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  1. on the English cover it is clearly Dalinar, On the American Cover id say it is also Dalinar, but i didnt even think he had a cape on his shardplate.
  2. the95th

    Atium Alloys

    I didn't even know there was a Harmonium.
  3. would tin even effect atium geodes from sprouting?
  4. A cross between Assassins Creed and Fallout with a bit of Mass Effect thrown in would be awesome. OKAY GOT BOARD AT WORK SO I CAME UP WITH THIS. MY REALLY QUICK GAME RUN DOWN. FEEL FREE TO DESTROY AND FLAME: The Story is focused on Kelsiers Master. Who is being trained himself in Alomancy. Your characters Master (M) trains the player ( Tutorial Mission and were you choose your abilities in a similar style to fall out, you tag 3 skills as your main powers, such as Kelsier tagged pushing and pulling and they are given a skill point poost to level 25/1000 were as all the others are at 10/100) in the basic principles of alomancy. M takes Kelsier to a the rebellion, were they are up in arms about trying to secure the Terris Breeding Camps and take them away from the Empire hoping for an instant Terris Rebellion. M agrees that this would be a good idea, and that he and His Apprentice, would create a team that would be the centre point for a Terris Rebellion. -From here on out, it Will play like Mass Effect 2- Creating a team of allomacer indivduals with unique abilities. Such as a Thug would be a soldier type character. A Soother would be a thief style character. A Coin Shot would be a sniper A Tin Eye would be a spotter for the coin shot etc. A Rioter would be a skill booster for the team You get the idea... M sends his apprentice with two of the rebellion alomancers, a Tin eye and coin shot. To hunt down a valuable asset for the rebellion a Seeker who will help them find other allomacers who are sympathetic to the cause. They come across Marsh, who joins up with the rebellion after seeing the Team defend someone from a beating by a soldier. This also shows the rpg side as you are given 3 choices, to let the beating happen, in which you gain RUIN points (making you more susceptible to turn to hemalurgy) this would result in Marsh joining your team to stop this from happening anymore. If you step in and calmly tell the Guard to walk away, youll gain PRESERVATION which opens up more options to resolve arguments peacefully (Making your Metal reserves last longer as you are closer to Preservation) If you choose to kill the soldier you will gain MISTBORN which makes soldiers/guards become alert to the presence of a Mistborn in the town, and increases your fame. If your Mist born level is too high a House War can erupt in which you are attacked on sight by soldiers anywhere, until the timer resets itself (Like GTA) and Inquisitors will hunt you down ( they will appear on the mini map as a Spike. Marsh passes on intelligence of several underground alomancers who may help, and you have the option to pursue them and persuade them in any way possible. You can choose to do missions with a team like in Mass Effect, or on your own creating a dynamic game style were if you take a team multiple outcomes including death can happen. For instance a poor team were the Allomancers powers do not complement each other can result in the death of a team member. For instance. A Smoker and a Seeker would need to be protected by the Apprentice, were as a Thug and a Coin Shot could hold their own against a few soldiers. You can travel to any of the main towns and cities, choosing modes of transport such as a Horse and Carriage, a barge or the Mistborn road network. You would be able to take out contracts for hire from noblemen to steal trading information or assassinating targets in a similar sense to Assassins Creed. You would then be able to invest your money into Skaa workers like Club’s Shop, were you would gain profit from the shop every 30 real time minutes like in AC. With that money you would then be able buy weapons and leather armour with wooden buckles etc. for your Team. For instance up grading your Lurchers wooden shield so it can take more hits. You can also pay informers money to tell you the location of Keeps with Atium to steal. Iron and Steel would work in the environment like the force pushes and grips in Force Unleashed. Were as in combat it would open up a VATS style system were you can choose what to push and pull based on distance weight and size creating a percentage of successful pulls and pushes. For atium, it would slow down the environment, and once again open a VATS style system in which you can do some cool execution style moves, out of the VATS system you see a blurry shadow of their movement, like the Nercophage in Chronicles of Riddick. In which you can fire a coin at etc. After gathering your team, your base of operations is attacked by Ministry troops and 3 Inquisitors. If your RUIN is high, you join the Inquisitors. And your team scatters, apart from those that are unloyal. You kill them. If your PRESERVATION is high, You hold off the Inquisitors and your team escapes, you fool the inquisitors and you believe you have lost them. From here the Game splits in to two possible storylines. RUIN: You Hunt down your team and Spike them. Thwarting all possible plans of the rebellion. Only Marsh survives. In the final part of the game you fight M who seeing you turn in to a monster feels he should have killed you when he found your potential as your powers of alomancy have become legendary. He strikes a lethal blow, and the Apprentice falls to the floor. M leaves the rebellion in the care of Marsh, and says that his days of helping the rebellion are over as he cannot help them anymore. We see the Lord Ruler and a retinue of Inquisitors pick up their fallen comrade. And take him back to luthadel to “Rest” Like Star Wars Episode III. PRESERVATION. You lead the Inquisitors on a goose chase through Luthadel, finally escaping when you slide down a bolt hole into one of the underground thieving crews. You come across a cameo of Reene and Vin scavenging for food, throwing them a couple of clips will give you a PRESERVATION bonus, were as telling them to get out of your way will boost RUIN. You journey back to the Rebellion caves were your team escaped to, and find any of your un-loyal team members to of been killed and for M to of been captured and taken to Kredik Shaw. You and your team go on a mission to break in to Kredik Shaw, they battle through a few soldiers. Just in time to see the Lord Ruler kill M, in a similar fashion to kelsiers death. Your team tells you to escape as you are more valuable than they are. They run a suicide mission in which the Coin Shot shoots two coins through the LR’s eyes who insta heals the wounds and sends the same two coins back and impale your coin shot. And the Thug kills 5 soldiers in a berserker run. The other Members of your crew hold back the Ministry Allomancers. And you shoot away with two Inquisitors on your heels. You escape the Inquisitors and the cut scene at the end shows the death of your team members, and the inquisitors spiking a few. You go back to the rebellion HQ and inform Marsh on what happened. He tells you that you have to go to the source of the Ministry and Empires power. The Pits of Hathsin. Your journey there, and meet a man with scared hands, who you see with your Brass is burning two metals. Every time you complete a quest, you gain EXP. You also gain 15 points to increase your proficiency with each aspect of Alomancy. It also gives you better abilities with each metal, for instance 75 points in rioting will enable you to boost your team further. Skills: Proficiency in every metal Knife Fighting Axe Fighting Perks: Silent step Ruins Influence. You purposefully spike yourself to gain double proficiency in a metal. But gain 50 ruin points as well. Preservations Prayer. When your health drops below a quarter your metals become infinite Mistcloak: Night time your Mistborn level doesn’t increase. Day time Your mistborn level increases by 10 every minute. Extra Vials Glass throwing knives Pewter Powder. Enables you to escape Inquisitors quickly Obviously this isn’t finished, but I don’t have much time to expand any further. I suppose this is really a fan fiction game storyline that I would like to expand upon so ill post more here when im done on the elements of the game. enjoy!
  5. Also is it not also affected by the size of the metal, a small piece of metal was harder to connect to then a bigger bit. Therefore The small earing, less then 0.25cm squared if the earring in my ear ( I have vins earring) is to scale is probably difficult to put the entire force of a push behind. Bullets travel at like 700mph, but they dont explode peoples heads much and they are bigger and heavier then an earring, and aerodynamicly designed. From the design of the earring i have, it would be impossible for vin to achieve a good push as it is in a C shape. For instance the Lord ruler was all powerful because he could push and pull on Glass.
  6. what i meant was Duralinium uses all the metals reserves in one almost uncontrollable boost. I feel burning Larasium while being a Mistborn will multiply your allomantic strength to that of an original Allomancer like Elend. Due to Genetic decay Mistborns like Kelsier are weaker then the original Mistborns. So I feel like it just tops up your allomantic strength. However For original Mistborns like Elend and Spook I feel larasium will work like Duralinium which still gave them a massive kick, but with out the reserves emptying only Larasium. I feel it has to be a Physical enhancement power as Atium is a Mental enhancement power which Boosts your mental abilities were as Larasium must boost your physical abilities. For instance: Force of Push = 1 Normally with a cost of 1/5 metal Force of Push = 10 Duralinium With a Cost of 5/5 metal Force of Push = 10 Larasium with a cost of 1/5 metal It acts like Duralinium without the emptying of reserves in my opinion. This would be incredibly interesting when mixed with Atium. Burning Both would presumably allow you to focus on seeing into the future unlike Elend who saw everything at once.
  7. the95th


