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  1. I got the impression that he meant that he was the source of the power but that only Dalinor could choose to use it. If the Stormfather and Nightwatchr are equivalent then in theory they have the same power but I don't know if an unbonded Nightwatcher would have the ability alone.
  2. Oh mine cut off just as she talked to the Stormfather. I better go finish it.
  3. I'm curious to know why she's less serious than other Honorspren. Other than Rua that is Is it because she's so young in terms of waking life? If so does that mean Rua is a 'new' Honorspren. Or is it something else. Her curiosity reminds me strongly of the Iri religion of 'The One' that believes god split themselves into different bits to experience the world. IIRC the same concept has appeared in other cosmere religions too. I've always suspected that that belief is close to the real story of Adonalsium. Could it be that Syl isn't just a splinter of Honor? Or that's she's a greater splinter in some way?
  4. My guess is that they're hunting down Shard Vessels. Their culture is similar to the southern Scadrial hunters and we know at least one member has heritage from that group. We also know that after Sazed ascended the southern nations on Scadrial suffered immensely. So my guess is that from that a splinter group (possibly supported by Kelsier) decided to start hunting down Shards or trying atleast. I believe there's a WoB somewhere saying their goal is not dissimilar from 17th Shard, who are hunting Hoid, who himself is trying to stop certain Shards.
  5. I'd personally prefer Jasnah wasn't seen as having autism. There's a common thread these days of labelling gifted children as autistic because they share certain characteristics when young. I want there to be a character who's gifted and who struggles early one but who growths past it as they age. All of those could also be explained by being highly Gifted. One of the key ways psychologists distinguish between gifted and autistic children is their ability to tackle complicated abstractions. Jasnah's specialism as a scholar is all about abstractions. This is a really good resource for folk trying to discern giftedness and autism: https://mumsinthewoodeducation.com/teach-them/special-needs/gifted-and-talentedaspergers-syndrome/
  6. I have to agree with most of the above, it was good but not perfect or as polished as the first two. My other disappointment was the lack of '**** yeah' action scenes that have an emotional decision for the character. There was no equivalent to the duel from WoR or when Kalidan first picks up a spear again in WoK. The scene in Thaylen City was a small one, which I loved, and the battle in the palace to an extent but neither had me squeeling in a coffee shop as I read. The only real one was the final battle, but there was no mid-book scene. That said this book had by far the most exposition and really set us up for some loads of those moments next book. My other criticism would be how the Skybreakers were handled. I don't think Brandon quite pulled it off, close but not there. I still don't yet root for Szethe or any of them in an anti-hero way, maybe his book will fix that. I've seen the law vs right thing done better elsewhere (Les Mis is the classic). One criticism I keep hearing that I completely *disagree* with is Shallan's personalities. To my mind that was extremely well done and a realistic coping mechanism. I've used it myself (albeit to a less extreme extent) and it's a well documented technique for managing trauma. The way Brandon fit it into Lightweaving was brilliant, I'd love to see him explore that theme even further with other perception based magics (gold misting perhaps?). Overall I think a lot of the 'flaws' are due to it being the middle book of the first quintet and the point where a boat load of knowledge is dropped. And we got a lot of goodies in return so I'm still happy. Oh one last frustration, lack of chat between radiants and their spren in Shadesmer. Their banter is normally top notch and exploring those relationships in the spren's realm would have been cool. (Adolin and Maya were great though).
  7. Hi, My personal theory is that Cultivation helped Odium kill Honor as part of an agreement with Tanavast that bound Honor's splinters to collectively oppose Odium and keep him bound. Not much evidence yet, but it's implied Honor's intent increasingly overwhelmed Tanavast's to the point where he cared more about the technicalities of oaths than the moral intents, so he might have agreed to sacrifice himself to give humanity/parshendi and cultivation time to regroup.
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