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Everything posted by Slothspren

  1. That dude is certainly not from around those parts( of Cosmere). That being said he could have just worked his way towards bridgecrews after the freedom. Or might as well have infiltrated towards the end. We know that there are many ways in Cosmere to see or at least guess the future so he could have easily infiltrated at the right time. Or he might have used some other form of Investiture to fit in, which we don't of at this time.
  2. If rayse doesn't survive by the end of 1st half then I believe the 2nd half will be against the true villains and opportunists (Ghost blood et al) and maybe nihilists like the Singer gods and Vyre. The Ghost bloods seem very confident and knowledgeable, so they might actually take up his power and maybe some splinter of Honor or countless other broken shards around Cosmere. Also if I am not mistaken the current Mistborn era is a little after SA ? And the shard or whatever power that is threatening Harmony might also be a combination of some shards (likely Odium 2.0+something else). Or at least whatever it is, knows how to face a double shard like Harmony so it might have encountered either SA era 2 shard(s). Although we have to remember that Odium himself is very experienced in beating 2 shards at once. Sorry I kind of ran along different tangents. Bottomline is era 2 won't be just about fighting Odium but other powers too plus we got 2 more planets to explore.
  3. i get what you are saying and i had not seen those WoBs but I concluded something similar on my own, my question was about eye color not the lightness, and apparently it won't change for lighteyes.
  4. i dont think if he will become a radiant as he is right now, he isn't broken and i assumed that him murdering sadeas would in someway lead to his breaking. but he came out pretty solid out of that. so maybe some other tragedy will cause it.
  5. something thats been bothering me is that kaladin's eye color changes to light blue because he is windrunner but we have not seen this happening to other light eyed KRs like jasnah, shallan or renarin. I mean it cant be this big a coincidence that they were born to their assigned order. Also, what would happen to someone with multiple orders?
  6. where was his affinity to winds shown before Syl's arrival? I think he mentioned that he has always been fascinated by heights (and winds too i guess but i dont remember). The first time he was shown doing something related to wind was while he was squad leader trying to save cenn.
  7. pressure reduction is not described for kaladin just some speculation in ars arcanum about how adhesion works. But its obvious that each order uses their surges differently by combining them in some way with other surges. I mentioned in some previous post that truthwatchers can probably see the future with help of lightweaving like renarin does while lightweavers can see the the event of past or at least near past or present. Like shallan drew a picture of yalb and rest of the crew reaching the beach and I think she drew something else similar to that but I don't remember the details now. As for jasnah's mastery of soulcasting is probably because its natural to her, she is natural at being assertive and dominant and orders that rope to change (in that non-canon jasnah chapter) while shallan is timid naturally and had to beg the stick but stick-sama didnt budge. Anyway I dont think if kaladins abilities have anything to do with being tanavast descendent. its been like 5000 years at least since humans came to roshar and even if he had any bloodline its probably gone by now, mixed with everyone else. And even if he was direct descendent of tanavast it wouldn't have mattered because its verryyyy unlikely that he reproduced any children after holding a shard, since the body vaporizes. And pre-shattering shardholders were just normal guys with maybe some normal magical abilities so being their offspring wont matter at all after so many millenia . Stormfather probably calls everyone son of honor, hence that sons of honor organization. The whole "chose one because special bloodline hurr durr" trope is too much for me and I certainly hope BS doesn't play it. So far he has not played it and that makes his characters more relatable as they have to rise through the ranks through struggle and hard work not because of some mundane cliched fantasy tropes. In fact he often does the opposite of the chosen one trope, like in white sand Kenton is weaker than everyone else and still rises because of his determination and hardwork.
  8. Also, many people here are speculating voidblades. I think that's very unlikely because the mechanism of how Listeners and voidspren bond and how human surgebinders bond spren is very different. In Listeners the voidspren enter their body and take control of them like a parasite by fusing with the host, to form a blade the spren has to leave the body and turn into metallic form, which seems very unlikely since the Listeners dont like being used by the voidspren and in most cases are tricked into fusing with them.
