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  1. Warbreaker is probably the better, longer story, but it's set on a different planet, with different magic. If you want to stick with Stormlight, go with Edgedancer, but it's a fairly short story. Also Edgedancer is about Lift, and Lift is awesome.
  2. Given that Shardblades are summoned with a small amount of water on them, Preservation's power manifesting as mist, and the interaction with water and sand on Taldain, it seems that there may be some form of connection between Investiture and water However, the condensation on Shardblades may be because Roshar exists as an ocean in the cognitive realm rather than any , and on Taldain it may be simply due to the importance of water in a desert. Any thoughts on a likely connection here, or is it probably just a coincidence?
  3. The challenge with spiking while in the womb is that it would be very difficult to do so without killing the mother, or disrupting the growth of the unborn beaver.
  4. Well, most untrained Allomancers have an instinctive ability to use their metals without knowing what they're doing, so I expect the beaver would have at least some degree of control. Also, depending on when this happened, Ruin might be able to instruct the beaver in using its powers, which would be pretty troubling.
  5. Granted, but your socks are perpetually damp. I wish for complete and comprehensible knowledge of all scientific and mathematical concepts that exist and ever will exist.
  6. Can confirm that I agree on this one. Wonderful work, which delivers a point without being too flowery. The brilliance of her work aside, I may have slightly ended up transposing one of her poems into something about Elantris at one point. Again, spoiler tagged for length here. Original: And now with some slight changes:
  7. Well, that's one of the harder surveys I've had to answer. Went with Assassin's Apprentice in the end, as it opened out a pretty good universe with really good characters. Also one of the non-Sanderson works on the list definitely deserves a mention, given the nature of this site.
  8. I suspect that if a spike were somehow Invested with Stormlight, it would already be closer to "full", and make it harder to hold the additional investiture of a spren or Surgebinding abilities.
  9. Well, a friend of mine introduced me to Sanderson's work some time ago. Which resulted in a prompt bingeing of all his main published work, upon discovering he wrote what I found some of the best fight scenes I've ever read (Looking at you, Windrunners and Allomancers). Anyway, the aformentioned friend suggested that I make a post here if I begin to look into all the Extra Magicy Stuff outside of the books themselves, so here I am. EDIT: Something broke, and it posted before any actually introductory stuff was written. I guess I ought to add it in now. Anyway, Year 12 student at the moment, so probably not the best time to start delving into all this. Oh well, I'd probably waste the time on Reddit anyway. Spent the past 7-odd years reading a couple of chapters of various fantasy novels every evening over the years. Before that point, I'd just read a lot in general, but I've since been on video games more often (Sorry). Wheel of Time, Realm of the Elderlings, the Broken Empire, and Name of the Wind are some things that come to mind regarding recent interests. Outside of books, I've taken a liking to a lot of Rooster Teeth's stuff, particuarly their animated shows, and liked Dark Souls 3 to the point where I decided to get all the achievements for it. I really have no idea what I'm meant to do here, but here's some evidence of my existence at least.
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