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Storm Dancer

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  1. Hello to all the Shippers! (I've discovered this forum after reading OB and I'm thrilled to find so many great conversation) (...please slap me when I'll accidentally murder english language ) I love the way you analize all the stuff. If I may add my few thoughts on this subject: - maybe the wedding is to show, that when you make so important decisions being so young and so quickly - you can make a mistake? (and it is ok to learn from mistakes) - considering that Jasnah will be very busy, Shallan and Kal are still the best (and only) tutors for new Radiants - that should put them in a room together - Adolin will be busy with Maya for sure, and it is possible, that will distance him from Shallan (who in turn will have to drop the "good wifey" act to be more of a leader for new Lightweavers) and let him grow (not being in someone shadow for once).
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