  9. I agree with you and that's what I speculated earlier, that what he did was not just simple adhesion we have been seeing so far. It was the opposite of it so either he was able to increase the pressure and did the opposite of what he does when he sticks stuff ( i.e instead of creating low pressure he created high pressure) or maybe something entirely different. The implication of that could be interesting. Anyway it was cool that he created a mini-storm to oppose the high storm and create a relatively calm zone behind him for the people. Unrelated question: Is the book coming out on 12AM on 14th ? I can only afford to keep an ebook and have already pre-ordered but still its been a tough year or so waiting for it and then those initial few Kaladin's chapters had me in kinda perpetual fever-dream situation for weeks because it was too hard to wait for next chapters.
  10. that's not how vacuum works (scientifically speaking). If kaladin is using vacuum to generate adhesion then theoretically this surge will not work in space. A per ars arcanum he sticks things by creating vacuum between adjoining surfaces and the atmospheric pressure around the object does all the work by pushing it towards the low pressure area. the highier the surrounding pressure is the more it will exert pressure on the low pressure area. the surrounding storm will rush towards that low pressure area with an enormous force and crush anything in-between. not to mention the absence of air in that vacuum would suffocate anyone caught in the low pressure zone due to lack of air. Also it seems weird that a herald will switch his or her order. Unless someone else takes their place and the herald is reduced to being a normal person and they join another order as an ordinary radiant. even though the heralds are not ordinary humans anymore.
  11. You may be right. But its very unlikely that Odium's shard has exactly same surges as Honor's. So in my opinion they are achieving flight through some other surge. Also I still believe that kaladin's stormwall was something unique since none of his surges could easily be manipulated into doing that kind of thing. In fact the very opposite is true. He creates a vacuum with adhesion, and creating a vacuum around himself during a highstorm would have caused an implosion of storm around him, he somehow diverted the storm's pressure by creating an opposing pressure which is against the nature of his surges. Unless there is more to the nature of these surges i.e if they can be manipulated into doing the negative of the normal (gravitation into pushing instead of pulling, adhesion into creating pressure at the point of contact instead of reducing it like normal). It doesn't seem to be related to sharedplates either because from what we have seen of radiants's plates, they were probably more effective and good at sealing stormlight but otherwise are identical to current non-radiant plates. Same goes for blades, they dont glow and dont change shape but are otherwise similar in nature to radiant-blades. I was certainly hoping for additional Kaladin books since to me the story is about him. No matter who is having screen time or how much exciting their events are in back of my head its still about kaladin and thats who I keep thinking about. Anyway since we know that future books will be about szeth, eshonai, lift, renarin, jasnah, ash and taln. so there doesn't seem to be any chance of additional Kaladin book. Though I would like to know his backstory relating to Tarah, and similarly too much of shallan's backstory is confusing and missing. Also since each order is going to get a book then we can assume that eshonai is probably going to be a dustbringer, but since there is going to be a book about ash (i.e additional lightweaver book) then where is BS going to fit willshapers?
  12. I read the chapters when they came out but while doing reread of WoR, suddenly switching to kaladin's fast paced chapter from WoR was not a good idea and the chapter kinda lost all its energy for me. Anyway looks like that look of betrayal on the listeners will probably have some negative consequences later. Also Kaladin noted that the flying VBs were low and bobing. That reminded me of how coinshots fly, while kaladin flies similar to lurchers so maybe their powers are similar but work on opposite forces, they were probably pushing against earth periodically hence the bobing action, or maybe not. But its theorized that odium probably has his own 10 surges in AA. I also believe that his stormwall was a new thing since syl had never been surprised by his abilities before but this time it was new to her and she had no idea what happened. We know that kaladin is special in SA and according to BS he will probably have a second book so its possible for him to manifest new abilities unknown to KRs before. Heck he might even become a herald if he takes back that honorblade. Finally, I believe that the Unmade were once Listeners, according to Rlain they hate humans and gave up themselves to odium, presumably after humans invaded roshar and took away their home.
