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Everything posted by TheLordRuler

  1. He's an agent of Harmony now. He definitely knows Kelsier survived. I think he's one of Harmony's back-up plans. Should things go wildly out of control/balance, he can utilise Marsh to do the things he can't/won't. Similar to the role Wax plays.
  2. Some very cool ideas here! Rlain becoming a Bondsmith is probably my favourite one though,
  3. When Gran-Gran is telling Spensa about the Mutiny on the Defiant, she says her father was a historian. Spensa says: "Grandfather was a historian?" When she is actually referring to her Great Grandfather.
  4. Loved the way it started off, but the ending had me a little confused. I feel like the book would have benefited a lot from being a bit longer but, overall, I'm still really happy with the trilogy. I've read some explanations, but I've yet to understand why Leed writing books solved his problems.
  5. Koloss Head Munching Day is 19th of December is Mr Sanderson's birthday, which is why he releases State of the Sanderson on that day every year.
  6. Honestly it looks pretty sad if we have to wait 6 years for the next Mistborn book. Bands of Mourning came out January 2016... I know he's busy with other series/books, but this delays Era 3 Mistborn too so its a double hit.
  7. Just follow them on twitter, they get a lot of exposure there since Brandon retweets their clips. Like 1k+ likes. But it's good to have them here as well.
  8. That is possible yes. But it took an entire Shard to bring him down. Also, he would be able to detect something as heavily invested as Susebron/Nightblood. Even with his personality, I don't think he's stupid enough to let that someone that powerful close to him. I guess if Susebron has the advantage of surprise, and TLR has no idea what he's up against, then he might be able to one-shot him. That's far better chances than anyone else would have.
  9. You are correct, he can awaken from distance. I assume this means he can transfer from a distance too. But I think that would still accomplish very little, given how fast his mind would process the power, and his superspeeds. Susebron would be far too slow to take advantage of any momentary surprise. I don't enjoy match ups which involve TLR. He will always come out on top. Something like Herald(s) Vs Susebron would be much more interesting.
  10. All of this is pointless. Susebron would never be able to hit TLR with anything. Not Nightblood, cloth spikes, and certainly not Lifeless. He certainly wouldn't be able to get close enough to transfer the Breaths. When TLR moves, time might as well stop for him. His top speeds are theoretically limitless. Whatever the smallest measurement of time is; that's how long it would take for TLR to deal with Susebron and any other challenger. Also, consider how TLR has literally held a portion of a Shard. I doubt any number of Breaths could ever match that. There is no person who can challenge TLR in raw strength. Even other Fullborns wouldn't be able to since his Allomancy is pure and beyond even Lerasium and his Feruchemy is the strongest available considering how he almost wiped out his race. Its possible someone from the future, like Kelsier, might match him but only if he has an overwhelming weaponised-technological advantage.
  11. I'm kind of sad we aren't getting more Cosmere, but Brandon definitely deserves a break. I'm also starting university next year, so maybe it will be a good thing to not spend all my time indoors reading books haha.
  12. In my mind, Mistborn has always had greater potential to be pushed on screen as a series. The world is very Earth-like, and it won't be anywhere near as CGI intensive as Stormlight Archive. Think of the costs of glowing/steaming Radiants/Blades, spren, storms, fauna/flora. Its something beyond most series producers. The only way I can see someone picking it up is if it already has a large proven audience, which can be obtained through Mistborn. Also, Mistborn was my introduction to the Cosmere, so I think it would be cool if it was the first adaptation. As for movies, I would prefer Warbreaker to Elantris. I just think its the better book, but that might be recent bias from seeing Nightblood in Oathbinger haha. I wonder how characters like Vasher will be handled. Unlike the books, you can't make him have a subtle cameo since the same actor would be used presumably.
  13. So it looks like the site had a giveaway but unfortunately it was only for American 17thsharders. If there are enough Australian users I wouldn't mind doing a giveaway and I already have in mind what I want allocate as the prize. I don't want to set a limit but if we could hit something like 30 entries that would be great. Thanks
  14. Haha same, Jasnah was far better at dealing with the Fused than Szeth and Kaladin. I wonder what Elsecaller squires are capable of.
