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Army of Sheep

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  1. I think it works better with both side-to-side.
  2. I think the Fused are co-opting the surges. The forms of power though... That seems to work differently. Storm form for instance has some power that is different from surgebinding. Maybe these forms of power are more related to void binding? Am I off the mark here?
  3. @whattheHoid I don't really think he does either, but wouldn't that be sweet?
  4. Immagine this. Zahel/Vasher has the missing blades. He has them all. He has bonded them all, and is waiting for the right moment to bring them into play. He figures out how to awaken using storm light. He goes to the capitals of world and goes to the tombs of the soulcast heroes and kings of old and awakens stone soldiers and gives them each a shardblade (or two). He keeps them hidden and amasses his army which he decides to call Kalak's Phantoms, mostly because he can't think of a better name. There's a pitched battle where there are dozens, no, hundreds of thunderclasts and the Radiants are about to be overwhelmed and Kalak's Phantoms swarm out of no where to make short work of the thunderclasts. End scene.
  5. I think a Dalinar's Phantoms carrying Shardblades would be very fitting. The dead weilding the dead.
  6. I think too, that since Nightblood was modeled after shardblades, which are unnaturally large swords themselves, it makes sense that they'd make it a large sword. At least in my mind.
  7. I remember that confused me my first time reading Warbreaker. I thought Denth was sneaking in and out of the palace. The ending, of course, disabused me off this notion.
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