  13. I guess no one here has read Temeraire series by Naomi Novik? I had almost given up on reading and this series re-introduced me into reading fantasy. It is an alternate history series set around Napoleonic Wars era with DRAGONS. Every 2nd book has some travelling which shows the cultural differences around the world and how Dragons fit into society, like how in some cultures they are treated like caged animals and slaves while in some they are revered. There is no magic but different species/races of dragons have different abilities so I guess that kinda counts as magic?
  14. I dont think if bad movies will bring more audience. If anything they might do the opposite. I personally have not read many of the popular books like percy jackson or shannara chronicles and inheritance cycle etc. because of the disappointing adaptations even though they have been on my list. I agree with most of the people hoping for mistborn movie and SA series but seeing the current crew, I am fast losing hope, especially after this hiring of misborn writer.
  15. well frankly before coming to this forum I hadnt heard of resonance. (or at least dont remember it) But I do remember those events which were unique to them and were never explained and now that I see it different characters are showing different aspects which are some kind of representation of their surges. And kaladin did that spirit thing for at least 3 times so it cant be just random coincidence. Also its brandon sanderson.. so there are no unexplained outta-thin-air kinda magics. Everything is explainable through in-world science.
  16. I believe she has similar aspect/resonance to her abilities like Renarin has. Renarin sees the future Shallan sees the past or present, not sure which one but once or twice she drew a scene which was already happening or had happened somewhere else, I dont remember the details but it was either past or present event. Kaladin does his spirit flight thing in storms
  17. Syl mentioned that there is nothing special about the plates. While she very emotional and tight-lipped about the blades so I dont think if they are made of spren in same way.
  18. Imagine a highprince finding bunch of crying mini-shardplates in his show and he is like "What is this? A shardplate for ants?" or cremlings in roshar i guess. ( I dont know whats the policy about posting meme-images otherwise was gonna post some quick meme here)
  19. Hah.. I like him but he just annoys me sometimes. I thought so the same that Dalinar probably wont survive.. and now reading those chapter epigraphs sounds like its written as his biography after he is done. But I hope thats not the case as somehow it seems the purpose of bondsmiths is essential to KRs. And he is the only one around these days. And I dont think this whole Highking business will last long. He is no dragon reborn and KRs are supposed to serve all of humanity equally, not to lord over them.
  20. I took "shape them" for shaping them into proper Honorspren instead of dumb splinters of Honor flying around. not to mention shardplates can be grown from a single piece of the plate.. which kind of seems un-sprenly, because if someone is feeding stormlight to a part of the plate at one place and someone else is feeding another part somewhere else then only one of them will grow back into full plate as a hole. which seems very unlikely that a spren or multiple sprens were divided and their fate is decided based on stormlight feeding frenzy, and the losing side turning into nothing. Also we haven't seen any mention of disintegrated plate turning releasing sprens or anything like that, like we saw with that fallen chasmfiend. Also its possible to join multiple broken plates into a complete new one which again seems to un-sprenly. There has been a lot of research done on plates and so far no one has seen any relation to spren, they have tried to see if it works like a fabrial (which works because of spren) and the scholars have failed in finding anything. tl;dr: What i deducted from that discussion was that Kaladin was asking her to emulate/recreate what stormfather does to give dumb sprens (subspren) voices/sentience.
  21. I think i read it or maybe I just got the impression that he was willing to do that. When Dalinar tried to make peace with the parshendi he tried to assassinate him.. but I could be wrong about him willing to bring back Voidbringers.