  15. That sums up my thoughts on the matter. I feel like Brandon tried but couldn't get it right so he just cut it off at the end. Maybe its not over, and we'll see something in the next book? It's not like Shallan's cured, she's just made a little progress. And we've seen how relapses can suddenly occur with Kaladin's depression.
  16. But that would mean he is over 4000 years old, which Im pretty sure is not the case. Even if he were Immortal due to his Divine Breath, we know Vivenna is not immortal and she was born about 400 years after him IIRC. So unless she's been time travelling (is this possible?), I don't think the timelines match up. Also, I believe Brandon said Warbreaker and Stormlight Archive occur close to each other.
  17. I don't think its stupid, I just think expecting Brandon to fit that in somewhere is too much when he is already trying to cram a large story with many plots in. This becomes obvious when you look at the threads he dropped like Sadeas's death, Helaran's death, Amaram's role in the Sons of Honour all which are potentially more important than the triangle. I guess 'ignore' was too strong a word, tolerate is probably the better word. And I'm basing it on the reactions I've read in this thread and the other threads. Most seem to agree that it could have been done better, but in light of what a significant undertaking Oathbringer was, it's forgivable. Also, I thought I made it pretty clear that I meant romance when talking about emotion. I agree that emotion does play an important role in the series. But romance has never been the emotion at the forefront in Brandon's books, as far as I can tell.
  18. Is the limitless Voidlight due to Odium powering them similar to how Honour powered his own Heralds?
  19. Another point I forgot to mention earlier on is Vasher and his criminal status. Speculation as to what could have caused this? Maybe Vivenna awakened her blade specifically to hunt Vasher? Also, has Vivenna's shapeshifting expanded beyond hair colour? At one point Adolin mentions her scars fading alongside her hair changing colour.
  20. Lol I feel like you're more invested in the emotional side of things in the books. Nothing wrong with that, but romance is obviously secondary in the series so drama and exploring Roshar together probably doesn't have a place in an epic fantasy hitting stride. Not many were satisfied with how the triangle went, but I think we're willing to ignore that considering how well done the rest of the book is. Also, Kaladin in love with Syl? Thats kinda disturbing. Not sure where this extrapolation came from. I would assume most Surgebinders are as close as Kal and Syl since they get to know each other so well.
  21. I thought he was talking about the 10 orders, it made the most sense to me. Venli wasn't too far away so she might have been included? I don't think that's the case though since he is referring to the 9 in his proximity. Whats the significance of having 10 people?
  22. Just some stray thoughts. Why didn't Ash and Taln have a larger role in the end? It was made out like they would be involved, representing 2 of the 9 orders Dalinar listed. I kept expecting a scene of them in battle but I guess that would be too much. Another question, was Taln's lucidity derived from Honours Perpendicularity appearing? If yes (which I believe so) then why wouldn't they attempt to move closer to Dalinar and provide advice, something Taln would presumably be keen on. Other than that, really interested to see how Jasnah handles the 2 heralds. Looks like Hoid wants to become a Surgebinder. How would this affect his use of other systems? Stormlight seems to be the most active and potent form of investiture. Would there be interference if attempted to use Surgebinding and Allomancy together? The constant repetition of "Unite Them" to Dalinar. I think uniting the humans of Roshar is the first step, but am I the only one who thinks this extends to uniting the humans and Singers/Listeners (I don't think all the listeners are dead)? Whats the other alternative? Genocide against a species they have already wronged in so many ways? We've seen through Venli and the Thaylen Singers that perhaps they aren't so keen on war and a compromise can be reached. I think if more Singers were to join the KR's then it could be key to solving the issue. Additionally, I don't think its a war they can win anyway. Virtually no Radiants, no Honour, no Heralds, no Uritheru and the Coalition has fragmented before ever being set. I had more to write but I forgot a large portion of it because I didn't want to stop reading. This book was somehow too big, yet not big enough at the same time haha.
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