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  1. I believe that it would as well as each of them have a very different outlook on the world. Jasnah would dominate any discussion scholarly or not just because of her knowledge as a scholar and strong will. I think that Kelsier would challenge her for the position as leader as he is very controlling and strong willed. Dazed would most likely remain apart as he doesn't want to interfere, though Hrathen may see his power and wish to serve him despite that. That or Hrathen might just manipulate everyone. Wayne would just annoy everyone, so he might not survive the encounter.
  2. That may be due to the fact that you don't have the capacity to understand when you are being insulted. Also, I am somewhat afraid for your mental state as you seem to have great pleasure torturing innocent bread. Does it not already suffer enough as it fearfully awaits it's consumption?
  3. You are correct that you can't speak for Ryshadium, you also can't speak period, but that's beside the point. My main concern is for your welfare as such a machine. You seem to want revenge, but are literally incapable of seeking it without destroying any usefulness you may have. I fear that I cannot allow you to bring retribution on anyone as you would lose all useful purpose in your semblance of a life and be cast out or destroyed. So in concern for you, I must ask that you give up your desire for revenge.
  4. One, that is an opinion, not a truth. Two, this is a Rosharan forum as is clearly demonstrated by the reference to Wit in the title. But, as you have demonstrated little in the way of wit, I'm not surprised that you would not understand such a simple concept.
  5. Ah, I apologize, I see that as a toaster you and Ryshadium both share some of the same qualities: a lack of complex thought and the ability to only contribute a few base services to those you serve.
  6. I apologize for the inconvenience, I'm often busy with more important matters than a few minor grammatical mistakes, especially as it seems like a better way to make my case to those who are lacking in cognitive abilities. As for your second comment, I find that those who refuse to deal with the elderly are much like chull. They are physically strong, but are slow of mind and useful only for menial tasks.
  7. "Equine Force" is nothing in the face of the eldest creature in the cosmere. Nor does it seem that "Equine Force" can do much in the way of usefulness without a shardbearers guidance. Does this then not show how little you can do without a helping hand? I fear I must take pity on you as you have an utter lack of creative thinking and assisst you to pick a more suitable use of your time. I think you would do well pulling stones to the camps as it requires little in the way of a creative mindset.
  8. At first glance I thought you had lived up to the honorable and prestigious name of Ryshadium as you valiantly came to the rescue of a helpless creature. However, I now see that your mind was first set on money, typical of a thief looking only to find the next creature to "save" for a price.
  9. One does not need to be a cremling to know of their highly diminished mental function. However, if you were to be one, no one would be surprised, as you seem to share their utter lack of sense.
  10. Yes, but not nearly as dangerous as hubris, especially in one who has no more wit than any cremling.
  11. By that same extension, your name describes your passion for hats. In consideration for all those who ever meet you, I must ask you to keep that passion to yourself as others would rather use their time in more productive matters than marveling at headgear.
  12. The worth of that statement, and by extension your wit, cannot be placed at a higher value than a single diamond chip, which is generous, as you should really be giving each of us an emerald broam in recompense for such a dastardly claim.
  13. The question in that case would then be if Sadeas, Taravangian, and Hrathen could somehow convince Rashek to spare them or maneuver them to their side against the two others. I could see Sadeas pulling this off the best as he is adapt at political maneuvering. That would leave Taravangian and Hrathen to try and work together. In a straight up duel I could see Sadeas and Rashek have the upper hand in sheer power and persuasion but I think Taravangian and Hrathen would be superior in intelligence (especially when Taravangian is at his best) and logical/strategic/passionate thinking. In other words I think it would come down to persuasion and power against incredible intelligence.
  14. I would like to see how Hrathen, Rashek, and Sadeas meet up just to see how they would react to one another's views and morals, and if they would become allies or bitter foes
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