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  1. The beginning, with the nobleman in the ashfall inspecting the Skaa when suddenly he notices a defiant Skaa and then loses him in the crowd.
  2. What if instead of the actual steelpush but the vision of blue lines are the attribute stored? When tapping you get more savant like stronger lines able to effect and see more or something along those lines. It doesn't have to be a duralumin like push when tapping.
  3. Loved it. But man "I killed her again" followed by breakdown, I died inside a little. Similar to how I felt about Elend and Vin deaths.
  4. I've done my best and didn't find it asked so, Is shardplate the solid form of stormlight?
  5. Hey, first time posting and I really like the theory Kurkistan especially the expanding bubble once it touches space part. I had a thought of the slider being in the front of the ship maybe next to pilot or whatever and when he puts a bubble up he is close enough to space that the bubble can leave the ship, and it expands like you said, which causes the rest of the ship to enter the bubble then like everything else to shoots off like crazy. Huge maybe, but perhaps future sliders learn to aim with the crazy aim distortion screw up thing.
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