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Cheezpoofs, The Insatiable

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  1. Sorry for the lack of citations... Has anyone noticed that the "sea" is used constantly throughout the Cosmere. I am pretty sure shards have referred to standing in a sea, Hoid has figuratively to the sea as well... has anyone else noticed this motif, and could it possibly have a connection to the spirit realm... I'm going to try to look for examples today.
  2. "the bearer of the first gem" ... I feel like this "gem" may contribute to hoid's relevance in the shattering. Especially since a shard is referring to him in that way, it must mean that he was given this gem before Adolnasium was splintered... just spitballing here
  3. Hey yall, Been rereading and rereading in preparation for OB, And i swear I found Wayne in WoR. I Don't know how to cite properly but will try In the scene where Wit is driving a carriage, he is "mysteriously" replaced by a man with a "cap," Kaladin also states ,"That the man had an accent he couldn't recognize." I don't know how to link the exact citation But the replacement carriage driver acts almost exactly like Wayne would MB. he gets into character based on the hat he is wearing and starts talking all weird lolol. Maybe? idk.... My hesitation is that I do not know the specifics of the timelines, so idk if MB era 2 is before SoA
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