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  1. I’ve been toying with the thought that it’s gonna be reverse. That his Spren is broken and he’ll be the one who brings wholeness. It would explain to me why he seems so perfect in a way that still allows his character to grow... its just a thought and I know it’s not super realistic. But I like the thought anyway haha.
  2. I’m gonna say, I read this board before finishing the book. And I thought the love triangle was gonna be handled very terribly. I’m pleased to be wrong. I absolutely loved how it was handled AND this book took me from being a Kaladin/Shallan shipper and drove me into being all about Adolin getting his girl. I feel like it was wrapped up before it really took off, but I think it’s for the best! Because I really wanna see Adolin and Kaladin have a closer relationship and now that won’t get messed with. With Kaladin admitting he never loved her and Shallan admitting she truly loved Adolin. Her overcoming Radiant and Veil to choose Adolin showed major growth and it was great to see. Sanderson in one of his classes explained that if he ever wrote a love triangle he’d write it like Twilight. Where there’s a pull and a struggle, but you never really doubt that it’s gonna be Edward who gets the girl, that way even the people who wanted the girl to get with the werewolf weren’t super disappointed because they never deep down truly believed she’ll be with anyone besides Edward. So I believe the “Kaladin and Shallan weren’t explored enough” thing was intentional. That way we’re never totally convinced she’ll end up with anyone besides Adolin. Im glad the love triangle is over (Sanderson as a Mormon is gonna hold marriage as a sacred thing I believe) it served its purpose already. And the purpose wasn’t to make us wonder who, but it was there to grow 5 characters (Kaladin, Syl, Adolin, Shallan, and Pattern) with the Spren it wasn’t MAJOR development, but it still was development. Adolin really shone through as a man of honor, and I needed that after seeing him murder someone, plus he proves in the book that he loves Shallan where Kaladin proves he never did. Shallan overcame her personalities on a greater level on top of the fact that she now officially has an anchor (not to remove girl power or anything), but we all need someone who recognizes us for who we really are (Adolin would notice her little changes in personality and understand what it was when nobody else did.). Patter who knows Shallan well seemed to prefer Adolin. Kaladin admitted in the end of the book that his attraction was just out of the fact that she gave him something his dead brother gave him, along with a flashback about Tarah, I think it’s clear that he realized he doesn’t know how to love a woman yet and I think we’ll see someone come along and work that out of him. Plus this served as a conduit for Syl to learn about Tien! That’s gonna he a big step for him and so the love triangle serves to actually bond Kaladin and Syl more which I liked! (Side note, I was Syl to stop being a punk to Adolin.) so ya! All good things. Loved the book but most importantly I loved that the only part of the series that gave me a level of “I dont wanna deal with this” has been dealt with haha.
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