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Everything posted by xinoehp512

  1. "Yes," replied Yerik. "Do you remember when I told you about special metals that I could use to make magical weapons?" He gestured. "Well... here they are! I suppose you've seen the soldiers use them, so you know a little bit about how they work."
  2. All of a sudden, Jeremy noticed the eyes. "Uhh," he said, backing up. "Uhhhh." @NameIess
  3. Miyako looked around the room. The room was filled with soldiers, both in armor and out. Some seemed to be training, while others stood guard. The walls were covered in weapons- mostly spears, though there were a few devices that appeared to be fancy crossbows. The primary focus of the room, however, was the armor. Two main kinds were represented- the golden kind that could change its shape, and the reddish metal that some of the soldiers had used to pull off remarkable displays of power. Yerik's eyes lit up as he scanned the room.
  4. Hey Calano, Archipelago has been revived. Are you interested in returning?

  5. "I'd be more impressed if you'd brought us somewhere useful." shot back Jeremy. "What use is dimension-hopping if you can only end up in weird places inhabited by 'unimaginable horrors?'
  6. I... think the princess is keeping track of your location. To make sure you don't leave the castle. Yerik glanced at Miyako. Would we get in trouble for exploring? I... no, I don't think so.
  7. There's things you can do besides fight, the voice replied. Practice your mental resistance, for one thing. And we can observe, added Yerik. There might be information hidden around here somewhere.
  8. "Well don't rush," Jeremy replied sardonically. "I'm having a great time here."
  9. Look, said the voice. Just... be careful, all right? If you try to fight, and fail, then things will be a lot worse for you. It'll be a lot harder to escape from a dungeon cell than a servant's room, I can tell you that much. And you aren't nearly strong enough yet to resist Lethe if she decides to make a dedicated assault on your mind.
  10. Murder them how? shot back the voice. You didn't exactly do well with your first attempt.
  11. The word "Yes," formed on Jeremy's lips, but he hesitated. "Would we have to go through... that place... again?"
  12. Yes. Although it would be best if you kept your names concealed; then, even if she did realize you had left, there would be precious little she could do about it. Speaking of which, you should change the nicknames you use for each other. As you start to recognize them as names, they will give Lethe more power over you. Yerik turned and gave Miyako a lopsided smile. It's alright. It was a long time ago.
  13. He was not able to escape Lethe's range of influence before she realized he was gone. In her fury, she assaulted his mind, tearing from him his name. It was his father. The man who escaped. He would have washed up on shore, Nameless- just like those unfortunate souls you encountered in the village.
  14. I presume you want to escape with your sanity intact, yes? replied the voice grimly. Yerik stared at his pasta. Fortunately, the cooks did not seem to notice his sudden gloom. The last person to escape the island was not so lucky. Yerik blinked at Miyako's question. What do you mean?
  15. Jeremy tapped his foot on the ground, half from impatience and half from nervousness. "Has he picked up yet?" he asked after two seconds.* *Okay, maybe it was more of a 60-40 split, impatience/nervousness wise.
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