  22. Few thoughts about these chapters. Its finally good to see happy kaladin, and him voicing my long-held thoughts about his own privacy being obliterated if he ever got a chance to get laid. That being said if I were him then even the thought of her buzzing around while I took a dump would have killed me. The whole thing with the villagers looked like a scam to ripoff kaladin but was confirmed to be true later, which is spooky. Also there is some WoB saying stormform is not actually voidform as we assume normally, so there is that. I was really glad to see those absurd theories regarding Renarin put to rest. and FINALLY he did regrowth on adolin. I really hope what he did to adolin with that vision was kinda like gold/malatium vision, but instead of "what could have been" it focuses on the future i.e what he can become some day. Renarin being a truthwatcher I really hope what he showed Adolin is true future of Adolin. I think the minor point that Dalinar asked to delay the whole knee-bending stuff will come to play in future, as that could have immediately put Adolin as the new highprince, but since its delayed now then it may never happen. Adolin might have to relinquish his title for what he did and maybe lose his blade, though I hope not since he is very close to his blade and himself realized that. Dalinar probably spooked the Thaylen queen when he asked about sending his radiants in order to teach the new ones and bring them into the fold of Urithiru. Why should she let an outsider take away her new fine breed of knights? Not to mention I am really REALLY hating Dalinar being so possessive about Radiants and Kaladin being so subservient to him. They are both Radiants and by the KR law they are both equals from different orders. And the fate of that Honorblade should be decided by Kaladin not Dalinar, it is a Windrunner blade which belongs to the patron of their order. Ideally it should be locked away in Windrunner custody. That Elhokar entry had me like oh boy here we go again.. then I was internally screaming all NONONONO when he pledged but it resolved nicely so I am happy for him. Really curious about whats Mr.T up to. He knows secrets, so its not beyond him to know the secret of oath-gates and maybe fake some radiant (by using some clever fabrials to open the gate) or trick a real one into following him. He may have changed his mind about Dalinar for now but eventually there will be clash between them. Because hopefully the Skybreakers will be coming soon to Urithiru, and along with them our beloved crazy killing machine. It would be nice seeing Mr. T shitting his pants again. Or maybe even before they make an entry Shallan will discover the truth since the Ghostbloods probably know the truth about him and Diagram already. It would be interesting to see how Mr. T deceives Renarin, assuming seeing the truth behind deception is one of Truthwatcher's abilities. Finally, this. I saw several mentions of this as if its finally clarified and then I re-read the whole part and did not see any mention of sprens being converted into plates. From what I read Stormfather gave them sentience and Kaladin asked Syl if she could try doing the same, i.e give sentience to other windspren and help him create more windrunner or elevate his squires into the order. On unrelated note: : WHY in Damnation did Taravangian and Gavilar come to same conclusion? I mean we get it that Gavilar was having visions, probably the same one Dalinar is having now but how the did he conclude from them that : He must bring the desolation back, which is the opposite of what he should have been trying to do. And similarly AFTER his death Taravangian went to Nightwatcher and asked for the capacity to save the world, and AGAIN he came to the same conclusion that the world must be destroyed first and they must unleash the voidbringers again. In case of Gavilar I could have assumed his supposedly misguided quest to unleash the desolation and voidbringers in order to force the Heralds to come forward, but what's Taravangian's end goal ?
  23. @btcannon thanks. @Darkness Ascendant well good to see fellow nomads/wetlander here, I move around mostly but currently I am in Al-Khobar. I think I have read all of Cosmere work (including unpublished whitesand), The Reckoner series, and other stuff. Now that I think of it, apart from Alcatraz series and Rithmatist I have read probably everything else.. oh wait I still have to read snapshot.
  24. whats Sanderson Elimination ?
  25. So, probably like everyone else I was kinda disappointed when I first read that TWoK was going to be adopted into movie first, and almost lost all hope when I saw that the Saw movie guys involved in it. But I still had some hopes for Mistborn at least. And today I read a story on deadline (from earlier this year), that they have hired F Scott Frazier for movie adaptation. I checked his IMDB page and now I have completely lost hope in Cosmere adaptation. Why ? because the guy has only 3-4 or movies under his belt. And all of them are solid 5/10 junk movies. I can almost foresee Cosmere movies joining the long list of failed adaptations. ;(
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