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Israel Aire

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  1. It's too late. I've already eaten the spike, the end comes.
  2. Tsidqiyah, any takeout under 15$ and yes, I will like pie with that. Thanks for the cookie Striker. I will try to avoid getting controlled by ruin. I don't actually have a favourite book. As for character, I'm sure all the good ones are already taken(wax,kaladin,shallan,Jasnah,Wayne, Vin, Marasi, raoden etc. So I'm gonna go with the smartest man in the entire cosmere, the unconventional hero. (drum roll...) Taravangian, King of Kharbranth and Jah Keved, Creator of the diagram, Master of Truth less and the soon to be Emperor of all Roshar
  3. I exist and have not been splintered. I've got like five planets orbiting in my solar system and I spend my time keeping Rayse the hell away from me and ordering takeout
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