    when the inquisitors cleared out the terris held location ( cant remember the name) surely they would of spiked everyone possible and stole all of the powers. Ruin wouldnt want the hard to come by ones to be extinct. So he probably spiked all his inquisitors with Atium Age as a way of storage of the powers. Failing that he may of picked it up from an Atium Age Ferring who was dying from something or a criminal he executed after a few years of using health to extend his life.
  8. Elend was trained as a duelist by that point, by Ham, A Thug. He knew how to swing a sword pretty well. Admittedly, yes it is tough to cut off somones head in one swoop. But mix rage, justification and a sharp sword in to the mix and it is possible. Vin had also practiced her pewter drag and had become resistant to it.
  9. the95th

    Atium Alloys

    would an alloy of Atium and Larasium create life? like how ruin and preservation put a part of themselves in people. I was just wondering if this could create a sort of Goloem like in Warbreaker. Laratium would create a life. Atasium would take a life.
  10. Probably a similar effect to compounding... being a mistborn and burning larasium will make you mega powerful in all metals were as duralumin only works with the one
  11. god knows how i missed that! Thank you
  12. perhaps a soulbearer can store themselves in the metalmind, like for instance say they know they are about to die, and can store all of their personality etc. into the metal mind. And it can then be tapped by somone else, the only metalmind that can and they become that person for the time it is tapped.... I dunno random guess. Would be interesting, and the soulbearer's are like the last link to the previous terris race.
  13. Touche' I should probably read things twice before posting!
  14. Well Elend didn't fit the sterotype of a nobleman and Renarin doesn't fit the sterotype of Alethi. They both weren't ladies men. Both their fathers treat them differently to their other children, and often treat the warrior child better in some respects. Both recieve power near the end, Larasium and Shard plate. And Both are seen as weak because of their blood, Renarin through sickness and Elend as a soft nobleman And both are high elites in their social circles. Chances are Renairin will probably become friends with the Kaladin the same way Elend and Vin became friends (more then friends) .... Oh and both are a bit goofy at times.
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