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Everything posted by AceGambit

  1. Odium is trapped in a similar way to ruin. Not in a perpendicularity but by making an oath with honour, while ruin was put in a permanent state of preservation! Odium can leave the Roshar system until he is released from his oath.
  2. I’m pretty sure the radiants came after. The spren imitated the bonds honour used to create the heralds. But it wasn’t enough, they needed the power of cultivation too. With a spren you need to honour a bond and cultivate that bond (swearing additional ideals as it’s cultivated)
  3. Wild theory: Lift is already dead! shes a Roshari version of the returned. She converts food to investiture and needs it to sustain herself. Her boon was to not get old. Returned age to their prime. Lift can’t count doesn’t mean she isn’t ageing (to a point)
  4. I believe Hoids agelessness (immortality) is similar to the returned agelessness. They die and become Cognitve Shadows then return with a measure of shardic power (similar to Kelsier)
  5. There are already refugees there, it would be a kick in the baws for them to become refugees again... Is history doomed to repeat itself? Rediscovering a lost super weapon and shattering a plan(et)
  6. Foreshadowing in Warbreaker (but only if you’ve read stormlight) Ciri teaches the god king to read... “Stories for children” First letter (of stories) That is the letter shash! Flip to stormlight... Shash brand DANGEROUS
  7. @skaa I really think your on to something with the callings! Especially if it’s a cultivation planet. Ashyn is confirmed to be a ‘base 10’ magic system. You have only referenced 9 callings... Is that how odium corrupted the Ashyn? Wheres the 10th? If the magic system on ashyn started as callings how did odium corrupt it into disease? i can see how diseases and cultivation can be linked but not how that connects with callings... i can see how callings and cultivation are linked. Personal growth, nurturing skills, etc
  8. Hasn’t anyone noticed that the parish/singers were originally called ‘dawn singers’? so... where do the dawn shards come from?
  9. Hasn’t anyone noticed that the parish/singers were originally called ‘dawn singers’? so... where do the dawn shards come from?
  10. As much as I love this idea. Breath IS investiture not an ability (not the correct term) controlled by investiture. although, you could store ‘health’/‘wellness’ in a metalmind and visit Braise, to make yourself sick... with enough fine control you could guarantee you never recover!
  11. Most gemstones are aluminium oxide (Al2O3) with impurity’s creating the colour. The aluminium absorbs the investiture, the oxygen creates a buffer allowing for investiture storage
  12. Theory: Hoid is the weapon that shattered Adonalsium
  13. Possible, as its described as the cracks arent forced apart more that the ground dissolved, if I remember correctly i was thinking it was a dawn shard or it was the splintering of honour manifested in the physical realm... oh, if the same thing happened on Elantris it could be the reason the gulf opened and caused issues with the magic system
  14. IMO it would cause it to go less intelligent while the spike wasn’t being used. I don’t think it would be happy with the new bond and you would need to honour the bond or risk killing the spren
  15. You don’t spike the spren. The spike rips the spiritweb (soul) of the target then when it implanted it overwrites your spirit web. You only rip off the parts that bond and give it to yourself
  16. I think you would just end up capturing the highstorms spren, that might not be a good idea. Stormfather trapped and no more highstorms, but an endless supply of investiture. With that much investiture the fabrial would become self aware
  17. Investiture resists investiture, shard plate and Shardblades are naturally invested objects. They couldn’t be stamped... the fallen radiant, however, could be stamped. S/He never broke their oath. Although s/he would need to be still living. Oh! Wait!!! does this mean soul casting and forging are essentially the same. Most soulcasters ‘internet’ is only to change the ‘bead’ from one matter to another but forgets intent, the stamp, gives very detailed information about how it should change. Theory: with the right ‘intent’ a soulcaster (surgebinder not fabrial) could essentially forge an objects history!
  18. Hoid was originally one of the 16 but for whatever reason didn’t take a shard of Adonalsium for some unknown reason. Theory: he did then released it, the shard he took was Passion, this shard has the most ability to see the future and he saw what he would become... Odium. there is a conversation Hoid has with Shallan in a tavern about “knowing Wisdom well” and she doesn’t like him. In the same paragraph he says: “Some men, as they age, grow more cynical. I, fortunately, am not one of those. If I were, the very air would warp around me, sucking in all emotion, leaving only scorn.” Sounds like Odium
  19. He also has white sand and hemalurgic spikes as well as a few other invested items. He’s also described as twisted and scared so could have access to the Dor
  20. Not all players are dead, Sadeas wife is still alive, if I remember correctly. I think it highly lightly removing Dalinar is something Sadeas would have done at this point, the country was pretty much unified and Dalinars heavy hand was no longer required. Although The Rift would have been destroyed regardless as retribution for killing Dalinar and Sadeas would have been the one to do it. It would make an example of rebel’s, Sadeas would become the ward for Dalinars wife and kids, it removes Dalinar, there are other reasons too
  21. Mraise is not a Roshar native. He’s from the shard world of Predation (one of the unknown shards of Adonalsium) His way of speaking references hunting and prey.
  22. To people saying theres no aluminium on Roshar. Most gemstones are aluminium oxide (Al2O3). With some metallic elements in trace amounts. Which kinda makes sense as to why gems are able to store investiture, the Al sucks it in but the oxygen separates the individual atoms allowing it to gather within the gem. Then If you consider the laser properties of ruby and the investiture on Roshar is stormLIGHT.
  23. But what about linked gems. Could charging one charge the other? It's never been mentioned, but then has it been attempted while the are connected?
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