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Everything posted by Jruesch2

  1. I think Jim Caviezel would make a fantastic Kelsier (or, even better, Waxillium). Personally, I'm not sure there are any well-known actors out there that could play Vin. If it ends up happening, I think they would have to bring in someone who hasn't made it big yet. I think Ben Kingsley would make a great Sazed, although he's a little on the older side now. George Clooney or Hugh Jackman might be a good Lord Ruler. If Alan Rickman were still around, I think he would've made a wonderful Breeze. As he isn't, I think Paul Bettany or Benedict Cumberbatch would do a great job. I think Taika Waititi would be incredible as Wayne because he not only has the accent to go with it but that's also the kind of character he always plays. Dave Bautista or Dwayne Johnson would be good choices for Ham. I think Mark Ruffalo would be a good Marsh. Tom Holland would be a great Spook. That's my list based on actors I know of but I think many of these characters would be better with unknown actors that fit the parts best.
  2. Translator wasing not of the being more. Wasing the working of the well, not of the more. Other translator—https://lingojam.com/17thShard—wasing of the sucking kind of.
  3. Granted, but they aren't narrating anything. (BTW, I did quit my job and have another one lined up for me. I'll prove the Nightwatcher wrong!). I wish college was as easy as kindergarten.
  4. Granted, but you're alone on a random planet made completely out of feruchemical metals in our universe (so the magic wouldn't work anyway). I wish I could quit my job.
  5. To elaborate, it would be like Preservation—Leras—in the first place: Since he died slowly, his power was still whole when Kelsier took it up. With a Shard like Honor, who was Splintered, his powers were split into smaller pieces. Another question would be if Harmony were to be Splintered, would he separate into the two original Shards or would he turn into Spren (for lack of a better word)? I think the next part of my answer also answers this: If he were simply to die, he would drop Harmony because they are now one power and Harmony is only one Shard. Therefore, if he were Splintered, he would probably turn into "Spren," though they may be more powerful than other "Spren" (I can't be sure because Brandon's whole explanation of all the Shards being parts of infinity doesn't make any sense). I hope this made sense.
  6. https://www.coppermind.net/wiki/Cultivation. The last paragraph on Influence. Though that's not a confirmation, it's speculation. Edit: Whoops. Didn't realize there was a second page.
  7. Is that how it works? I seem to remember Szeth thinking in the books that the Knights Radiant could hold Stormlight perfectly. Also, the way to test which is more efficient would be to see which orders that have the same abilities use the Stormlight more quickly than others, e.g., Windrunners and Skybreakers; Lightweavers and Elsecallers.
  8. Granted, but all of your attempts to bring down the crime rings and government programs will have absolutely no effect. I wish that I could never be tired again.
  9. Odium is actually a word in English with Latin roots. It literally means hatred.
  10. That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.
  11. Just some science; people with blue eyes actually have no pigment in their eyes. It's the way the irises reflect the light that makes them appear blue. If the Alethi understood this science, who knows how they would classify those with blue eyes.
  12. I was just confused because on the chart in the book, it does not show them together. All of the other ones on any list you find lists them differently than the other ones. For example: All of the metals that are counterparts are listed next to each other on the sides. All of the enhancement metal counterparts are underneath each other. It's confusing.
  13. It wouldn't quite be the same principle, as chromium and aluminum aren't counterparts (internal vs. external), rather duralumin is aluminum's counterpart, and nicrosil is chromium's counterpart. So they would definitely have different effects.
  14. Yes, I have checked out Arcanum. It does exactly what you said it does, and for that reason, I can't get on it too often, so I'm not completely informed.
  15. I think this question may have already been answered, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so here goes. While I was listening to Edgedancer recently, I heard that Nightblood's sheath was made of a silvery metal. For some reason, I had always thought his sheath was black, like his blade, but since it's shiny, it made me think of aluminum. It seems to fit with aluminum's properties as well. Thoughts?
  16. I love listening to The Black Piper's Kaladin album, but there are many times in the songs where there are chants and songs in a foreign language. Does anyone know what these words are? As in, specifically, the lyrics, and is there an English translation perhaps? If anyone can answer this, please post the actual words used and possibly an English translation.
  17. I'm kind of confused now. If a Perpendicularity is Investiture, then why did Khriss in Arcanum Unbounded not know if there was Investiture even though she knew there was a perpendicularity? I hope that makes sense. Is it possible that there are different kinds of perpendicularities?
  18. Also, if what you mean by "multiple timelines" is do the books take place at different times, then I think this document that was recently shared with me answers that: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JJtJhHwpKdow01n2-bsT3scVvqJd6lZh4uvpNwcslv8/edit#gid=0. It is a timeline of all the books in the Cosmere.
  19. You're definitely right. If he wasn't crazy, he wouldn't be able to be Invested. Every Misting is crazy, even in little ways, so you may just be thinking Wayne is crazier than the others.
  20. 1. I don't think Hoid would be very interested in First of the Sun, as there aren't any Shards there. 3. I don't know if we have confirmation that there actually is Investiture on First of the Sun, as a perpendicularity does not necessarily point to Investiture. If there is, please prove me wrong. Also, it says in Arcanum Unbounded It does not, however, explicitly say there is Investiture. Once again, if we have had confirmation, please prove me wrong.
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