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  1. I 100% think that the group of spren that Venli was in contact with was the Honor Spren. It would answer the question of why Honor spren have stopped bonding with human knights radiant and would lead to a lot of interesting interactions between human and parsh wind runners. Possibly the spren considering Rlain could reject him and then one of the honor spren who have rejected humanity could bond with him, leading to a conflict of interests
  2. I really like Fused using Aluminum to block Shardblades on their lances.
  3. I doubt it would be Renarin. While I don't have the book in front of me, the last chapter with Mr. T seemed to imply that Odium was not accounting for Renarin at all in any of his calculations. when all of the words on Mr. T's walls began glowing with the power of odium and expanding into volumes, the name Renarin Kholin stayed dark. This might mean that Renarin could be Honor's champion, as his bonding with a void/corrupted spren might give him an edge over Odium.
  4. Definitely the confusion in the war room when they figure out that the voidbringers in Azir wrote essays about how unfairly they were treated they were treated instead of just pillaging. Also how the Azish reacted to Jasnah's essay. The Azish have by far been my favorite of the cultures.
  5. What is up with Wit in the very last page of OB? Wit tells the spren that he is “certain the reason he came to [Kholinar]” was to find the spren. This is odd for a few reasons. First, It is not really at Hoid level importance - The end of the last two books were important events that Hoid had to witness/be a part of. The first being Taln returning, proving to both the reader and people in world that Dalinar was right, and the final desolation was imminent. The Second was proving to the reader that Jasnah Kholin was alive, and important in world because Hoid had to put the future Queen (Or maybe still referred to as King) of Alethkar towards the tower and give her sketches of the Heralds, as well as bring her up to speed on current events. Obviously, this spren is important, because out of an entire Cosmere of places to be, Hoid goes to save it. Secondly, It seems like the Fused also know it is important. The Fused would not tell Moash why they were breaking apart the temple, but the wall that the spren was hiding in “was one of the few remaining”, so it can be assumed that the fused were literally tearing the city apart to search for it. The Fused in charge of the destruction of the temple has met Hoid before, and we are told that Odium would be willing to destroy the city in the off chance that he may kill Hoid. This means that saving the Spren put tens if not hundreds of thousands of people at risk, which is not something Hoid does lightly. I know he said he would watch the world burn to see his ends met, but he does seem like he would do it lightly, especially after putting time, energy, and investiture into saving just one little girl. Also, this may seem obvious, but the spren seems to be a cryptic, as it is described as “a pattern” and Hoid tells the spren that he knows many juicy truths. This can only mean that this cryptic is of vital importance, and cannot be dismissed out of hand. Does anybody have any clue as to why?
  6. My copy says "And Dalinar realizes that his holy mission..." instead of "And gradually realizes..."
  7. I was most emotionally attached to Elhokar's death, but most surprised by the wall guard and Kaladin's Parshendi friends. I fully expected them to skirmish, and the have Kaladin fly in and make everyone buddies, with the Parshendi becoming windrunner squires to Moash. Guess that didn't happen!
  8. Sorry, I am new to this, and accidentally posted twice in a row. The stormfather seems confused by what Dalinar did. I am assuming that this means nobody has done this before.
  9. I personally like Theory number three. It seems to be the only reason why he would use the word we, and it would be an interesting twist to have Unite them not refer to the high princes or the kingdoms but instead the Gods. I am really interested in how the perpendicularly will be affected if Dallinar tries to open it up during a high or ever storm.
  10. The hooded figures are probably not the bonsmiths, as there are usually only three of them at a time. I would say that, because it is religious art, the hooded figures are ment to represent all the leaders of the word untied together, but they are all wearing the same cult-like outfits, not usually as regal or diverse as the kings' outfits would be. Then again, he is a Herald, and can probably tell kings how to dress according to his whims.
  11. Didn't Syl specifically say that parshem cannot have a Nahel bond, when she and Kaladin where talking about the morality of killing a bunch or parshmen (either at the beginning of WoR or the end of Wok). He said something along the lines of "what if there was a parshman bonded to his own honorspren who saw me killing his companions" and Syl responds "Parshmen can't bond with spren". If Syl was not misinformed, this probably rules out any normal-spren and Eshoani Nahel bond. The yellow spren did not seem corrupted, or hatefull and historically voidspren have been red and lightning bolty. I would rule that Syl might be wrong about what type of spren it was, but it seems like a mini peice of honor would be able to tell the difference between another little piece of Honor, and a little piece of Honor's sworn enemy.
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