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  1. Huh, hadn't seen that one. I guess that makes me old now? Or perhaps just someone who doesn't like how people commonly misusing a word to mean something nearly the opposite of its original meaning becomes accepted use. I also refuse to accept that "literally" can me "figuratively" after all...
  2. On kindle version, pg 1150/location 23215: Jasnah is referred to as appearing nonplussed. By context, I'm pretty sure it's not trying to say that she is extremely surprised and confused.
  3. I thought quirk of allomancy too, but with the revelation that it also cannot be soulcast, it opens up possibilities.
  4. Quick question for those of you who are better versed in realmatic theory than I am: We now know that aluminum cannot be soulcast and cannot be affected by allomancy. I'd speculate that aluminum may be "immune" to all of the cosmere magic systems. What other interactions could that lead to with the other systems? Could an aluminum shield block a shardblade?
  5. The game looks awesome, I can't wait to get a chance to play it.
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