, Dalinar had one of the coolest character arcs ever, and one of the most awesome moments in all of Brandon's books since Harmony's ascension in Hero of Ages. When I read the scene where Dalinar killed his wife, I legitimately wept for about half-an-hour. I also thought that Shallan's descent into an identity crisis was particularly poignant, and her resolution with Hoid was a very nice turning point. I liked how Adolin's arc ended up going. Even Kaladin's arc was appropriate, I thought.


    Believe it or not, I actually liked how this panned out in the book. Shadolin won--but I think considering Kaladin's arc in Oathbringer, I think that relationship would have been problematic. Kaladin was not emotionally available. His arc was what I call a downward arc--he started high, he'd accepted his oaths, and was feeling good about his place. Over the course of the book he fell from that height, and he fell hard. He was not at an emotional place to pursue a relationship, and in fact he faced a lot of trials beyond his ability.

    Adolin, on the other hand, was emotionally available and willing to pursue Shallan. Her dithering aside, Adolin worked for the relationship and was even willing to step aside after noticing (late) that Shallan was interested in Kaladin. He worked for it and he got it. Good for him. I'm perfectly fine with the way it panned out, and since I'm a Shallan-fan first, I actually feel that with Kaladin's arc Shalladin would actually have been a disservice to her character.

    Shallan's overall arc:

    This though. I was greatly dissatisfied with her arc in Oathbringer. She had an arc that went down, down, and then dithered in the mud before suddenly having an "aha" moment right at the end, and suddenly everything was all right. I've been reading Mistborn (the original trilogy) recently, and this is a stark difference between Vin and Shallan--Even though Vin still had "aha" moments, she continued to struggle and work for her development, and as a result she felt authentic to me. Shallan in books 1 and 2 were this same way. However Shallan in book 3 did not really work through her problems--which is something that should have been absolutely essential to drawing herself out and being confident. Instead, what she had was an arc that resolved too quickly, I think. She went deep, nearly lost herself, and then was pulled out by Adolin, rather than developing a strong foundation to stand on. I really hope we see more of her internal conflicts in later books, because if that's the extent of her recovery I'm not going to be happy about it.


    I loved his arc. There were so many great moments in this book for him as he transitioned from Warlord to leader. The moment where he remembered his wife's death and he tried to fight off the despair by clinging to the Way of Kings will forever remain a powerful image in my mind of a man struggling to be a good man despite his past. And storm it Dalinar ASCENDED--albeit briefly. I wonder if we'll see more ramifications from that, because for a brief instance he became something new--he became Unity. That was the coolest moment since Harmony's ascension.

    Why I left:

    I got overwhelmed. After dealing with the emotional trauma of the book and the absolute dedication to reading it, I needed a break. I had to go read other things, get my mind out of the Stormlight Archive for a while. So I don't have any theories or ideas yet. I'll reread it after I finish Hero of Ages, probably. And then I'll be back with more ideas about how this all works.

    Until then...thanks for reading. Have a cookie. :)

      Reveal hidden contents



    Shouldn’t this go into the Oathbringer spoiler board?

  7. 5 hours ago, FallenRadiant said:

    Granted, but your stormlight only recharges on the 29th of February and there is no such thing as spheres that you can use to store your stormlight for later use.


    I wish for 6 months of paid vacation.

    Granted, but you must be the one who pays (both your paycheck, and for your vacation).

    I want to be a FULLBORN.

  8. 1 hour ago, ElephantEarwax said:

    Okay, so we need to remember, grant a wish then wish again.  I'm granting the passed over wish. 

    Granted, all of your meals are perfectly cooked, but horribly over salted. 

    I call on the Nightwatcher to fill my boon. I wish to be bonded to the Stormfather.

    Granted, but he never stops singing “your welcome” in your ear.

    I want an upvote.

  9. Ok, so I was doing a reread of Mistborn (6th time) and I realized that when Dox was talking to Vin about his life on the plantation, he mentioned his old girlfriend, Kareien. So I don’t know for certain, but literally like all people from sel have aons incorporated into there name so what is the likelihood that some random skaa is going to name there daughter such a name.

  10. On 7/16/2017 at 4:42 PM, Toaster Retribution said:

    The Scadrians have Marsh, who is an Inquisitor, and basically has the same powerset as a Fullborn (plus Atium). They also have kandra, and maybe some interesting things that Harmony can come up with (if he is still around).

    True, but I don’t want to have to see Kelsier and Marsh have to fight each other (well, I kinda do).

  11. 23 hours ago, ElephantEarwax said:

    @Herald Of Justice Yes they do. But I'll play with it. You recieve the Bands of Mourning but you are on Scadrial. Many people now know they are real things and the entire population of Scadrial hunts you.


    I call on the Nightwatcher to fill my boon. I wish for my own KR spren(I don't care what one).

    Granted, but said Spren is actually the cognitive shadow of Kelsier, you are granted the powers of a Fullborn.

    However you lose all memories of Kelsier, your powers and the entire cosmere as a whole, and even if you rediscover it you will forget again immediately.


    I want book four to be Szeth’s POV.

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